The Battle Trial: Prelude

The next morning when Kaga woke up, she found herself alone on the bed she just shared her night with Shoto on, "And here I wanted to cuddle a bit more", she pouted.


But the pout erased itself when Shoto came in with Mother Rei holding a tray of food which she assumed as breakfast, though the moment Kaga was about to help out she was immediately stopped by Rei.

"Kaga, Dear, let Shoto pamper you! If I and your Father Enji didn't come home during the early morning, you wouldn't have been able to eat breakfast", as she said that she stared at her son.

'Shoto needs to learn to pamper Kaga, I guess a mother-son talk isn't too late to fix such boorish attitude', Rei thought after knowing that her son and Kaga have done the deed, but Shoto was actually still asleep and not have prepared breakfast for Kaga? Absurd!

Rei left the two to their own devices, but she didn't that she left a flustered Kaga, after all, she was currently naked...and only realized it late when she sobered up from her sleepiness, then hurriedly dresses up in her clothes instantly.

(She simply imagined the stored clothes within her Storage space to be instantly worn)

Shoto then began spoon-feeding Kaga the nutritious breakfast that Mother Rei prepared for the two of them, it was comical how careful Shoto was in feeding Kaga as if she was a porcelain doll.

*Snap* x???

On the gap of the door, Rei stole some shots of Shoto who was carefully feeding Kaga which she intended to share with her friend Ayane, Kaga's mom already knew that Kaga doing the deed with Shoto was bound to happen, especially with Kaga's physique which was inherited from her mother.

Around the age of 15-17 is when the body of a female fox gets easily agitated by such 'activities' since the body considers itself as an adult ready to mate.



After eating the hearty breakfast, Kaga looked at Shoto, "We still have an hour, can we cuddle for now?", she suggested.

Shoto didn't need a second to think and immediately initiated the cuddle with Kaga, her being the little spoon.


Though the base of Kaga's tail was rather itchy today which made her unknowingly rub her plump behind onto Shoto, igniting his little brother, to which Kaga didn't notice.

"Shoto, do mind scratching the base of my tails? It's rather itchy", she asked seemingly annoyed of it because of it.

'I remember this was a sensitive area for Kaga, right?', Shoto thought and began scratching the base slowly and began observing Kaga's reaction.

And he was right, she was involuntarily shaking her hips and clenching her toes due to the sensation of it. "Sh-Shoto I think that's enough~", she said after feeling that the itchy already disappeared for quite some time but she was just enjoying the free scratching.

But with Kaga's shaking hips that keep rubbing onto his little brother, he couldn't just stop and do nothing, "Kaga, you kept rubbing your behind on my co*ck, I need you to hold your voice, okay?"

"Mother and maybe the others could hear-Ahmp~!", she said as she turned her head to face Shoto but was only kissed, 'I guess I should try to keep my voice in'.

The two then began a short steamy session of lovemaking, but Shoto had to use his hand to cover Kaga's mouth since she couldn't hold her voice in, but kissing each other during a climax was something they always naturally did without even telling the other anymore.




'This body of mine is weird, it's almost as if I'm really in heat, ready to mate anytime', I thought to myself after reflecting on the fact that I never wanted to turn down Shoto's's more like my body is craving his now...though I'm not complaining either hehe.

'Is it like those animal documentaries that showcase a pair of animals being lifelong partners already? And my body is just 'marking' Shoto as one?', with that thought in mind, I then began thinking of what to say to Shoto.

I then turned towards Shoto with a 'serious' expression, "Shoto, you are the only one that can be my lifelong mate and partner in life, okay? You can't bring any extras.", I declared and said the last part with some worry.


"Ow~", I received a slapping tap on my forehead as his response, "I'm yours and you're mine, that's all, no extras", he said that as he looked at me with his love-filled gaze.

'Why did I even worry it in the first place?', "Cheesy, but it fits~", I said but also began moving towards the bathroom to clean myself and get prepared for school, but it seems my naked body with my swaying hips got something pumping full of blood once again.

He hugged me from the back, "Let's take a shower", he suggested, "We'll be late". He pondered for a moment and just casually stated that it's just the first day of classes.

'A hormonal teenager plus A Fox in Heat, what a combo!', Kaga thought to myself and proceeded to the bathroom with Shoto.






The couple arrived at school late, but just in time for lunch break period, and when the duo made their way to the 'Grand Mess Hall' or cafeteria, they were able to spot Himiko who was being pestered by her classmates, probably curious about her quirk or just wants to get to know Himiko.

Kaga waved towards Himiko and she was able to easily spot the couple, with her spotting them, she bolted in their direction and left her classmates that were buzzing around her like flies. "Mou~ The day was utterly boring without the two of you", she pouted and Kaga could only pat her head.

"Why were you late anyway!? I can understand Kaga being late, but the studious Shoto? Impossible.", Himiko exclaimed and began checking Kaga's body and giving it a random sniff for fun.

Though her playful sniffing caught something...Himiko is able to smell emotion..."Y-you're more mature!", Himiko deduced, but when the couple in front of her had both their faces blush and look around with their eyes, it clicked.

'Did these two have sex and it lasted till noon since yesterday and that's why they're late!?', Himiko thought to herself...already exaggerating what they did but decided to throw a teasing joke, "I'll be the God Mother, okay?"


This earned Himiko a light bonk in the head, "Let's go and eat, I'm curious about Lunch Rush's food", Kaga said and simply walked to the cafeteria with Shoto and Himiko

Long story short, the three were happy with their meals, it was good but not enough to beat the home cooking of their parents.

However, their peaceful time was interrupted when people from class 1-A started sitting down at their table too...well they didn't find Momo's presence annoying since she was mostly quiet.

The trio didn't really like it when people talk so much while eating, to them finish your meal first then talk as much as you want, or simple chatter is fine but making you actually pause your eating due to their talking is just something else.

When Kaga was just about to burst cause she keeps hearing a green-haired teen mutter about quirks and heroes non-stop, her eyes caught onto a purple-haired teenager, "Shoto, mind calling that kid to sit with us? I want to speak to him."

Shoto didn't know what Kaga was thinking of but it must be crazy, and the moment the purple-haired teen sat down Kaga began talking, "Hello, I'm Kaga Asakura, you don't know me but I know you."

The sudden arrival of the student got the attention of some of the currently seated class 1-A students and decided to listen in on the discussion that will unfold.

"I know your quirk and its potential, don't worry us three aren't narrow-minded enough to think you're villainous. Anyway, I'll cut to the chase. Start going to the Department of Heroes, if anyone questions you just say, "The Asakura Family did", and that'll solve everything"

Everyone and including Shinso who hasn't even talked yet, except Shoto and Himiko, who were listening to Kaga talk were coughing to their own food, shocked gazes, and some of them were just stunned.

But Shinso didn't care for the others and just directed his focus on Kaga, from a simple look he can tell the person in front of him wasn't afraid nor held any hostility so he just asked one question, "Why?"

"Simple. You have one of the greatest potentials to become the best Underground Hero, your quirk is best when it's not known. Though I advise you to train your body, even more, the good thing is it's already trained."

With Kaga's reason, it convinced Shinso to accepted the offer, "Before I forget to introduce myself, Hitoshi Shinso, nice to meet you", Shinso said as he walked off to reflect on what just happened.

"Since when can student hold such authority!?", Iida asked with an expression that screamed, 'He should go through a test!'

"A student can. They just need the Asakura as their Family name", Kaga said while not even giving him a glance, but it seems it just created more questions.

But it seems Momo didn't question Kaga, considering how only the influential people only know the true weight of that name, and Momo's family falls under that category as well, especially if your family deals with rare materials.

Though it seems their conversation reached another table as well...

"What's so great about the Asakura name anyway! HUH!?", the ever-so prideful and arrogant Bakugo decides to mouth off again with no filter as always. Though his future self is already wishing he had a filter.

Kaga lost all smile, Himiko was giggling, and Shoto...was Shoto. "I'll see you all at Foundational Heroics Studies", Kaga said with a smile and the trio simply stood up and left since they have already finished their lunch anyway.

To most people, it may have just been a simple offending question, but to Kaga who loves her family and takes pride in that name, it was an insult and slap to her.

"Tsk, a bunch of extras with sticks up their asses!", Bakugo said as he looked at the departing trio after observing their serious expressions.

"What!?", Bakugo asked as Momo kept looking towards his way, "From your attitude, I can tell you're arrogant and short-fused, but this time you painted yourself as a target. Do apologize before anything happens", Momo advised and left for their next class which was All Might's.

Even Midoriya advised Bakugo to apologize since it was rather rude, especially in Eastern Culture, though if this happened in China...a fight would've happened already to defend their family's honor.

"As if I'm going to apologize to someone I'll beat later! And especially that damn friend of hers!", Bakugo growled and too was waiting to showcase his skills during Foundational Heroics Studies, since Aizawa hinted it as a combat exercise.




