"Wood Release: Wood-Dragon Technique!", First Hokage yelled

The ground cracked with extremely big and slender heads made of wood tearing through the mud. But the attack did not stop there. Each one of the giant heads grew into a titanic dragon, their mouths open wide as they blared a deafening roar, and every single one of them charged at Ghost with lightning speed without a single pause.

He stood in his position as hundred of meters tall dragons tackled him using their titanic bodies, though the Dragons' heads slammed on the ground behind him, destroying the area near him but still unable to harm Ghost as the white Zetsu who was controlling the first Hokage gritted his teeth in frustration.

"There gotta be a weakness...", White Zetsu said as he made a single-hand sign.

Giant snakes coiled themselves around the one who holds the flute as every dragon head opened its mouth and unleashed a wave of fire—attacking Ghost from point-blank range.

The flames reached out like tentacles to cover everything including the land, and the sky, spreading out in all directions.

"Fire Release: Maleficent Dragon Demolition", First Hokage shouted again.

The fiery wave was so powerful that even the forest itself was burning to a crisp, so much so that even the White Zetsu holding the First Hokage's body felt like his body would scorch away...

The fire would have scorched everything around if it wasn't for the sound that sounded again and sucked away all the vitality inside the flames.

The wind whipped at Ghost's black clothes and hood. A menacing aura radiates from him as the sound of his flute began playing once more, the dragons' roar ceased under the tune, and the majestic flames turned into mere embers.

The wood dragons withered under that dark aura, but it wasn't the end of it, the horror was yet to be seen by everyone.

The voice of the flute began to reverberate through the whole world as it became louder and louder. And with each second, the sound grew heavier and heavier, each note sent shivers down the spines of everyone.

'This man is just so scary...', Everyone thought. To every person witnessing the scene, it was almost like time stood still as they watch the man in awe and fear.

The white Zetsu on the first Hokage tried to calm himself as he looked at Ghost staring at him, making him feel fearful. No matter what Zetsu did, he could not harm Ghost in any way...

'Perhaps like Obito-

"It's over", Ghost muttered and put down the flute from his mouth, the dark aura around him ceased to be. The entire world was quiet once again.

Zetsu suddenly felt its breathing slowing down, its eyes grew heavy and tired as the body became limp. And with that, the mist dissipated while undoing the impure world reincarnation.

First Hokage's eyes regained clarity for a moment only to see a single man in his mask staring at him.

The first Hokage smiled slightly, "I'm glad...", his body glows and disappears into thin air.

Obito, Danzo, and Homura who were looking from Kamui were dumbfounded for a split second, "What the hell happened here? Impure world reincarnation can't be undone unless done by the user. How did he do that?!", Homura exclaimed.

Zetsu on Obito's body frowned as well. This guy is now officially the biggest obstacle in the plan.

"He studied under Orochimaru for a long time. There are things you are bound to learn...", Danzo sighed. He was the one that arranged so many teachers for Ghost, he was the one that trained a weak kid into this fearsome demon.

Who would have thought he would turn his fangs against the one who grew him up..?!

Zetsu exclaimed, "Leaving that aside, we have a bigger problem, I assume except tobi chan, you all have been marked already..."


"Once you went took a step inside Konoha. He took care of it..."

Obito sighed, thankful that he was wearing Zetsu on his skin when he came here, "It was just for a few minutes that we went inside..."

"The battle lasted only a few seconds after that. I think he was just bidding his time, betting for us to enter his range. For someone like him, a few minutes should be good enough"

Danzo was shaken and sweat poured down his face, "That means... he can find us again?! Can't you change our chakra signatures again?"

Zetsu sneered in disdain, "The machine does not work like that, even though it can change the chakra signature, the chakra remains the same no matter what. it's good enough to fool him once, but against someone as good as him, it's idiotic to think it will work forever..."

Danzo shivered, "That means..."

"That means staying with you is dangerous now", Obito sighed, "Pity..! I had so many plans for you guys"

"YOU DARE..!!", Danzo yelled, and Homura sink right back into desperation. If they are abandoned by this spiral-masked man that means this will be the last time they could ever be free. A single note is enough to strike them down.

Obito looked coldly at Danzo, "If I were you, I would watch my tone!!"

On the other hand, Konoha shinobis stood together, their hands shaking uncontrollably while they watch the scene unfold in front of them, they could never forget this scene in front of them. The might of a single instrument.

This flute is a treasure beyond anything. A single sound from it, and everything becomes withered. The sound of this flute is enough to erase all the hardships they would ever face in the battle turning even the mediocre Chunin into a powerhouse...

Pity, the treasure is held by the Ghost, there is no way to steal it. But even if they did, it wouldn't have mattered to Ghost, this flute takes endless chakra to play, and if the user shows even a bit of weakness, the flute will wither away their life force like a death spell. Not even Kushina sensei was able to play this demonic thing...

A single sound, a single note, is enough to shatter bones and melt anyone's body into dust... However, to Obito and Zetsu, taking this demonic thing away is the only way they can hope to fight... and still wish to defeat their worst enemy so far.

"Sensei...", Ghost looked at his side, glancing at Shisui who appeared in a blur...

Ghost nods, "Let's go and finish this once and for all"



Crows fluttered over the sky of a dead forest outside Konoha. The dark mist moved in waves upon the dead ground. The smell of death, the smell of fear, and the smell of slaughter—all mixed together into a foul, horrid stench.

Two elders run while tumbling along the way, their eyes searching the darkness for their pursuer, their eyes were weeping until the tears struck cold. And their hands clutched their faces as if they wanted to wipe away the pain of the sight.

The eerie sound of the flute was the only music in that place. It was a lonely song of mourning.

The mist was heavy above them. There was no moon or starlight to guide them. Their way had been cut off by a wide, high field. A small, slender hill stood among the tall grass at the end of it. Beyond lay the trees of the forest. They ran to the edge of the hill, and then they stopped.

The sound of the flute grew closer and louder.

"He's coming," gasped Homura. "He's coming."

A shadow walked towards them from the woods— from the mist that covered the trees that stood there. The mist was thick—thick indeed—so thick it almost hid the sky.

The two survivors quivered and fell as they saw the fiend's shadow.

"Homura. Homura get up, we have to run", Danzo said as he touch his friend feeling no response.

Danzo turned to face his friend whose eyes were now as black as a moonless night, so black they seemed to be sucked up into their sockets; his skin withered like parchment, and his neck was tilted unnaturally backward; Mitokado Homura wasn't breathing.

Danzo's body also started to tremble and sweat as if he suffered a nightmare with his eyes open.

In his nightmare Danzo found himself strapped to a large sealing stone with a garment over his face, obscuring his view in the already dark ocean and quickly plummeting to unknown fathoms.

The vast ocean seemingly bottomless constantly pulls the man underneath its great mouth, which activates the sensation of drowning within the brain.

The water slowly rushes up to his nose warrant release but Danzo found that he could not get free of it, it is virtually impossible to break from this nightmare he was having and so the descent continues. Eventually, the pressure becomes intolerable as the bones within his body start to be crushed under leagues of pressure.

The last thing Danzo saw was Uchiha Kagami. And his bloody face...

Danzo woke up gasping for air, sweat dripping off his body. He was alone in a dark room.

"Homura?!" He called out.

The voice from the other side of the door startled him. It was familiar.

"Hello Danzo san", a low whisper answered. Scarlet eyes came into view.
