A week went by since that incident; Mei's eyes remained motionless as she walked past Ghost and the interrogator.

"What's your mission in Kiri", The warden asks

"...", Ghost didn't say anything, and a shockwave of pain hit him.

"You fu*@#ker"

He cried out loud as the pain intensified, the wound that had been carved into his side not so long ago reopened, and blood spilled out.

"Ask something else", The warden said to the investigator.

"What are the security details of Konoha"

"...", He didn't say anything defiantly.

The chains hold him down, as large men beat, and whipped his face and body. And as Ghost continued to stay silent, the more intense the pain got.

They began by pulling each fingernail every time Ghost stayed silent till they left him with no fingernails. They continued with their third-degree torture.

After they had finished, Ghost's body was already covered in all sorts of torture marks, he was barely conscious enough. He had a broken arm, a broken rib, and numerous other injuries decorating his body.

They laughed and piss at him as they humiliate him before letting him fall unconscious from the wounds.

It only got worse from there. They would do it daily. The same procedure, over and over again.

His third leg was cut as he was made impotent; his eyes were taken off as well.

He even has scars and burn marks all over his face and body. It wouldn't be a lie to say that this is hell on earth. After a while, he lost track of how long he had been there.


One month later, it was still the same. Ghost could feel Mei's eyes boring into the back of his skull feeling her emotions, after all, they could take everything from him but his sensory skills.

Nonetheless, due to repeated failures to get any information out of him, they decided to go for another route.

That day, under full preparation, his half-dead body was left without chains.

After being transported from the ship, The Iron box had been set down on a stone floor somewhere in front of him. At least, that was what he had heard from the sound of metal scraping over the floor. It's hard to see anything after his eyes were ripped off of their sockets.

"Release", A commanding voice spoke. The four walls of the iron box split along their seams, and the metal squares were pushed outwards, suspended in the air by the Fūinjutsu's purple energy.

They shrank into small cubes before spiraling around each other and disappearing entirely. At the same time, chains of ice materialized in the air around Ghost. They enveloped his chest and torso, binding his arms to his sides as they layered on top of each other.

Friction built as the chains tightened, and the ice began to glow as it chattered against itself. Reaching a breaking point, the chains shattered completely, bursting into shimmering particles that floated to the ground and disappeared. The bitter cold was left in their wake. It spread across Ghost's skin before seeping into his core, penetrating to his bones. The cold only became more severe.

It was intolerable. The pain was out of this world.

"Ghost", The warden addressed him, "I heard you are a legend out there. Your name itself brings fear into people's hearts. However, I'm quite curious. How did someone like you get even get caught"


Ghost's body twitches under pain. As he was unable to say anything.

The warden chuckled, "Alright, we will have lots of time to talk. Ah, Just for your information, no one besides the wardens know about this tower's cell", The old man leaned back against the wall as he explained, "And the window can't be seen from the outside. This entire prison is hidden by a Genjutsu. Enjoy your full-time torture"

After he went out, he left the Ghost lying on the ground, his body was shaking continuously. His dark blood-filled sockets trembled in pain.


Another month went by quietly and deep within the underbelly of the prison lies solitary confinement. The section of the prison where criminals are too dangerous to be kept with other prisoners is locked away, few of which ever see the day of light.

Each of them is dangerous in its own right, but there's one that stands above them all. At the very end of the long hallway is a single cell, one so locked down that it may very well be the most secure cell in the entire prison. Guards often shudder just looking at the door, knowing about the one that lies within.

Inside stands a woman with long, brown hair, watching a man encased in numerous spikes that have impaled his arms, head, and chest, on top of numerous, heavy chains strewn across the room that link the spikes together, his arms and legs are held tightly shut with massive, steel bindings that would take herculean strength to pry open, and have been sealed with a Fūinjutsu that prevents them from being opened by chakra based methods.

"Raizel", The auburn hair woman talked to him after a month, "Or maybe I should call you by your given codename now. Ghost"

Ghost just weakly stood there, supported by the heavy chains all over him. His head was already down, even though he could not see anymore, he could still sense and hear Mei's voice talking to him.

"No matter how hard we try, we are unable to gain anything from you. And thus, It is decided by the elder council that you shall be executed by tomorrow morning if we are to suffer another failure tonight", She said monotonously.

"...", He remained silent, his lips no longer moving. If it wasn't for his weak breath, he would appear completely dead.

The moment she left he could sense his opportunity, as he finally opened his mouth after so long, It was painful to speak his voice was hoarse, but he barely managed to utter a single word, "Start"

"What are you muttering about", The torturer came in, as another torture session begin.

Ghost weakly trembled, and took short quick breaths as he was stabbed in his cheeks to pierce inside his mouth and come out of another side along with a huge amount of mass and blood.


A few hours later, Arui Gobetsu, the head captain of Anbu, and the man who was responsible for making Mizukage send Ghost here instead of killing him, indirectly saving his life.

Inside the dungeon, feeling the presence of Arui Gobetsu, Ghost weakly curled his lips up.

Perhaps, people forgot who he is or what he does, and maybe that's why they never suspected it.

Ghost is an infiltration expert that is hunting for an answer.

You see, finding out about the situation at Kiri was just one part of his mission, his original mission was to find out about Akatsuki. And his next clue can only be found here.

So he did what he does best. Orchestrating a play..! And the one who made it all possible was none other than Mei Terumi herself...

Ghost hummed a haunting tune as his voice echoed within the torture cell...