
16. What to expect?

- " ahh I am tired, when this ceremony ends! oh wait!!! I forgot Today I need to go to the secret paradise to meet him..." I was saying until Mom, " Why are you in hurry? You seem flustered Alaska".

- " Well, Mom I need to go rest somewhere, please!" I said to Mom hoping she would not mind.

- " Going where? when the ceremony did not end yet! Do not make me more embarrassed than you did before". Mom said in a statement.

- " Sorry Mommmmmm byeeee" I said running away.

- " Alaska You willlll regret it " Mom said Out loud in anger.

- " Who cares I need to know more about him! " I said to myself.

While I was running on my way before entering to the forest, I tripped on a stone and fell.

- " Are you ok?" I heard someone saying.

I stood up while he helped me holding into my arm and looked clearly at him, he seemed familiar to me!

- " Thank you!" I said.

- He smiled and asked, " Where are you going? ".

- " I have business to do here".

- " Here in the isolated dangerous forest ? "

- " Yeah..wait thank you for helping but I need to go" I left saying that.

I run between the heights, stepping on thornes and stones, I run to escape the gloominess of my life, to see the lightness of the unknown...