That's How You Declare A War!

AN: To those wondering, will Kaga be power gathering? Nope, she won't. Kaga will finish with Momo's quirk due to its usefulness, and a shapeshifter.


Kaga is now currently in school with Shoto and Himiko, they were currently in the library and decided to just skip class, considering their standing it was okay to do so.

"So, what's the important news~?", Himiko asked excitedly since Kaga's face was serious but had a smile to it.

"I'll be giving you two a quirk you need, don't question how it just happened."

Kaga then starts taking our jars of reddish goo with their own labels, [Regeneration] and [Byakugan], Shoto had two of it in front of him while Himiko only had the Byakugan.

"You're saying we'll get a quirk after drinking these?", Shoto asked with a bit of doubt, well it's natural since drinking a jar of red goo and saying a quirk is the side effect after drinking it sounds bonkers.

"You two already know Super Regeneration's effects, the [Byakugan]'s effects are 360-Degree vision, can see through anything, and can see distances away...depends how much you train it though."

As Kaga explained its use, the two started nodding their heads at the usefulness of it since it will essentially not let you get caught up in a trap since you can see through anything.

"Bottoms up?", Kaga suggested.

"Bottoms up~"




"Weird taste, I expected it to be like blood, but it's basically flavorless slushy jello", Himiko commented after drinking it.

"At least you only had to drink one Jar, I had to drink two jars!", Shoto said as kept drinking another jar of quirk factor.

"Oi! You guys are literally arguing over drinking jello that can give you a quirk! If a quirkless heard you, they'd have tried killing you", Kaga joked and stopped their quarreling since they were still inside a library.

"!", as soon as Kaga said that, the eyes of the two started to itch uncontrollably like the activation of a new quirk. Since they couldn't control it yet, they were currently looking in 360-Degree vision.

"Interesting, both your eyes became clearer and more transparent!" Kaga exclaimed as she saw their eyes transform, though hers was more extreme, from her previous circular pupil is now a verticle slit.

After gaining control over it they turned it off and stared at Kaga, "Is that why your eyes now have verticle slits?", Shoto asked.

"Yes! Do you like them?", truthfully speaking, Kaga forgot about the change in her eyes considering it's new to her.

"It completes the fox look", Shoto said as he looked at Kaga's eyes, but his eyes were like that of a predator for Kaga, Kaga felt Shoto's want which made her ears and tail flap in excitement.

Kaga seeing her ears twitch and her tails sway decided to kick Shoto's leg under the table for making her feel this way, Shoto could only smile at Kaga's antics.

"Kaga, what are these lines all over our bodies? There are even dots!", Himiko asked curiously and it brought Kaga out of her glare towards Shoto.

"Those lines are our nerves, and those dots are the pressure points, here let me press one on you as an example", Kaga proceeds to press one on Himiko's shoulder.

"I don't feel any different?"

"You don't feel it because I didn't strike you there, but try moving it", Kaga suggested.

"Woah~ I can barely move my arm...let's try something!", what Himiko wanted to try was manipulating her blood to see if she can use it as a driving force in case she's not able to move for some apparent reason.

""You can move your arm?"", the couple asked in sync.

"Something like that, I'm moving the blood within my arms to facilitate movement, though it's quite clunky moving", Himiko responded as she couldn't quite get a fluid movement.

"Anyway, will the two of you be training for Sports Festival? If you are not, then I have something fun planned~!", this got the attention of Himiko and the sigh of Shoto.

"We train every day anyway, so I guess dropping it down to routines would be fine", Himiko said and already canceling any future training and will just do jogs and some physical training to keep the body in shape.

"So what's!"

"I'm opening a dinosaur theme park, and I'll be announcing it at the Sports Festival!"

""..."", quiet.

"Nee~ Kaga, I trust you to unknown levels but...dinosaurs? and a theme park at that!?", Himiko blurted. "If it was one dinosaur then I would think it's possible but...a theme park of dinosaurs?"

"Don't worry, we'll take a two-week break from school, we passed all our classes anyway instantly", the two who were hearing this could only sigh and wait for their surprise.


"Break just ended, so let's go back to class", Shoto said and the two followed along.



[After School]



"Wh-whoa! WHAT THE HECK!", someone within class 1-A shouted which earned the attention of everyone else.

Kaga looked over and saw a crowd of students, but it was lesser than she expected, probably because others flocked to the class of 1-B too.

"Why are there so many students!?"

"They're scoping out the competition, they wanna see one of the classes that went through a villain exercise without many injuries. So they're here to check us out before the battle.", Bakugo said as he confidently walks toward the crowd.


"Don't go calling people you don't know 'Mobs' right of the bat! President, please do something!", Iida said and faced the Class President who was looking at this with disinterest.

"My, My, is this Class 1-A!? The so-called better section of the Heroics Department? Such manners Class 1-A have, unlike 1-B, we all have patience and manners!", another blond student walked up through the crowd.

'And here I thought by getting Class 1-B involved, I would get rid of that inferiority complex that annoying sh-t had', Kaga thought and decided to make her own declaration.

'Them declaring war on me!? Nonsense! I make the declaration!', Kaga thought as she stood up and strode towards the unsuspecting 1-B student.

"Ah, President, glad you're going to handle it", Iida said.

"Where's Class 1-B?", Kaga asked.

"Just at the end of the hall, but why?"

"No reason~"

"Haha~ Something's about to happen, to insult Class 1-A is to insult Kaga too~", Himiko immediately stood up and followed along.

"What is this? Is the President of Class 1-A going to leash this dog in front of me? Tru-URK!", before he could complete his sentence, Kaga's hand simply grabbed hold of his throat and squeezed it.

Everyone. Was. Stunned.

Class 1-A? Stunned.

Crowd? Stunned.

Himiko and Shoto? Meh.

Neito Monoma? "Uarrk!"

With Monama within Kaga's grip, she strode forward Class 1-B's room and monologed while walking, "No one insults my Class, got it? I'm the President of it, so you're insulting me in the end"

Meanwhile, Monoma was struggling within the grip of Kaga, he was trying to copy whatever quirk she had on but he wasn't able to. He even tried copying the ice abilities that she possessed but couldn't copy it too.

'Why can't I copy your quirk!?', he thought.

"Haha~ Look at his face, it's already turning bluish red~!", Himiko chided as she was having a blast in seeing someone struggle.

"A-Asakura-san! Maybe this is a bit too extreme!?", one of her classmates asked, maybe they could get her to drop whatever their President planned.

"It is. That's why I'm doing it. He was going to declare War on our class, and do you think I'll accept that? Of course not, might as well send one of our own with a bang", as she finished her statement there were now in front of Class 1-B's door.

'To knock or not to knock? Such troublesome thoughts'


"TADAIMA~!", Kaga shouted which alerted all of Class 1-B that were packing their bags.

"One of you thought you can declare War on Class 1-A and insult us? Well here is the garbage that tried to", Kaga threw Monoma towards the wooden podium to which broke into splintters.


"That's how you declare War, anyone wants to retaliate? Do so now", Kaga taunted.

This, of course, caused many to bite, first to charge was of course the Big Sister of Class 1-B, Itsuka Kendo.

"You think you can just waltz in here and break our door!?", she shouted.

"I just did"

Itsuka immediately increased the size of her fist, ready to enact revenge for her classmate, the chairs even started to levitate and have a purplish-pink glow to them, while some of it increased in size.

Kaga ignored those chairs and just rushed towards Itsuka and landed a palm strike towards her abdomen, this was not expected by Itsuka, for all she knew of Kaga, she did not expect her to have such physical prowess.


"Uewek!", the stomach juices of Kendo strutted out of her mouth as the palm strike of Kaga forced it out. And she too was sent flying to where Monoma was.


"Shoto, do you want to join in?", Kaga asked and just received a casual no, then she looked towards Himiko who was already grinning.

"Let's go Himiko, let's end this fast before your dad rushes here~!"

"Haha~ You didn't even ask if I wanted to join"

"Did I need to?"


As they finished their short conversation, numerous chairs and tables were sent their way, to which the two of them easily dodged and weave. It was just too slow in their eyes.

Pony who was watching this came out of her stupor, "Class 1-B what are you doing? We have to fight!"

The rest simply nodded and sent their own version of attacks. Jurota who couldn't transform into a beast while in the confines of the room decided to just charge wildly and trusted his physical strength. Though his instinct was telling him to get away from those two.

"UWAH! TAKE THIS!", he said as he swiped with his claws but missed wildly, his emotion was too easy for Himiko to read in where he wanted to attack. She activated her Byakugan and quickly struck the pressure points all around his body.

Rendering him numb and will only be able to move after an hour or someone healed him.

"You dare to attack God's children? [Ropes of Heaven]!" Ibara shouted and uncountable vines headed for Kaga, Kaga on the other hand didn't care and just released the frigid aura within her body.

When the vines even reached a range of two meters from Kaga, they all turned to ice crystals and shattered to bits, rendering it useless. Finishing her off, Kaga simply sent a fist of ice to quickly knock her out.

Seeing this, Tetsutetsu rushed forward and transformed into his Steel Body, thinking he can withstand the frigid cold that she released.

Kaga decided to crush that hopes by blitzing to his place and uppercutting his abdomen and sent him flying to the ceiling above.


His body was now stuck within the ceiling, and his liftoff also managed to push half of his body through the Class of 2-B, which startled them of the sudden appearance of an unconscious steel student.

All of Class 1-B was stunned seeing her able to punch Tetsutetsu easily into the ceiling, they didn't expect her strength to be this strong. They thought that she'd be hurt from punching him, not blasting him off.

Though this show of strength deterred most from continuing the fight, but some were adamant to at least pay them back.

One of them being Tsuburaba, his quirk being able to shoot out constructs of solid air from his mouth, his goal was to imprison one of them. His target being Himiko since she looked the easiest.


He managed to seal her inside a cube of sold air, but all he got in return was an expression of 'Are you serious?'.

"I can punch through a steel wall, and you think SOLID AIR can stop that!?", Himiko said and punched the prison with brute force.


A single punch managed to break the entire foundation of the prison, with the Byakugan, she was able to see where it was thinnest...though she didn't need it...she just wanted practice.

As soon as she got out of the prison of air, a barrage of horns rained in her direction, but her actions stunned many. Instead of dodging the hail of horns, she punches all of them speedily.

"Brittle. All of them!", was her comment and used [Bo-Bup] to appear right behind Pony, and knocked her out easily. Himiko then went for the guy who trapped her in the Air prison and proceeded to punch him in the belly, effectively knocking him out.

She looked around to see if anyone else wanted to fight her, but could only see the students give up. The students who gave up were Reiko and Yui, after seeing Tetsutetsu being blasted off to the ceiling.

But with her Byakugan, she was able to see a shadow moving through the dark spaces of the room, surprisingly enough this 'shadow' went for Kaga.

Himiko decided to just sit beside Juzo and talk to the fellow recommended student, "Why didn't you fight?"

"I might soften the entire building and send it crashing down", he said as he sat on his seat watching the fight between Sen Kaibara who was using his quirk Gyrate, spinning his arms incredibly fast to try and injure the fox.

However, Sen couldn't even land a single touch on Kaga and only received multiple tails that slammed him onto the ground, rendering him unconscious.

"You need to learn close-combat y'know! Imagine you doing martial arts and softening the foundation of your opponent suddenly, and send a barrage of attack as they get stuck within the ground", Himiko commented...while still looking at the Shadow.

"I guess, will take your advice then, why'd you attack anyway?", Juzo asked curiously.

"Well your blond student there wanted to declare War on Class 1-A, Kaga wouldn't have minded if he just insulted Bakugo, and she would've left it at that. But he kept saying that your class had patience and manners, which 1-A didn't.

Now, Kaga's showing you the consequence of calling her without manners, and Kaga decided to follow through with the insult by showing you what she could do every day without manners."

"Oh, oh, watch this!", after Himiko's long explanation, she suddenly kept pointing towards the back of Kaga, and moments later, a black silhouette came out of the shadow ready to pounce Kaga from behind and attack her sneakily.

But all he reached were a barrage from the nine tails of Kaga, launching him on the walls of their class, implanting him there. And with his pressure points struck too!

"Welp~ We're done here, thanks for the warm-up ~!", Himiko stood up and followed Kaga out the door.

"Declare another war on us again, and I will break bones next time", was all Kaga said as she walked out.

"That's the Royals for you~", Juzo said lazily as he watched the people who fought laying unconsciously on the ground.




