Meanwhile, on the other hand, three ninjas sat in the trench, random projectiles and jutsu flying over their heads, scorching the very earth. One of them dared to peek above the top. His head was almost crushed by a flying stone rock!

"Dang!" One of them exclaimed. "How long are they going to continue this mad assault!!!!", His mask was already torn in half.

The other one was covered in blood and cursed, his byakugan watching everything closely, "We have already taken down so many of them and yet they are not backing down... We have to come up with something else! Fast..!"

The first one cursed under his breath, "If only our entire squad was here. Then we could easily take them out... They would be dead before they knew it..." The other two agreed wholeheartedly.

"That Iwa Kunoichi was right. We were set up from the very start. From our own village no less...!", The only Hyuga of the team said

"Their target was not us but the leader himself...!", The third shinobi and second in command of the squad said as he put his hands together in an odd seal, "However, if they think any of us are so easy to take down, then perhaps it's time they wake up to reality..."

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Five clones burst forth from a huge smoke bomb. All looked ready for their next purpose.

"We are almost out of chakra...!! Let's go crazy on this one...", The second in command ordered as he along with the clones jumped out of the trench, yelling their war cries.

Several burst into white smog explosions as they were hit by attack after attack, but the rest did not falter. As they neared the enemy, the Anbu made a tiger seal.

"Fire Release: Raging Hell..!!" He shouted.

The rest of the clones exploded into a magnificent inferno of light and heat and flame! The enemies did not give outcries of pain, however, because an earth wall managed to block the attack.

"You seriously thought such a weak attack would work against us?", Tsuchikage asked while standing there without a single scratch on his body.

The Anbu grinned, "Never...", He said and from behind him, two more Jutsu fired immediately.

Utilizing the ceaseless wind Jutsus by the two Anbus, they managed to create a compressed core composed of the wind around them. This causes a gargantuan, constant increase in the ever-increasing pressure generated by the wind while causing an immense explosion of expanding wind that engulfs and levels all in its path. The technique was formed quite fast and expanded even faster, making dodging difficult and evasion nearly impossible.

Tsuchikage grinned as he made a single-hand sign, "Earth Style Barrier: Earth Dome Prison"

The earth below the old man cracked and a dome of earth appeared at the center point of the attack, where he stood still against the attack as if nothing had happened.

The Iwa shinobis behind him who were in the front line of the wave of fire, blackened by flames or blown away by the wind were now trapped within the dome. The tiny old man alone has managed to protect every single person in this squad from the attack. Showing the great prowess he possesses.

The three Konoha shinobis all tried to run through the gap they found, but they were not able to provide any resistance whatsoever.

The shell of energy was launched directly at them as Tsuchikage used particle release Jutsu on them. It reached its peak speed in no time and exploded upon contact with the Konoha shinobis, creating a wall of dust and debris.

Everyone from Iwa's remains moved back several paces, coughing and wheezing as they awed at the particle release of Tsuchikage.

In all possibilities, the Konoha shinobis must have their bodies frozen instantly and then turned to dust before they could even scream out loud. There is no way to survive this mass destructive Jutsu.

"Well, that was fairly impressive", Tsuchikage said with awe. The three shinobis are gone, disappearing without a single trace somehow dodging the deadly and lethal attack of Tsuchikage.

"To be able to run away despite being circled by an entire army and still managing to dodge an attack against my dust release", Tsuchikage remarked, shaking his head.

"Konoha sure has some fearsome shinobis within their midst... Hunt them down", Tsuchikage ordered

"Hai", A unified roar rang out. They gathered their chakra and blurred in different directions to hunt down these Konoha scums.

Tsuchikage stood in his position when a large whirlwind of wind formed around him, "Clone Formation: Wind Burst"

"What the-"

Using the wind element, they created a cyclonic tornado that spun and swirled around the old Tsuchikage, Using the wind element, they created a cyclonic tornado that spun and swirled around the old Tsuchikage, rendering him completely trapped inside trying to shred him to pieces. Though, the old man has managed to save himself from the deadly attack using the hard stone armor.

"That was quite a display of skill and deception. To think you managed to isolate me", Tsuchikage commented his stone armor scattered into the pieces but kept the old man unharmed from the attack.

He saw the three Konoha shinobis coming out of the shadows while narrowing his eyes, one of them is from the Nara clan for sure.

"We are trained by the best you know", One of the Konoha shinobi said smugly, "Tricking our opponents is a part of our daily training. It's time to send you on your way old man"

The old man chuckled, "Well, you might need to hurry up then, those guys will catch up soon enough", as he raised one of his arms towards them in an inviting manner, "Come, It's time you understand that this old man is far more than you can possibly handle"

"Suit yourself", The group of three nodded and dash forward, Tsuchikage takes a step back and floats through the air keeping his distance from the three.

But when has that ever stopped them

"Wind Release: Wind Prison"

"Water Release: Water Net"

"Fire Release: Raging Inferno!"

All three Jutsus worked together, forming a barrier of wind, water, and flame around the old Tsuchikage in the air. The whole area around him is enclosed in a small space by the barrier, trying to burn him alive while trapping him within.

"Not bad", Tsuchikage said as he grins, "But you picked up the wrong target young ones"

The old man breaks down into the mud, revealing himself to be an earth clone while appearing behind one of the three of his adversaries.

The Anbu reacts extremely fast and slashed at the old man standing behind him.

"Useless!", Tsuchikage chuckled as he block the attack with the stone-covered arm. And then slammed the Konoha Anbu using the stone enhance fist on his other arm, breaking the masked man's ribs.

The two remaining shinobis rushed forward and delivered their attacks flanking him from both front and back.

"Fire Release: Sizzling Blade"

"Wind Release: Air Cutter"

Both Jutsu were aimed at Tsuchikage. But the old man never broke a sweat. He simply moved to the side, evading the wind attack.

The wind blade struck only empty air. The one aimed at his back was also dodged by the old man who dodge the attack by gliding through the air.

"Well, that was a waste of chakra", Tsuchikage said while laughing.

The Konoha shinobis continued their attacks on the old monster. But nothing works!!

A huge wall of stone appeared around Tsuchikage. Though it wasn't enough to stop a few strikes from the three Konoha shinobis.

"Your earth wall is just too thin old man", One of the shinobis said with a huff, finally something is working against him.

Tsuchikage gave a simple nod as he used his free hand to form a seal. However, his attack was interpreted by a sharp whistle, several blades burst forth from the ground in front of him. But the old man just glides through the attacks like it's nothing as he floats in the air, "Earth style: Multi-Terra Claw"

The claws of the earth itself shot forth from the ground in a straight line in all directions and pierced the three shinobis in the chest. They were dead before they even knew what happened.

"Well, I guess that's too easy of a victory", Tsuchikage said as he landed, and soon he began to gather chakra, making sure he is ready for whatever comes at him.

While watching the three dead bodies of Konoha shinobis, the tiny old man laughs, "In your favor, you guys are good enough and this fight would have been much more intense if you were not at your last leg"

Tsuchikage grins as he saw multiple small flaming boulders coming down from overhead, "But make no mistake I am the Tsuchikage, the greatest of Iwagakure. You were never a match", He said and from within the palms of his hands he created a structure of light, "Particle Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu"

At once, a blinding flash of light filled the sky as the flaming boulders exploded into bits and pieces crashing down on the ground below.

The blast caused great destruction across the entire battlefield. The ground cracked and began to tear apart, rocks rolled down from the mountainside and eventually buried themselves in the ground.

The shockwave threw every boulder off its foundation and felled many trees around the area.

"Impressive...", Tsuchikage said and turn back to see the sole Hyuga standing behind him.

"This is it for you", The Hyuga closed his eyes for a moment and surrounded himself with an aura of swirling wind as he struck 8 points in each of the old man's arms in quick succession without letting him respond. Every single blow was enough to scatter bones into pieces but the Hyuga cursed instead.

Tsuchikage managed to cast an earth Jutsu at the last second to cover his arm in with the rocks and absorbed most of the strike. His arm was reduced to rubble, but the old man was still unharmed by the strike.

"It was a good attempt nonetheless", Tsuchikage said as he flew back some distance glancing at his back to see the remaining two appear in a blur...

Noticing the chakra flare Onoki cursed and jump back, ready to fight with all he got, and from thin air, Ghost emerged in front of his three subordinates, his gaze matching the old man's, his hand carrying a dead body.

"Why are my people still not here yet...", The tiny old man asked with a scowl

"Dead", Ghost said while carrying the limp corpse of his subordinate.