"You still think it was Obito..?!" Jiraiya asked, handing the report over to Ghost.

"Yes, I do," Ghost said as he turned a page in the report, "And no matter what the report says, I'd like you to believe me; besides, the rationales match, Kirigakure, Rin, Fourth Hokage, Konoha"

"Yes the rationals match except the fact that we have been doing this for four years already with no sign to point that Obito is still alive; and yet you still insist...", Jiraiya said, shaking his head, "Let's just stop, it has long gone past the stage where it has turned into a fixation. It is time that you admit you were wrong..."

"Not yet, sensei. what I felt that day was real", Ghost replied, "He is out there, I am telling you he is alive..."

Jiraiya sighed as he stared at Ghost. He didn't like being argued with. But even he could not refute what Ghost had said, no matter what, he has never seen a natural-born sensor like Ghost in his entire life, there is absolutely nothing that can get past this guy.

But it's so absurd, his spies have been following anything that could show that Obito still lives for four years already. If what Ghost said was real, they would have at least had a single clue by now...

"I get why you think Obito is still alive. But as I have said before, even if you are right, that does not mean we should waste our time chasing after him anymore. Obito is not capable of killing either Minato or Kushina...! He can not be behind the Kyuubi's incident..."

Ghost clenched his teeth and bit back what he wanted to say. What Jiraiya said wasn't wrong, but it was not entirely the truth. He saw what Shisui could do after awakening those evolved Sharingan. He has no doubt that Obito could also grow ridiculously strong just like Shisui did after evolving those eyes.

But no matter what he does, he still can not prove Obito was responsible for Kyuubi's incident. Or the fact that he still lives. If only he could meet Obito in person, then he could surely mark Obito's chakra even till the end of the world...

"I am pulling my spies out of this one", Jiraiya said, shaking his head, "Anyway, this whole thing about Obito is getting way too much already. We should just forget about it for now..."

"Let's dig the burial place", Ghost said, "See if we could find something there. I will give up if we don't find anything..."

Jiraiya looked at his student as if he has gone mad, "Digging up the burial place will have its consequences if found out, do you think we can really find anything here?"

"This is all I can think of...", Ghost said, this is the end of the rope for him as well.

Jiraiya soughed, thought for a while, then finally nodded, "Very well. Let's do it but no one must know about this. None of us can deal with the repercussions if we are found messing around with the dead body of a hero..."


The burial grounds were located outside the village, hidden in the middle of a dense forest...

It was a large area where all the tombs of the leaders and great heroes of war are placed in an orderly manner. Usually, the burial site is always visited by those broken shinobis who lost hope and wished to be buried together with their comrades, their friends who died in battle for the sake of protecting their land and honor...

This is not just a place where people can come to pay their respect but also a sacred ground, a sanctum for them. This is the reason why no one dares to disturb the place, everyone knows the consequences should someone get caught.

But today, was a bit different, the sound of shovels digging echoes in the forest as two ninjas worked very hard to slowly dug up a single grave, they could not use Jutsu so as not to destroy the ground around them and leave an unintended clue later on.

After hours of hard work, they finally reached the bottom of the grave, and then slowly they pulled out the coffin...

"There it is", Jiraiya said as Ghost opened up the coffin to see a damaged skeleton of apparently Uchiha Obito...

Ghost squatted in front of it as he checked the skeleton's right eye, the Sharingan was there... damaged though... Uchiha clan did not bother to remove it from the body because of how broken the eye was, there was no way anyone could use this thing...

Jiraiya stood next to the assassin and narrowed his eyes, "I am not gonna say I told you", he said amusedly.

"We have not found Uchiha Obito's body but a skeleton with a damaged Sharingan. It proves nothing", Ghost said

Jiraiya sighed, "Kid, you are getting obsessed now. Besides, the burial grounds are off-limits, this whole thing is already a taboo. Don't you think you should stop now?"

"We have enough DNA samples of the original Obito in the village's inventory. Let's get this skeleton back to Konoha for a DNA test, I will stop once that is done..."

Jiraiya sighed again, but he knew that even if he scold Ghost for being stubborn, it would not matter; no matter what, Ghost won't quit. But it was clear that he cannot ignore what Ghost thought was the truth.

If what Ghost said is true, then Obito was responsible for Minato and Kushina's death, this alone is something he could never forgive.

Jiraiya cursed inwardly and picked up the shovel back, "Let's put the grave back before taking the skeleton back. I'll use the earth jutsu to flatten the earth as soon as we are done, you remove our tracks.. "

Ghost nods his head, and then they both repaired the burial grounds back to normal condition...


A few hours later, they traveled back to the village, Jiraiya already sealed the skeleton in the scroll using the seal mastery...

"You know, I have been meaning to ask you this for a long time now, is this your real face? Or another skin?", Jiraiya asks the man traveling with him...

"It's my real face", He monotonously answered.


Ghost shrugged, "I am in awe that you figured it out so fast"

Jiraiya chuckled, "Come on kid, stop being sarcastic and tell me, Don't you trust me?"

Ghost glances at the old man beside him, "No...!"

Jiraiya grinned, "Even after what we just went through together..?!..."

"No", Ghost said simply.

The old man smiled sadly, "In our field of work where there is always death looming over our head, you have to have someone, at this rate, you will disappear and the world will never know... Anyone can wear the mask and become Ghost."

Ghost didn't care as he jumped another tree to regain his momentum...

"How about Sakumo senpai then?!", Jiraiya said, "You trusted him..."

"...", Ghost stopped for a moment, then turned to Jiraiya, who looked at him curiously, "Jiraiya sensei, do not ever bring him up in front of me..."

"Why? Does that name touch your never or something...?!", Jiraiya asked with a chuckle, "He was like a father to yo..

In the blink of an eye, Ghost simply vanished and blurred right in front of Jiraiya as he held him by his neck lifting him up in the air, "You will not say that name in front of me ever again...!"

Jiraiya gasped for breath, he could see the rage in the eyes of the ninja before him, Hatake Sakumo, the only guy Ghost ever confided in, the one that taught him everything he knows about his sword arts. When Sakumo became his sensei, he felt emotions he once lost, and when he killed himself so selfishly, Ghost cried out in sadness even though he wasn't crying...

"Kid...", Jiraiya struggled to say as he tried to fight off the man who had his throat in a death grip, "It's been a long time since you lost control like that...", Jiraiya hoarsly said, fighting against the urge to laugh as he glanced at the assassin in front of him.

Ghost stare at the old man and sighed, "Sorry for getting violent...", He said and then released and dropped him softly.

Jiraiya coughed hard and spat out some dust as he slid on the ground, "Damn, you sure got some powerful arms...", Jiraiya said with a grin as he rubbed his sore neck...

Ghost just ignored him.

Jiraiya finally stood up as he clenched his neck in real pain, "I know you grew up in Root(s) not trusting anyone is something that is hammered into your mind since young. But you have to let go kid, as you did with him..."

"Are you done saying your piece now? We have a mission to do", Ghost said and turned his back to Jiraiya.

"What about Naruto..?! You have been watching over that kid since he was a newborn... Do you trust him?"

Ghost smirked and turn back, "Why are we talking about me, what about you instead..?! You trusted people, what happened, the love of your life loved someone else before her life become incredibly messed up. Your best friend is a traitor, you can't even trust your sensei enough to know for sure that he won't sell you off for his own greed..."

Jiraiya sighed, "You got a point there...", Jiraiya said, "But at least I know where my heart belongs, I know whom I am going to stay with through thick and thin. But you? That mask is your identity, even I who has been with you the longest cannot see behind your mask..."

"That's the whole point of wearing a mask. You think I care what people think?", Ghost said as he jumped ahead, leaving Jiraiya behind...

Jiraiya sighed and continued to follow.


A week later, Ghost stood in front of the hospital lab disguised as just another Jonin.

"These are the autopsy reports you wanted so urgently Shinobi sama", A lady doctor came in her white coat and out of the lab as she gave the report to Ghost.

"What's the result", Ghost asked the doctor.

The doctor nods her head, "The samples match the skeleton you brought"

"Are you sure..?!"

"I am almost certain. The sample and the skeleton are of a young boy around 15-18 years old. Judging from the skeleton, the boy died around 10-15 years ago. I can't say about the death cause, but from the looks of it, the boy was half crushed to death. And judging from the residue left in its right eye, coupled with the samples you asked me to match. It's most probably an Uchiha clan member"

Ghost frowned heavily, this matches everything written on Obito's file. It's definitely Obito's body, then does that means someone is good enough to change their chakra to a degree that they can even fool him..?! Are they that good?

Nodding his head Ghost walked out, "Thank you"


~~On Konoha Street~~

"Get lost you monster"

At a mask shop, the owner of the mask shop pushed little Naruto, yelling loudly, and drove out the little boy who was only 6 years old this year.

"Why... anyone can get it, why don't you let me have it"

The little boy questioned the owner of the mask shop loudly, his tone was full of grievances, and tears dripped from his azure eyes.

"Hmph, since you want it, here", He threw the mask at the boy hitting his face, "Now go away you demon"

Behhh... pulling his tongue out he went off without the mask.


Naruto was walking on the street, looking at the dazzling array of shops on both sides of the street, his eyes were full of loneliness. With so many shops, only one ramen restaurant can accommodate him.

The little boy didn't know what he did wrong, why everyone hated him, scolded him, beat him, and didn't play with him.

"Hey it's him..!!", Someone whispered

"You monster, get out of Konoha!", Someone else threw a stone at him

"Hey", Naruto yelled as a stone hit his forehead making him bleed a bit.

"Get out of Konoha..!!"

"Konoha doesn't welcome you!"

With extremely hard force, someone pushed Naruto on his back.

"Get out!"

"Konoha does not need you..!!"

More and more people got involved, picking up the stones in their hands and throwing those at Naruto.

"Stop it... Huh?", Naruto lowered his hands that were covering his head and face, as he was shocked to see an empty street. Other than him, there was not a single soul on the road. It was filled with people a moment ago.

Shocked and confused Naruto was looking here and there when a voice and a tap from the back shocked him.



Screaming like a girl, he jumped back to see a young man in the hooded robe laughing aloud.

"Hey. What was that for?", Naruto asked feeling a bit annoyed.

The young man wiped the tear at the corner of his eyes, as he grinned and bend over, "I was actually surprised to see a boy squatting and covering his face in an empty street"

"This... The street wasn't empty. There were people. Lots of them. And then..."


"I- I don't know they were here just a few seconds ago, I am not lying you know-

The young man smiled and rubbed Naruto's head. The blood on Naruto's forehead was miraculously healed after his touch, "Alright alright. Where do you live young man..?! Let me take you back in case you squat down in the middle of the street and scream again"

Naruto pouted, "I did not do so"

The young man chuckled, "Where do you live kid? No, what's your name"

"That-", Naruto hesitated but his stomach growled causing the young man to laugh and naruto to fluster

"Wanna go and eat something?"

Naruto's eyes gleamed with stars as he looked at the weird young man in front of him, "Really?"

Seeing the young man nodding, Naruto excitedly told him about some food made for gods or something.

"Slow down. I will fall, " the young man said as Naruto ran, dragging the young man with him.


Holding the grinning kid's hand he went inside the ramen shop.

"Naruto, haha. what will you have today?"

"Naruto?", The young man asked

Naruto grinned seeing his reaction, looks like this big brother doesn't know him, "Yeah. That's my name Uzumaki Naruto. Believe it..!!"

At this time, the ramen boss finally noticed the man on the side. Seeing that he seemed to know Naruto, the ramen boss asked with some doubts

"Uh... Who are you?"

"O O I know I know. He is the strange big brother. He has a strange personality, and he treats random children who he finds on the street with ramen"

The young man opened and closed his mouth in shock as he cross-chopped Naruto's head.

"Who said I have a strange personality? I am perfectly fine. And stop introducing me like I am some kind of sketchy and creepy guy"

The ramen shop uncle was amused and went to do his job. While Naruto argues with the man.


"Huh~ So full~ Uncle's ramen is really the best thing in the world"

The young man's eyes twitched and looked at the half bowl of ramen left in his bowl, and then at the five empty bowls in front of Naruto who was definitely full from eating so much.

His expression became weird. Is this guy really a kid? He eats more than the infamous glutton Kushina sensei. And she was an adult for god sake.

He also thinks the ramen in this noodle shop is delicious, but no matter how delicious it is, this speed and capacity of eating is simply inhuman. At this time, he really wanted to know the structure of Naruto's belly and see how he could hold so much ramen.

The ramen boss smiled and responded, "Haha, of course, but Naruto, no matter how much you praise me, you still have to pay for the ramen"

"Chee~ Uncle is really stingy", Naruto habitually complained, then turned his head, saw half of the ramen in the big brother's bowl, and suddenly pointed at him and laughed, "Nii san is obviously an adult but eats so slowly. lame"



The man chopped Naruto's forehead once again. The man paid the ramen shop owner before going out with Naruto...

"Naruto, do you know any cheap place to live nearby, I am kinda searching for an apartment"

Naruto beamed at that, "I know, my apartment is in this direction, here-"

He dragged the young man with him until they reached a building on the corner of Konoha street.

"What's this?"

Naruto grinned at the man who looked perplexed.

"My apartment. I live here all by myself, it's very comfortable, there are four rooms and two baths. Come on in"

The young man amusedly looked around at the spacious apartment, as Naruto introduced him to the room that he was going to live in now.

"You can stay here. It will be just like home for you"

"Hmph...", the young man thought for a while, "What about the rent..?! I don't earn much, I-"

"It's free", The 6-year-old said excitedly.

"Haha, alright. What a kind kid", The man laughed and looked around, "I see that you like to eat green vegetables?"

"I- I don't, they are yucky. But... I don't know how there is always so much green in here...", Naruto mumbled, "I don't even cook them but there is always some. It's very odd"

The young man stared at Naruto with curiosity, "Do you do something... special to make this happen?"

Naruto shook his head, "It's the same with milk, every night I find fresh milk on the table, and sometimes, in the morning there are one or two big bottles of milk in the fridge"

"Why are you always finding milk and vegetable? Is someone living here with you...?!"

"Huh? No, I live all by myself in this apartment"

The young man's eyes widened and he turned around, looking at the entrance, "Maybe someone is doing that for you?"

"No... I don't think so... I mean, No one will bother to do that for me.", He said with a low voice.

The young man shrugged, "That's strange. Hmm... but no matter how odd it is, it's a free place to stay. I have a feeling that your apartment would be the one place where I would be living for a very long time..."

Naruto's eyes sparkled as he agreed with him, "Yes it is, here... Nii san"

"This way", The little boy lead the young man to the kitchen.


"Leader", The Anbu came behind Ghost as soon as he close the door to his bedroom.

"Do you have the information..?!", Ghost asked coldly.

"No. But we located the source where we can get the final piece of our data..."


"Iwagakure's explosion unit acquired their services recently. But Tsuchikage didn't trust anyone easily, and so, only one of them has the knowledge we require. We need her"

Ghost nods before turning back and walking away, "I will lead the mission. Is Shisui available on this one?"

"Yes sir. I will have him informed about the mission-"

"No need. We will proceed without him", He said, "It's time we get rid of one of our own"

"Hai. I will make preparations", The Anbu said

"Also, I would need a secret chamber in this room...", Ghost said looking at the corner of the room.

"It will take two days to prepare for a safe transfer but...", The Anbu paused, "Leader, it's too dangerous for you to live with... him"

Ghost glanced at the Anbu, "He is gonna start his school in the next 2 years, I need to be around him to guide him"

The Anbu stared at the cold-hearted assassin in front of him. He knew that Ghost has no particular love or concern towards anyone, yet, just for a promise to his once teacher, Kushina Uzumaki, he was willing to risk his identity for this boy...

This man...

"Is anything the matter?", Ghost turned and looked at the Anbu who stood like a statue with an odd expression.

The Anbu bowed deeply, "Nothing sir. We shall be ready to depart soon enough..."