
In the Hokage building, Danzo and the third Hokage sit while reading the message that arrived only a few hours ago.

"Why would Mizukage kill his own people?", Danzo ask as he put down the teacup on the table.

Hokage sighed as he leaned on his chair, "I don't know"

"Hm", Danzo picked the teacup again as he sip the tea.

"Say Danzo, have you ever seen Ghost's face? His true face I mean"

Danzo shook his head, "Not since he turned into Ghost. It's been years now. Why?"

Hokage shook his head, "No reason. I just had a thought"

After talking a bit, he sent Danzo out. Preparing to work once again.

Elder Homura came inside, "Hiruzen, what's wrong with my grandson, It's been a long time, and let alone getting better, he is getting worse as the days go by"

The third Hokage calmed elder Homura down, "Trust the doctors, alright? They are far better in this department than us. If you are not satisfied with the treatment; how about we increase the medical budget"

Homura nodded immediately, this is concerning to his grandson's feeble life, how could he not agree. Hokage nodded but stopped and frowned, "We don't have enough money to spare"

"What do you mean?"

Hokage sighed, "I mean, we are really tight on budget. How could we afford an increase in the budget"

"I can make it happen", Homura said

"Really? How?"

"I can just give the money I invest in Root to the hospital"

"But what about Danzo and...

"Hiruzen, this is not the time to be indecisive, I will talk to those two. Just make sure my grandkid gets the best of the treatment"

Hokage could only nod under elder Homura's extensive persuasion.

Elder Homura has never been a broad-minded person anyway, According to him, giving money that he gives to Danzo for operating Root at the hospital for his grandchild is no big deal. Once his grandchild is back on his feet again, he could always cut off his money supply and give it back to Danzo.

After sending Homura out, Hokage looked at the door with a sigh


~~5 Days Later~~

For the full 5 days, Raizel full-fledged become a merchant under the watchful eyes of Mei Terumi. Even though he was a rookie and barely sell anything. he achieve the effect they wanted.

As he spent an extravagant amount of money these 5 days, it attracted the eyes of the kind of people one should not attract. It wouldn't be long before he was attacked with the intention of rob.

On the sixth day, Raizel boarded the ship along with the rest of the civilians. Mostly merchants like Raizel. But today was a bit different, today, pirates drawn by Raizel decided to attack and plunder.

It was great timing because this was all the savings they were spending. If the pirates did not come today Mei and Raizel would really have had to steal from the civilians if they wanted something to eat.

Snap! Snap!

Two loud noises! Raizel and the merchant ship slammed into a pirate ship.

'Here they come', Mei Terumi watched everything fold before her eyes from under the water.

Under a furious assault, the mast of the merchant ship fell down, damaging the ship's hull. Making it unable to advance further. The pirates throw some ropes and boarded the merchant ship.

The Pirates in black were very energetic. They howled in face of the easy battle. In an instant, swords and weapons were flying across the merchant ship..!!

The hull of the ship was deeply dented, covered in the blood of innocent! They yell and the shouts of help ring out! These shouts weren't from the merchants though!!!

"What's the matter?"

"what's happening"

Soon, the pirates were frightened. They were shocked to discover that the opponent who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere was unimaginably powerful.

She was like a god of war, punching and hitting their pirate crew to death.

"Water Style: Water ball Jutsu"

She dodge the incoming water ball coming at her, as she looked at the man who threw that.

"Mei Terumi, the princess herself came to greet us. What an honor", The bandit shinobi laughed, "I am going to enjoy bedding you", The bandit shinobi said with lust in his eyes

Mei smirked as she flick her hair out of her face, "You are too ugly for that"


In mere few minutes, bandits fall one after another.

The injured and immobile pirate shinobi watched his companions falling in a pool of blood one after another before his eyes dim away.

Mei kills the pirates like a beast, Her Jutsu ripped through the air, and screams followed afterward; the blood and flesh flow in different directions..!! The pirates were terrified and scrambled enough to jump off the ship!

"Evil pirates why are you running? Huh? Weren't you oh so mighty just now..?!", Raizel yelled appearing out of nowhere.

Mei looked at Raizel and shook her head, "Enough. Where were you hiding all this time, I didn't see you for so long", Mei said.

Raizel pointed at the corner, "There. I guess you were too busy with the battle that you didn't notice"

She nodded, "Let's go inside their cabin, we gotta find something"

Raizel nodded as he went inside with her, they searched and roam everywhere. Seizing nearly everything.

Most important of them were a few wooden boxes, "All the money is here", Mei said happily

Raizel's eyes beam as they high-five.

"We are rich again", Mei yelled happily as they nearly robbed the entire pirate ship.

"Wait. What is this?", Mei stopped seeing the paper on board.

"What is it?", asked Raizel

Mei growled, "It's their dealings with Mizukage. This is how Mizukage forces were making so much money despite everything", She crumpled the paper and threw it aside, "I am surprised that they didn't send someone to their protection even after knowing that we are going to rob them. I thought they were watching our every action.... something's wrong"

Raizel shivered with fear, "Let's just get out of here"

She shook her head, "I am missing something"

"Please let's just get..."

"Yes. Yes. Why are you such a coward", She disdainfully said as they walked away.

'Come to think of it, the shinobi that was following us for so long had their chakra disappeared all of a sudden. why? Did they get what they wanted to see and went back to report Mizukage?!'

Raizel chuckled slightly as he made his way out with her.


The next day, Mizukage read the secret scroll presented to him, he grits his teeth and threw the scroll away, "That witch"

Apparently, Yesterday, Mei Terumi took away all the money that belonged to him, Kill the bandit shinobi he sent to protect those useless pirates, and somehow for some reasons unknown the guard he sent to watch over her disappeared in thin air. Definitely her doing. How could he not get angry?!