Chapter 232

[After this chapter there are only four more chapters before this arc ends and we move on to the great scar and beyond. Pacing and story progression should improve as it mainly goes back to Aiden's POV, though there will be other POVs here and there. I have learned a lot while writing this arc and next time I do something like this, it will be much improved as I will know what to keep in and what to keep out among other things. Thank you for your patience and support :)]

"There's something I need to do before we celebrate," Misty said just before they entered the green court area. She knew those they'd met were probably waiting to congratulate them and she knew she'd be swept up in it and forget about something she needed to do sooner than later.

"What?" Aiden asked.

"I need to speak to the Red Ribbons," Misty answered. "I need to let them know about my decision. I imagine they also want to speak to me, but don't want to intrude."

"Can't it wait?" Sandra asked.