"This is an S rank and highly confidential mission, you are not to disclose its content to anyone. No matter who"

Ghost nodded.

"Kumogakure has a prisoner. He is highly knowledgeable. Kill him. And don't leave a trace of murder", Fox said, "Kumo must not start searching for his murder or for him"

Ghost nodded and the fox keep talking, "That means, he can not die or disappear out of nowhere, Kumogakure must never suspect a thing. You are good at it. I will leave it to you"

Ghost nodded again

"Here's the file of the one you need to eliminate. The time limit is of 2 weeks. Now Go"

Ghost vanished.

Two days later, He sits in front of the mirror, slowly disfiguring himself, placing scars all over his face making it irrecognizable. He did the same with his body. He stare at the round pill in his hand and took a poison pill that changed his voice. He groaned because the pill didn't work at all.

His poison resistance is extremely high. When he was training under Danzo he used to take the extremely deadly mixtures of poisons with no antidote daily along with his food, he was the only one in Root(s) who was fed so much poison and abuse on a daily basis.

They said that since he was far more talented than everyone else, that's why his training was far tougher than anyone else. Ghost sighed taking raw materials he made the poison pill of his own. One that could be highly poisonous to everyone else but him. And sure enough, the pill worked despite barely. He sighed in frustration, even with such a highly lethal poison, he has barely lost his voice...

After a few minutes, he shaved his hair to make himself go completely bald. Ghost was ready.

A week later, a rough shinobi tried to kill a Kumo shinobi jail but failed. And was captured instead.


Three weeks ago, He completed his mission; he killed the prisoner, and now all that's left was escaping.

"AHH... AGHH... ARRRGHHHHHHHH" He screamed. The knife dug into the side of his abdomen. Ghost's wrists pulled hard at the restraints keeping him pinned to the table.

"Shut up little shit. We're only having fun, right? At least this isn't punishment. You do deserve some though..."

Ghost shivered involuntarily.

The prisoner grin, "You still not gonna talk who you are? Good, I like men like you, It gives me time to assess my art", The man smirked and pulled back the bloody knife.

Throwing the bloody knife on the table next to Ghost, The Kumo prisoner went to wash the blood from his hands. Ghost's panted, 'Thank god it's over...'

The man walked back over to Ghost with an evil smile on his lips 'Now or never' he kicked the man in his face causing him to fall to the floor and yelp in pain. The man stood back up red in the face and glared daggers with his eyes screaming

"Your gonna pay for that one" The man grabbed the knife and stuck it to the handle in Ghost's thigh.

Ghost screamed out in pain, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. 'Just a little longer', he thought.

The man twisted the knife causing Ghost to scream even more.

Before the man even knew what had happened Ghost painfully wrapped his legs around the man's waist and forcefully brought him forward. The man fell on top of Ghost giving him the chance to bite the man's shoulder. The man let out a yelp as blood flowed freely from his shoulder.

Ghost then moved his head to the man's pocket on his chest and bit down on a pair of keys hanging loosely from it. Kneeing the man in the crotch he fell to his knees grabbing at the pained area. He kicked the man in the face knocking him out cold.

'Only one shot at this', he thought as he brought his feet towards his head to grab the keys. When he got hold of them he quickly brought his feet to the restraints and slowly and carefully began to unlock the first cuff.

After what felt like an eternity passed Ghost moved his freed hand and unlocked the second cuff. He rubbed his sore wrists and checked the rest of his body for injuries. His thigh was bleeding heavily and now that the adrenaline was gone the pain tripled. Next was his abdomen. It was a sharp cut going from his right hip to his navel. Not very deep but still hurt like a hell. Ghost grunted as he made his way from the table and over to the door in the room. Finally, he would escape from this hell.

Finally, he could go back.


On Konoha main gates, a limp body was on the ground whose breathing was irregularly fast and was wearing ragged cloth blood coming from a wound somewhere on his head, sticking out all over the place.

"Who is it", suddenly came the voice of Kakashi, who was returning from some mission. He checked his pulse.

"His heart rate is abnormally fast. We need to get him to a doctor" Kakashi yelled at the Village guard, "I will inform Hokage sama of an unknown body that is discovered", The village guard cleared his head. He picked the unknown person's body up in his arms and ran out to the hospital, while Kakashi rush in to inform Lord Hokage.


When they got him to the doctors they immediately started working on him doing everything they could to keep the unknown body covered in scars breathing, while Hokage talked with another doctor...

He could have sworn the man's heart stopped twice, and then a third time not starting back up again for a couple of minutes.


For days to come, Ghost never let anyone touch him. When the doctor comes to give him check-ups he has to barely touch him. Or he will freak out. He doesn't talk either. And he isn't taking care of himself. He doesn't eat as much, and he eats a lot slower. Savoring the taste. when was the last time he had a bath? Sure he wasn't the most hygienic person but now he fears water. He has a hard time drinking it too.

He was alone. He was broken. He wants a hug, no one was there. He wants someone to say something to soothe him, no one did. He cried, no one cares.

After a few more days, Hokage came in, he was alone with no one, not even his shadow Anbus were with him, "I never knew someone as good as you suffer from PTSD"

Ghost didn't speak.

"Take some rest, and return back to duty in a week", He said and turn to go out.

"I will return to my duties from tomorrow", Ghost said

Hokage turns back to stare at the young man, "You sure?"

He nodded

When the doctor came in that night, The hospital bed was empty with only a stack of money on it.


That night, he once again sits in front of the mirror, using the creation rebirth Jutsu, the scars on his face and body disappeared. His hair grew back instantly. His poison damage was healed as well.

Creation rebirth forcefully stimulates the body's cells. Whenever the body's tissues are damaged or an organ is destroyed, the injury would instantly heal regardless of the severity.

The "pinnacle of medical ninjutsu" and the "ultimate regeneration technique" made by the princess Tsunade herself.

Though Creation Rebirth does not repair the old cells, instead, it hastens the creation of new ones through division. Because a body's cells can only split a certain number of times, Anyone who uses this technique shortens their natural lifespan whenever this technique is used.


The mission was an astounding success, Kumo never guessed what hit them, the prisoner that could have given them an incredible amount of information was dead, they never even suspect that he was assassinated, so they will not investigate him.

As expected by the infiltration and assassination squad leader. He truly could do anything. No one was concerned about the man himself as they prepare the next mission for him.

Ghost sits on the cliff at the valley of the end, watching the waterfall, his hands were trembling. His eyes were unable to focus. And after a while, he jumped in the river.

Someone like him is not allowed to have PTSD. Today is just like every day, he would either die or return back alive and ready to perform.