Chapter vii

They are on their way to  Raptor island, on the bus, fast asleep ,  Madison, and Jetta and Hanna is out,  they kissed them on their foreheads, "  sleep my queen,  they look so peaceful  don't they. asked, Viktor. " yeah, we set  out to get the women of are dream, is this a dream Lance? asked. Tony, " are we actually married to them are they actually carrying  our babies? asked. Christopher,  " i hope it not a dream, i be stomp if it was, said.  Lance they are waking up, " were are we? asked,   Madison" still on the road babe,  you okay. answered, Lance. " is there a bathroom or going to stop at the rest stop? asked,  Kari,  " hey sleep head there a bathroom on the bus, answered, Heather, " gross i  am not using  that, Tony. "on it  could you watch her for me me, " i got  her,  he walked to the front, "is there a rest stop the girls got to the bathroom, said.  Tony, "  how bad girls? asked,  Henry.  " bad your grandsons is pushing on my bladder,  can we stop  at rest stop please i need to go,  Lance kissed her on the  head , " Lance there is a bathroom on the bus girls, said. Sara, "  huh i not using that , mom why can we stop. Christopher, said, Hanna.  Sweet thing  let's give it try, said.  Christopher, "  what you say babe, i promised once we stop at the hotel  you have  a grand bathroom, said. Lance "  Jetta  there is no stop, so how about  we also give it a try, said. Tony,  " really i am not using the bus bathroom Lance do something please, said.  Madison, "  can there be a rest stop please,  i rather  have her  in a place not moving where i can know that  all four okay, Mr. Christmas please for us, begged,  " they will not take  long,  we just trying to be loving husbands here Mr. Christmas,  begged.  Tony, "  they be back on the bus before you know it  sir,  all we asking  can we stop at gas station or store so they can go,  we begging  you please, said,  Christopher,  hearing how much they loved and in love with his daughters,  George pulled up at  restuarent,  "  go to the bathroom,  (we are stoping  for a rest time,)  they help them up, and walked them down the bus, " thank you,  sir we be back soon come on  babe, he help her off the bus , "  thank you Mr. Christmas,  we won't be long at all,  come on  Cupcake, he help her off the bus. "  you don't know how much this really means to us, sweet thing  let's go.  he help her off the bus all six walked  inside the door, " they are fat, said. Beth, " shut up Beth, they are pregnant, would aspects you to know that or understand, because you are not married and expecting, Heather told her, which shut her up. Beth is very Jealous that she doesn't have anything to go on, or married to her boyfriend, they got back on the bus, "  thank you dad couldn't hold it anymore, Beth got in the way, " pregnant huh, she was about to touch her, which set Lance off, he threw her in her seat, " keep your fithy hands off my wife and sons tramp. Babe you okay? Asked,  Lance . " yeah, keep your hands and mouth off my husband, they head to the back, "  do not but your hands on her  and my daughters, either,  step back and get out of my way, Cupcake i got you come on, said.  Tony, "  don't even look, stir,  at him, keep your eyes  warn Jetta they head to the back, "  don't you darn touch my wife  and sons  either,  i don't believe  in laying a hand on  a women, will we can't really call you that so i guess knocking the heck out of you won't hurt,  come on Sweet thing,  said,  Christopher,  "  do not drawl over  my husband, you want a  man go find your own, boyfriend staler,  said.  Hanna, they sat back do and they  rive up the street.  they are  half way to Raptor island,    "  hey how you three doing? asked.  Heather, " good so far,  worrying  over us all night,  we both  hardly get any sleep,  La, Tony, and Christopher is out,  they strokes their husbands hairs. " (  okay  Christmas family we are approaching the Raptor hotel,  so after we unpack, meet up in the lobby so we can meet the tour guide,) announced.  Henry, they drive into the gates and up at the hotel,  they got off the bus, "  Lance we here wake  boys,  said.  Kari,  they wake up, " i know once we get in and in the room  we can  get  some rest,  they picked them up. "  get something  to eat,  we all feel better, said,  Jetta. " sleep  better hopefully,  they walked off th bes, they got their bags  off the bus and enter the  hotel and  walked inside  of their rooms,  Lance  shut the door and set  Madison, on the bed,  sat their bags on the floor, "  to be honest i don't know if i could  take the bus again,  did we made the right choice of coming? asked,  Kari, Viktor walked up and got on his knees he run  his hands up her legs and said,  say  the words  we could take a cab  back to Detriot, anything you want Mrs. Lance Astros Nevada, i love you babe, i do anything  for you. who would think  the most extreme sexy  #ss women would be my  trainer and wife at the same,  said.  Lance,  she laughed, " yeah you pick your trainer boss to married now you asking  for me to be both, correct?    Beth is here i do not i can contian myself,  said. Madison, "  i am one women  man  my wife has blonde hair and blue eyes i  find extremely hot, ohh baby you set me on fire,  i am not into black hair, hazel eyes  women, she touch  you again i snack the h#ll out of her, no one put their freaking his on my wife and kids,  i go through h#ll and back for you that how bad i got it for you, one word we are gone and back in Denver.  She strokes his face,  " see things like what got me in the first place Mr. Nevada come here,  he smiled at her,  " i am man of many  to get the women he set his eyes on,  he got on the bed they  kisssed each other, and  Tony and Jetta room, he walked in the door  and closed it he sat her down on the bed and put their bags down,