The stars shine above the cold lands of the village hidden in the mist.


Playing with his sword, Ghost, without any resistance went past the sleeping Guards who were put in a sound-based Genjutsu.

With his sensory abilities, He scanned the entire area in a moment, as he kept walking forward. His movements were completely silent. Covertly walking through the building and finding the office of Yagura. The guards simply went to sleep without even noticing.

Touching a blank section of the desk he watches as a large shelf rises up and revealed a hidden compartment with several scrolls and other important items tucked away inside.

Ghost showed no emotion, as he searched the large shelf for the valuable intel he was here to get. After a while, he found what he came here for, a scroll that contained the secret codes

"That was amazing. Despite such tight security, no one ever saw you coming", Ghost turn back to see Yagura walking at him with a smile, "Such excellent stealth. What does Konoha feed you to get so good"

"I eat whatever is available. Usually, I prefer barbecue from Akamichi's restaurant. They are really good", Ghost said while shrugging

Yagura chuckled as he sit on Mizukage's chair, indicating Ghost to sit on the other one, "You don't sound surprised seeing me here. At least try to act like you are surprised, it hurts my feelings you know"

Ghost just sits on the chair without talking.

"That's why I love sensors, especially someone as good as you. Nothing could surprise you, right", He asked with a grin, "Wanna know how I know you were coming here tonight. I bet I will surprise you"

"Not really. I saved Jugo clan's kid in front of you. You sent your men to figure things out; basic stuff actually"

Yagura was quite impressed by the man sitting in front of him, chuckling he asked, "How did you find that secret location in my office?"

Ghost shrugged, "Simple information gathering works"

Yagura nodded, "Right. There is something I am not understating though. Why did you save the Jugo clan kid?"

"Just a moment of weakness; enough from my side, let's talk about you instead; Who are you? and how are you related to Akatsuki...?!"

Yagura stiffened, "What are you talking about?"

"If that's all it takes to frighten you, then I guess the answer is simple", Ghost replied in a monotonous voice, "I am right, you are related to Akatsuki..."

Yagura just sat there quietly with a blank stare. The look in his eyes had changed completely, the one talking right now was Uchiha Obito, "Impressive, Ghost of Konoha..."

Ghost didn't even bother to look at the shadow that was already on his face...

He landed a direct attack on Ghost's face, piercing through Ghost's thick skull as he believed he had already won, "This is the rumored Ghost that everyone fears? Too easy", The Masked Anbu said as he chuckled.

"Wait. What?" The Masked Anbu said as he attempted to remove his arm.

"An earth-style clone?!?" The clone slowly reformed around his arm. Neutralizing his Lightning-styled Jutsu, the Masked Anbu was stuck and trapped. Guk!

The Anbu threw blood from his mouth, as he look down to see a bloody hand coming out of his chest while holding his bloody heart. He lost consciousness as he fell and died right there

Ghost threw the bloody heart to the side. And blurred out of the sight, "Thank you for the intel Mizukage sama", Were his last words before his presence totally disappeared.

Yagura smirked, "Who do you think is better, him or you guys?"

"We will prove our worth. Mizukage sama", Said Tsuna, one of the greatest Kiri has to offer

"Kill him. If you can"

"Hai", said the one beside Tsuna, Sanka, who was not just his partner, but also his friend.


The night rolled over bringing a threat of a storm. If there was barely any light, it was covered by the rapidly falling night. Shimmering stars illuminated the moonless, jet-black sky. And in the village hidden in mist, what appeared to be a corpse lay on the ground in between a vast number of trees. Cold, the body was that of the assassin regarded as the most notorious assassin in the world. Ghost.

He lay atop a pool of blood, his clothes torn, his hair scattered. Serving as evidence, a rather long blade, coated in the same blood sat menially several feet away, a stream of rich red blood connecting its shadow to the pool of the man. The corpse appeared ideal.

In reality, it was a clone manifested from the equilibrium of Yin-Yang chakra fused with his mutated chakra, birthing what appeared to be true death. Even the greatest of sensors could not defy the logic that presented itself. Only those with profound vision could estimate that all were present.

"Hmm. Our target's body is laying over there, that's weird. He was untouchable during his fight in the third war. How did he die? Who is strong enough to kill him in just a few minutes after he got out of Mizukage tower", Sanka said as he noticed the corpse of their target a few hundred feet away.

He had been more looking for the chakra signature, thinking it as a ruse. Their opponent is a world-class sensor, he obviously sensed them coming after him, maybe this is a trick.

Caught up by the way that the wind blew, Tsuna's attention was not exactly directed at the situation at hand. In all honesty, he seemed to have been tired from all these killings. If there is someone who wishes for peace more than anyone, it's him.


Suddenly knocked off of his train of thought Tsuna glanced over at Sanka, "What we see is impossible. He is untouchable let alone beatable. You know it, I know it as well", Tsuna sighed as he kept looking at the dead body, "This is just a suicide mission"

Sanka grins, "Indeed"

While the decoy demanded the attention of the duo, It didn't affect their judgment of their opponent's strength. And soon, the true presence of Ghost greeted them.

As the two had been looking forward, discussing amongst themselves, a hand emerged from underground, creeping from behind. Taking precaution, and ensuring that the two were distracted in their conversation and preparing, the hand appeared mere centimeters away from Sanka's left ankle.

The hand was intangible, and therefore insensible. The assassin had taken his time to plan such a sneak attack and ensured that neither of the two was looking downward at their feet, a plan which most might presumably conclude quite irrelevant given his near-limitless strength.

But he is not known as Ghost for no reason, he is an assassin, a dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush his unsuspecting prey.

Fighting straightforwardly and honorably is a thing of samurais. He is not like that, he was never like that.

And here he is, the frame of his fingers wrapping around Sanka's ankle, prepared to become tangible. Coated in his mutated chakra, the hand became tangible, and in the very instant, aimed to tear off Tsuna's left foot from ankle down.

Sanka wasn't the best sensor, but as the way of life goes, well... Even he didn't know. It's human nature, to be able to detect when things aren't feeling right, and in this instance, its true capabilities would be in full effect.

In a sudden burst, out of nowhere, Sanka felt his ankle being grappled upon. Through that instance of feeling, with an extremely small window of things to work with, Tsuna had only his specialty.

As the unknown hand made contact with Sanka, Ghost's movements became nothing. His entire body becomes immobilized.

"Gotcha", Sanka grinned, and with a poof of smoke; a spear appeared in his hand as he swing it directly at the person's wrist.

Ghost's wrist froze the second it came into contact with Sanka's ankle. The spear connected with Ghost's hand, and then passed through. Shocking both Tsuna and Sanka.

His hand might be frozen for a second, but not for long. Ghost broke free, allowing his hand to once again freely phase through the ground. With the initial attack, he disappeared from plain view, leaving the two alone in the darkness, the corpse several feet ahead untouched.

"This freak really is like a Ghost"

Tsuna nodded, "Indeed. We are fighting a real thing that's for sure, do not let your guard down. Watch your back the whole time"

Sanka nodded, "You don't need to tell me that"

Tsuna's eyes darted everywhere he could see, "There is a good chance that we won't survive today. It's been an honor fighting alongside you, my friend"

Sanka smirked, "Likewise"