Black clouds hover just below the shiny stars and the moon. Making the night even darker.

Though it does not dampen the mood below, women talk, children laugh and run around, and the food stall owners happily serve their customers, this place was full of vitality, and peace.

On a certain street, a child turned a corner and walked in. The next moment the bustling street quieted down.

"Hey, look!"

"It's this boy again, damn, we should get out of here"

"Huh? Why?"

Some villagers who had not seen the child asked questions, and at the same time, they could not help taking a step back.

The man shook his head, his eyes locked on the little figure, his face showing disgust.

"Do you know that couple in the village that got brutally murdered by their own son..?!"

"Huh? Then... Is this kid?"

"Yes, he is... the boy who killed his parents brutally"

"It is him? It was really bad luck to come out and eat today. Look, he is still wearing mourning clothes. It's been 3 years since then. Does he not know that this is a bad omen? I'd better stay away from him..!!"

There was a burst of discussion, and the little boy suddenly turned his head to look at the person who asked the first question. This frightens the guy so much that he fell on his butt while shaking.

In the next second, the boy turned his head, ignoring these gazes, and proceeded forward flatly.


Raizel ignored them and continued to walk his way.

One could ask why not just kill them. It's because he can't. It's not that he is weak but rather because he will fall in trouble. If he doesn't behave well he will undoubtedly be subdued by Uchiha's police force, and he does not think Hokage will be kind enough to save him.

Whether he can kill all of these people is one thing. Another thing is that this contempt and disgust have become a part of his life. Well, it has been ever since he killed his parents with his own hands.

This is a world of ninjas, here is the strongest village among the five great ninja villages. Konohagakure no Sato.

Raizel was born as a mutant in a small settlement to noble parents: Takeshi and Yamanaka Suzuran. Carrying an endless amount of Chakra, and being extremely sensitive to it along with the ability to absorb nearly anything that is made of chakra, Raizel's birth was a miracle in itself.

If he was born in any other family of any settlement he would be treated like a treasure. His heaven-defying birth was enough to ignite the envy and respect of others since his birth. However, it was not the case here.

At an early age, Raizel was exposed to extreme domestic violence, due to his father's natural competitive and battle-craved spirit; All because Raizel was born with something he wasn't.

He could see it since the boy turned a year old. Surpassing his father would be a mere cakewalk for him. The Jealous driven man used both Raizel and his mother as an outlet for his anger.

He married Yamanaka Suzuran to get the power of the Yamanaka clan to his side and then further using her status to become the clan elder one day. He made her fall in love with him and convinced her to marry him.

But to his bad luck, this stupid woman just gave up on her clan and came to live with him in his cottage...!!

He tried many things to make her go back. But nothing worked, and when his son was born with so much talent, his anger just exploded.

Every day was a test of survival for both him and his mother. His mother, Suzuran was often severely beaten to the point where her bones would shatter, her skin would tear. Raizel himself starting from the age of two, personally tends to her wounds and ailments, becoming rather advanced in terms of medical ninjutsu at an age where most had still been learning the basics of what it meant to be a child in a world full of war and unrest.

Despite living a hellish life, he was always smiling though. Because he loved seeing her happy face that is always so full of love for him.

For her... His grin was so pure, so innocent, and so full of vitality, and perhaps that is the reason his smile was crushed so badly that it never came back.


Shortly after Raizel had turned three years of age, his father's anger and abusive tendencies peaked at an all-time high, without restraint, without mercy, the man was a demon, and nothing more but a shell possessed by undying hatred and anger from his own faults.

The target, at this point in time, had been Raizel; his father had enjoyed the thrill that came from seeing his son struggle and desperately do anything to cling to his life. Although getting abused on daily basis helped, there was no possible way his small and frail body could hold up to the beatings and exhaustion his father delivered and caused.

And soon, Raizel's body had given in to the abuse, unable to walk, move, or fend for himself, his father blinded by rage attempted to stomp the boy's skull and end his life.

However, before he could succeed, his mother had thrown her body with everything left in her, in a successful attempt to push Raizel's body out of the way of the attack and take it in his stead - the result... her skull being stomped, fractured, and her head itself splattering in all directions from the amount of force exuded from the man.

Watching from a distance, unable to move, unable to react, or cry from fatigue, exhaustion, and. dehydration, Raizel watched his mother dying that night.

"Ka... san", He lost his consciousness that night; unable to stay awake, and lay unconscious in his own pool of blood.


A mother's love is said to transcend beyond any and all barriers placed in one's path. An unblockable warm embrace that even gods themselves envy, yet admire. Such had been the case for Raizel.

Raizel had lost consciousness, only to arrive on a plane that met and linked this world and the next. Sitting there, his dead mother, as he came to his full senses in the plane, he'd feel the warm embrace of her surround him.

She was hugging him with such love and gentleness that he refused to let go. For once, he felt safe, loved, and cared for. The pain and abuse, both mental and physical, simply become null.

A tear rolled down his eye in limbo, upon it falling into the nothingness beneath that served as their foundation. And just like that, his mother was gone, yet her warm embrace remained constant.


When Raizel opened his eyes, it was already the morning of the next day.

From that day, his persona changed. The psychological effects of such a trial, have developed in him a somewhat dulled conscious and far from the happy innocent boy he typically displays. His personality grew to be condescending, and cold-hearted, holding a blank expression of nothingness on his face.

The next few days he became dull to everything around him, His emotions were often unreadable, his motives one-tracked, and his eyes, despite their beauty, empty and devoid of sympathy or love.


A few days later, he came out covered in blood all over. When the Uchiha police force found him during their patrol they found the dead and bloody body of a man that was badly mutilated from head to toe, and of a woman who seemed to be dead for a few days.

"Fugaku sama", One Uchiha came beside Fugaku, the leader and chief of the police force, "That boy is trouble. The man and woman's time of death seems to be days ago. Yet, their bodies never left the house. The bodies are even decomposing. Even the blood on his clothes is..."

Fugaku raised his hand to stop the man from talking. As he walked up to the bloody boy, "Who killed them?"

"I did", Raizel answered without even emotion whatsoever.

"Contact Hokage sama", Fugaku ordered


He was taken in by the Root a few days later.

While he was cared for by the root in order to allow him to grow up and become a strong killer, that was only for a very short time.

Once his foundational training was completed, he was left in a cold forest, all alone, hunted constantly by the wildlife, as if nature itself wants him dead.

Not eating for days, the only accessible food source is snow and the dirt below it, with the occasional insect or animal carcass. Coming across another human who has already lost, after so long, as they are now nothing but a mere visage of what they once were, and the tender, juicy excess of food the Gods have given him. Free food... from his own kin.

No one would remain sane after such a trial. But he did, he survived all the way to the end. Danzo called Raizel back as soon as he got this news. The boy was his lucky charm. To train the boy into his top puppet. He asked Hokage for the top guy. Sakumo Hatake.

Sakumo knew that the boy came from Danzo's side, and it couldn't be any good but he still trained the kid with all he got without any discrimination.

Raizel did whatever he was told. But this time his training went differently, Sakumo Hatake blew the source of life into this lifeless puppet.

Even though Raizel never showed any kind of emotions. He knew that Sakumo sensei was rough but a good person. He might be the only person who treats him like a human after his mother.