The Battle Trial: Consequence of Arrogance


Kaga and Himiko who were standing beside the fake nuclear weapon were now discussing a fun destructive plan.

"Considering we're in an enclosed space and you told me to know the structure of butane, and also got the blood from Yaoyorozu-san...I'm guessing you want to blow this place up~!", Himiko said and jumped around in joy, confusing the people watching from the monitoring room.

"Hehe, you really know my language, anyway, here's a bag of Momo's blood", Kaga gave to which Himiko drank and judged, "Hmm...I'll give it an 8 out of 10"

After seeing Himiko finish drinking it they made their way out of the building but Kaga punched a small enough hole through the walls, big enough for a hand.

Himiko then began creating the butane from the quirk she just gained temporarily which used up her lips, but Kaga was helping with regenerating her lips so that the room is compacted with gas.

"After the 4 minute and 30 seconds of prep time is up, we'll patch the hole with ice, and the windows too"

To the people of the monitoring room, they could only see Himiko's hand shine but nothing was coming out of it, 'Doesn't that look like when I activate my quirk? Can she copy quirk through blood!? But why isn't anything coming out?'

When there were only 30 seconds left for preparation, Kaga closed up the fist-sized hole with ice so that the gas doesn't leak out, if you're wondering where they exited from the start, they just exited through the hallway's window and sealed the door shut that had the bomb and soon to be gas-filled room.

Feeling satisfied, they left and went to another building's rooftop to watch through a small spy camera that came with their costumes, the camera was giving live footage of what was happening inside, so if their plan doesn't work, they'll just bust in and fight.

Though their actions confused their classmates even more, but Shoto had an idea of what Kaga was planning, 'Bakugo's quirk is explosive, and considering how they copied Yaoyorozu's quirk but nothing seems to be released...I'm guessing that's gas...tons of just had to insult the name', Shoto thought.




Meanwhile with Midoriya and Bakugo...

"Kacchan we have to plan, we can't just bust in without one! Don't you remember the videos of them during the Tokyo Sky Egg Incident!?", Izuku was trying his hardest to explain to his hot-headed best friend that their opponents aren't street thugs to push around.

"Exactly! Her ice will shatter under my explosions! And I still have to deal with that ASH-BLONDE EX OF YOURS! WHO WAS ONLY YOUR GIRLFRIEND FOR A FEW DAYS!", Bakugo retorted.

"Geez, you didn't have to remind me about that, but from what I can guess and search up about the Asakura Family before, is that they're a highly influential family. So you insulting the name could get you into trouble"

"I'LL BLOW THOSE RICH BASTARD UP THEN", Bakugo who was getting angrier by the second growled, if only he knew that he would be the one blow up today.


"Time to start, let's go!", Izuku said but he was ignored by Kacchan who was already readying himself with the use of his quirk.

*Boom!" x???

"COME OUT YOU DAMN VILLAIN!", Bakugo shouted and propelled himself with explosions coming from his feet and hands, "Kacchan, wait up!", Izuku shouted still wanting to come up with a plan.



"What do you think Asakura-san and Kan-san (Surname of Vlad King, AKA Adoptive father of Himiko) are planning? They don't seem to be protecting the bomb, and we can't see them even in the building", one of them asked.

"I don't know, but they're called Royals by the masses so they must have a plan, anyway let's just watch, the Heroes are already nearing the Bomb Room anyway", Momo said to which everyone just nodded.

"There is also another criteria for a Villain to win, to successfully enact their plan", Shoto said which confused everyone since All Might just say that there were only two. But Shoto only answered when the Hero team was just in front of the Bomb Room.

"Easy. Capture the weapon for Heroes, Let the bomb explode for Villains", as soon as Shoto said that they saw Bakugo pulling the pin from his grenade gauntlets to which the instinct of All Might flared up...not because Bakugo's move was's what awaited for them.



Before All Might could even warn Bakugo and his Inheritor, the floor they were in exploded to which shook the entire building and the monitoring room too.



"THOSE FU-CKERS! There were hiding all along in this one room! A bunch of cowards!", Bakugo was pissed that they had to go through all the floors and rooms just to find out that it was the last one.

But this time there was a stinging pain within Midoriya but he still doesn't know what it means, 'Sh*t! Why does my head hurt!', it just means that the danger in front of him is just overwhelming.

"[Full Cowl: 12%]!", nonetheless he still prepared himself and just allowed his Kacchan to do the breaching of the doors.

To make matters worse Bakugo was going to use his gauntlets that stored his extra sweat for a surprise attack that he prepared just for them, "FU-CKING DIE!"




His explosion blasted through the steel doors but the moment it even opened a bit...a chemical reaction happened at the same time within the room.


With the gas trapped within the Bomb Room, the blast that was almost like a rocket and it blasted the steel doors back toward the two and slammed hard into them and along with that force of the explosion.



The voice of All Might was resounding within the PA System of the training building, but none answered.


Back to Kaga and Himiko...

"I can hear them coming already~", Kaga said as her ears twitched to the sounds but they were still looking at the spy camera they left there, and all of a sudden the steel doors were blasted open and the place went...BOOM!


" ears are ringing! Well let's go and see what happened to those two, though it's not strong enough to kill them from what I can see", Kaga said as she saw the steel doors were the ones that smacked into two instead of the explosion's force.

AN: (How was Kaga able to see that? Simple, she increased the blood flow within her eyes and nervous system so that her perception of time slowed)

As they were walking into the floor that was littered in flames, Kaga spotted the steel door that had its one side scrunched and blackened. Casually lifting it up she saw two unconscious teens, and with a simple look, she can tell that they at least shielded their heads.

"Hmmm...nothing seems totally broken...with Recovery Girl she can solve it easy", but to make sure, Kaga slapped their heads and healed their heads if there were any damage. She wanted to teach a lesson, not kill someone.


The voice of All Might was heard to which Kaga just looked at a still standing camera and flashed an OK-sign. Soon enough, bots took the two, and Kaga and Himiko made their way back to the monitoring room.

"Young Asakura and Young Kan, what you did was dangerous!", All Might said but the two didn't care, "We were villains, plain and simple, you wanted training and that's training."

"And Bakugo's attack was stronger was it not? They were only left unconscious and if I wanted them dead...that's easy, and Bakugo's attack has the power to kill any one of the students here, so tell me again, what's dangerous?", with Kaga's retort All Might became quiet but was startled of the fact that she just stated she could've ended Bakugo quietly without a trace.

Though the classmates who heard that Bakugo's attack was extremely lethal paled, they saw the force of his gauntlets but the explosion within the room took the show. Truthfully, the explosion was only enough to knock them unconscious, considering how Bakugo has resistance against explosions and Midoriya...has One For All.

"Hah...Heroes Win anyway...due to you not", and yet again before speak, he was interrupted, "All Might-sensei, a nuclear bomb just exploded, how can the Heroes win? Realism is our target, so are you telling me that the Heroes won when a Nuclear Bomb just exploded in the middle of a city?"

'What Young Asakura said makes sense, if a bomb blew up, even if the Heroes caught the villains, at the end of the day the plan of the Villains succeeded', All Might thought to himself after listening to the logic of his student.

"Very well! It's a sounding logic, the villains PASS!"




And with that, the rest of the fights happened normally, the only notable ones to watch after Kaga's were when Shoto went against Inasa, or Momo's team against Kirishima

Shoto won by using ice since he guessed that his fire would be easily affected by his wind and could also cause harm to his teammate Mezo Shoji who wasn't really resistant to heat.

The way Momo won was quite funny to watch, you were basically watching a feminine Rambo creating guns out of her body, a walking armory. And she keeps her distance away, avoiding a close-range fight.

Her teammate that time was Uraraka who helped by making the guns lighter under Zero Gravity, so their combination was a solid one!

That was how the Battle Trial ended, but before it ended Kaga told All Might to stay and dismiss her classmates first...of course Himiko and Shoto were there too.




And when everyone cleared the room, Kaga simply brought all of them to the rooftop of a random building within Ground Beta and surrounded it with a sphere of Aang.

"Young Asakura, what needs my attention and this amount of secrecy?", All Might said as he looked around the sphere of ice surrounding them.

"I have an informant and they told me that they'll be attacking U.A.", when Kaga said this everyone within this space widened their eyes, even her two friends.

"Young Asakura, I hope you are not joking", All Might has lost all forms of smiles at this point, "I'm not joking, but here's the catch, I don't want you to do anything. Let them come."

And Kaga proceeded to place her hand on All Might's body, All Might, however, was confused with her action...not until he started feeling even better and better...back to his peak!

"I still want you to continue doing your three hours per day Hero work, I don't want the one behind the scenes to hide again after figuring out that you've been healed", Kaga then proceeded to show an injection to All Might, "These injections here are fake when the attack commences I want you to inject yourself, or act like you're injecting yourself. This will explain your sudden boost in strength which is basically your once peak power."

"Young Asakura, what is with all of this preparation to hide my strength? And since when did you have a healing quirk that can heal me to completion!?"

"It's a family secret, All Might. But remember your fight with All For One?", the moment All Might heard this he had a scrunched face already, "How do you know this name?"

"Helloooo? Asakura? You were basically healed in one of our Hospitals, no?", it was true, surprisingly, All Might, was being treated within one of the Asakura's hospitals. Young Kaga managed to overhear her parents talking about it and reached a conclusion that All Might has fought with All For One.

All Might found this logical but still warned her, "Do not spread that name, but he's dead, so why are you bringing him up?"

"Tokyo Sky Egg, remember that day? You weren't there but we three were. Let's see...the monsters had...Regeneration, Explosion, High Strength, Wings, and many quirks! Doesn't that ring a bell? Who could...give so many quirks? The Villain Factory was solved, but the one behind it wasn't"

The more All Might listens the more his face frowned, 'I-Impossible...I remember bashing his head into mush that day!'

"Anyway, what I'm saying is, there's a potential traitor within the school, the staff, a student, or even the Principal himself. But for now All Might, I just want you to stay within the three-hour range, so save as many as you can within three hours, and after that, go back to your mini-form.", Kaga said in a serious tone since she wants to remove the traitor if there is any.

"I see...although I would like to extend the three hours but...I must", Kaga sighed in relief when she heard that All Might agreed to her instructions, 'At least he isn't stubborn about this'

"Well, that's all, and also...I don't want you telling Midoriya of you being healed...he has a loose mouth. Another thing...No. Mentioning. Of. My. Power...because I will end whoever asks me to heal them, and I can trace it back to you. I can heal you and also rewind you back.", All Might was unknowingly sweating since Kaga's eyes were turning into that of a predator,

"Well, that's all, good day!", Kaga said and left with Shoto and Himiko who also had tons of questions to ask.






In a Certain Bar In Kamino...

"All Might is a teacher? Hehehe...he's weakening...from full-time Hero to Full-Time Teacher! It's evident that he has limited time...Kurogiri, get more than one Nomu from Sensei, we have to end it soon!"

"Be patient Tomura Shigaraki, our controlled student can only see the past of each person once a day, and we can only get information out of him after the day ends, so that whoever teacher he fresh information", Kurogiri said as he wipes the cups within the bar.

The TV suddenly lit up, "Tomura, be patient, that rat has already gotten free from my grasps and he observes every student, checking for irregularities...we mustn't get greedy...I'll send the Upper-tier Nomus, Good Luck with your plans", the voice said before he turned off once again.

"As you wish, Sensei", the man covered in hands said before turning back to scratching his neck.




