Sports Festival: Have A Taste Of My Balls!

AN: There will be a lot of 'Balls' in this chapter







The students were now in the arena and are wearing the vest that will signify whether they have been hit by a ball or not, along with the vest, they are equipped with a ball in each of their hands.

"As I said, the winner of the previous event has a bonus, and that bonus will be an extra life.


If you hit the first-round winner, you will be able to keep their extra life, and if you have an extra life your vest will glow yellow! If your vest glows red, it means you've been hit and you're out!

The goal of this event is to survive, the last 16 that are standing will make it to the finals! Once the timer reaches START, you may start!"

Midnight instructed the ins and outs of the game, and due to that, everyone had their eyes of Kaga...greed is a scary thing that clouds judgment. It seems they have forgotten how she dodged attacks as if she was walking in the park.

'Once the timer says 'Start'? I bet they're testing the reaction time of the students...well I'll be eliminating the weaker opponents, even though I'm annoyed from Bakugo...I would still want to fight him directly', Kaga thought.

Soon enough the timer began to start.










And just like what Kaga expected, the timer didn't even end at Zero and instead started somewhere midway.

Not wasting the opportunity of having the students confused, Kaga began the assault, but why end it so early? They never said you can't hit anything else but the vest, right?

Kaga decided to eliminate one and torture the other, and just like a bullet ejected out of a gun, Kaga threw the ball with physical force towards Aoyama's vest and the other towards Neito's...balls.


Aoyama was immediately struck in the chest and his vest glowed red, but the force of the ball made him gasp for air, the force from Kaga's attack pushed the air out of him.

Monoma on the other hand was left slumping onto the ground as he squirms in pain, he was only targetted by Kaga for trying to declare some bullsh-t during their walk in the tunnel.

[The games have just begun and we already have an out! Such reaction speeds from Asakura, but it seems she has struck the babymakers of Student Monoma! There's always the career path of Priest by the way!], Present Mic commentated while he clutches his own balls for protection.

[This event is to test the situational awareness of students when they become Heroes, simply listening in to important details can give you an advantage. And Asakura has clearly gotten the advantage due to it.]

The crowd who were watching this could only flinch and cover their own set of babymakers, the scene was just too much. But it was quite hilarious to see a stadium filled with men flinching all at the same time.

The students finally got out of their stupor and finally understood that the game has started, those closest to Monoma quickly outed him by raining balls down on him...maybe he needs a spare?

Surprisingly, Bakugo wasn't going after Kaga, he probably wants to fight her during the finals when it's always a 1 vs 1 match-up.

Shoto and Himiko decided to simply chuck their balls towards weak students, their goal was to quickly eliminate the weaker students so that none are advancing to the next round due to luck.

Though after throwing all of their ammo of balls, they simply sat next to Kaga, probably planning to wait this out since they didn't want to participate much when you can only chuck balls at one another.

Other students began looking for ways to creatively use their quirks, whether it be in the protection department, speed, or even offense.

Inasa on the other hand had brought it to himself to eliminate a huge chunk of students by positioning himself on top of the hill, once he was on the top, he began quickly circulating the wind throughout the stadium.

Due to the circulation of wind that traveled at rather fast speeds, students who didn't have a quirk that had great offensive capabilities had their balls swept into the wind when they threw it.

Other balls, on the other hand, had their trajectories changed and were also swept and collected into the wind. Inasa was now standing on top of the hill, surrounded by balls, treating it like some sort of armor.

"THANK YOU FOR THE BALLS!", Inasa roars towards the students who were already looking for ways to protect themselves from the expected onslaught...though his sentence was rather...yeah.

"...", the crowd was silent, until one Korean man was compelled to say the Ancient words of his ancestor.

"Ha!, Gayyyyyy!", the Korean man said out loud and his voice reverberated throughout the stadium, which caused all heads to turn towards him.

He didn't know whether he fulfilled some sort of fate, but he was sure that he was rather proud of what he said, and even began randomly flicking his chin at the crowd. Certainly a weird moment.

Back to Inasa...

When Inasa was satisfied with the amount he has collected, he brought the entire collection of balls down towards his opponents, not caring whether they are strong opponents or not.

During this time, however, the students have all teamed up with their respective classes to not face elimination.

Momo was the salvation of class 1-A, she created a massive umbrella that was strong enough to not be folded by the winds. She created enough for class 1-A to act like Spartans and their shield wall.

Class 1-B's savior was Ibara, she created a cage of vines that will cover her entire class, at least those who are still not eliminated.

But compared to the two classes, Class 1-A was struggling in keeping up with the Umbrella wall since theirs weren't rooted in the ground compared to Ibara's vines that are rooted to it.

And what were the trio doing?

They were casually sitting down and letting Mr. Knight do all the hard work by blocking all the incoming balls, to the eyes that were watching they simply thought of Mr. Knight as something being controlled by Kaga since it was made of ice.

'It's not really cheating is it? I mean...he did come from my power after all', Kaga thought as she lays her head onto the shoulders of Shoto, only to jolt up when she remembered that they were under the eyes of millions of people!

This of course did not escape the eyes of her parents and Shoto's, they could only giggle at Kaga's carefree attitude, though Ryu was trying to keep his emotions in check! 'HAHA! I need to have a talk with that damn kid after this event, I need to know how he truly feels!'

[What an unexpected scene of teamwork even when it's a free-for-all event! What do you think Eraser!? Was it a wise choice to help a fellow competitor out?]

[In an event like this it is completely illogical to help a competitor out without any sort of gain, but in real-life situations, it is always best to cooperate with one another even when you are a capable Hero]

When the situation died down, everyone took a peek out, and once they did everyone had their eyes on the balls that littered the floor. However, none made their move.

[It seems many have turned into shells and are not coming out of their self-made bunker!], Present Mic said as he analyzed the students only peeking out of their shells.

[Going out alone is dangerous, you would be easily picked off when you're the odd one out, not unless you have the power to flip the board], Aizawa said as he looks up into the sky...he was looking at a massive pillar of ice.

[Like I said, situation awareness and the power to flip the board], as soon as Aizawa's comment was said a massive pillar struck the hill where Inasa previously stood, and caused shockwaves to travel within the playing ground.



The massive ice pillar impacted the ground to such a degree that every competing student lost their balance and was swept away from the force of it.

Though what's surprising is that, the damage was only inside that of the competing area of the stadium and it didn't reach the spectators, this showed excellent control of force!

Kaga has already had enough of this little event and was beginning to grow hungry, and she was also expecting to meet her cousins and aunt!

"Shoto, Himiko, let's have lunch~! If we don't move we're going to be here longer than needed. Target the weak ones though~", Kaga said as she stretched her body and grabbed a ball with one hand.

"What's going to be lunch anyway? There were many stalls outside~!", Himiko asked as she wasn't paying attention to the different varieties of food sold.

"I'm afraid I won't be treating you today, but you can eat with my family if you want! My cousins are apparently from Totsuki Academy, so they're probably cooking", Kaga said as she just remembered that her relatives have come to watch too.

"Do you th-"

"Please don't ask for cold soba, Shoto, there are different kinds of food too, you know!?", Kaga said as she already expected what Shoto was going to ask.

"Okay.", was all Shoto said.

[Asakura, Kan, and Todoroki seem to be moving now! What's their plan?], Present Mic said as he suddenly noticed the top three students who were just casually sitting now making a move.

[They probably want to end it now since the students weren't moving much, they probably thought the students would be trying their hardest to eliminate one another, instead, they hid]

During this time Kaga, Himiko, and Shoto began picking off the weaker students so that the stronger students can make it into the final round.

The students who were eliminated could only sigh at their weakness, but only some realized that they could have been eliminated far earlier if the trio wanted to.

Some tried resisting by throwing long-ranged quirks at the three, but those who did got a punch in the abdomen with the ball sticking out. Anything goes as long as you attack with the ball.

Students who got punched by the three were sent beaten unconscious by one attack to the belly, this made the students give up any sort of resistance, if you're going to get tagged anyway might as well just let them.

Soon enough the top 16 emerged from those that were spared by Kaga and the other two, everyone watching was shocked to see how fast the trio dealt with the students.


[I guess they already wanted to end this event fast...with their skills, it would have been more appropriate to place them within the Senior's Stage. That tells you how far ahead they are compared to their peers], Aizawa said in his opinion which stunned many with his commentary.

[The last 16 Students still standing will make it to the Finals and compete against each other in a heated HEAD-TO-HEAD BATTLE!


An hour Lunch break is needed to replenish the strength of our students! The Event will resume in an hour!







(That one hour break is my break for the day)