Affinity for Magic

"The queen's at it again." Kalista checked on her naked figure in the dim-lit mirror, combing at her hair.

"Are my eyes really that weird?" She muttered, pulling on her bags as she stared at her ruby eyes. She then splashed her face with cold water from the wooden sink- the droplets of water dripping off her cheeks.

"How many does this make again?" Another girl said from across the room, lying naked on the bed with her caramel short hair all over the place, with only a blanket to cover herself up.

"Fourth, if we're only counting the humans."

"It's crazy how the queen keeps fooling them like that."

"Makes you think." Kalista said as she put the comb down on the sink, turned around, then sprinted for the bed. She jumped and landed with a heavy thud on top of the other girl.

"Gosh you're heavy."

. . .

The group of people was now outside, right in front of the base of the giant tree. The warm morning sunlight was peeking through the green canopy, showering the grass field with streaks of light.

On the open grass field were people sprawled all over, with some sitting and others laying down, with the fairy queen the only one standing right at the center of the crowd. Multiple other fairies dotted the tree houses and bridges above, looking down with curiosity at the gathered crowd.

There was a ritual in place, the so-called affinity manifestation the queen had mentioned before. Kai was the first 'forced' volunteer.

Kai sat under the fairy, with her hand afloat just above his head. Below him was what seemed to be a magic circle made with intricate symbols and figures, all the while the fairy was chanting somewhat of a foreign language.

"Are we done yet?" Kai said, peeking through closed eyes. "I'm late for breakfast."

"And who do you think provides for your breakfast?" The fairy queen paused before continuing with her chant.

Kai sighed as he sat there still, waiting for the fairy to finish with the ritual. After a short while, the circle below Kai shone a faint red hue then escalated rapidly into radiating heat.

"Congratulations." The fairy queen said, opening her eyes. "You have a red affinity."

The crowd stared in awe as Kai's body radiated like a raging fire, before settling down like a storm calming down.

Nico let out a whistle from within the crowd. "That looks pretty cool."

Just before the red light dimmed to settle inside Kai, it was replaced by a flash of white light, illuminating the area like a flash as people turned their gaze.

"A double affinity." The fairy queen mused, patting both Kai's shoulders with her hands. "Again, congratulations. You have both a red and white affinity."

"What does that mean?" Nico nudged Kristine, all the while still staring in awe at the mystical display of magic.

"You didn't read the book?" Kristine said.

"I was busy. Sleeping."

Kristine let out a groan as she nudged Jason's side with her elbow.

"Did you read the book?"


"Good, cause I sure as hell didn't." Kristine said, earning a deadpan look from Nico. "So what do those thingies mean?"

Jason sighed. "Those thingies are the so-called affinity of the person, which would indicate the type of element the skills of the person in question will be able to conjure and use."

"English, you lost me at the start."

"For example, Kai has a red affinity so most likely he will have abilities based on fire." Jason glanced to Kristine, making sure she followed. "As for his white affinity, it says in the book that it would most likely be pure and holy elements, although it varies on the preference and needs of the person."

"So Kai's a priest now." Kristine said flatly.

"A hellfire priest." Nico corrected, trying to contain his excitement.

. . .

Saira's skin turned into a deep black muck, bubbling like that of sticky tar. Black smoke manifested around her as the crowd took many steps away.

"Congratulations." The fairy made a dry smile. "You have a black affinity."

Nico was up next, standing up from the crowd and heading towards the magic circle as Saira in turn moved back to the crowd, her skin settling back to a normal, pale color. She held her face down.

"You okay?" Nico said as she passed by, ducking below her and waving a hand in front of her face.

"Yeah, kinda."

"What happened to Saira?" Kai said, gesturing to Jason and Kristine. The group's gaze followed Saira as she left Nico and walked towards a spot on the far side of the crowd where Andrei was.

"She's embarrassed." Jason said.

"Embarrassed how?"

"Your affinity hints at who you are as a person; it shows your inner feelings and emotions. You have a red and white color Kai, which I guess shows your emotional purity and innocence."

"But I'm not pure nor innocent."

"That's not what I meant." Jason shook his head. "Anyways, Saira's feeling down maybe because of the color of her affinity. Black isn't really seen as a symbol for goodwill."

. . .

Nico sat below the fairy queen with the intricate magic circle below him. He gave a quick nod to the fairy then closed his eyes.

At first there was nothing, until slowly he felt something within him well up, then surged like an invigorating breeze whirling inside his body. The feeling granted him comfort and relief until something strange started manifesting along with it. He felt a black blob pulsating inside him, growing and eating away at his body. The feeling of dull pain and unease crept into his head, with two conflicting auras seemingly going back and forth inside him.

"Hey, uh, I think there might be something wrong with me." Nico said as he took a peek through closed eyes.

He found half his body glowing with a green luminesce, while the other half was bubbling and marred with a black color and ugly renditions of his skin.

"Is this normal?"

"Definitely not." The fairy queen said. "Although this is not the first time."

"Cool." Nico said, his voice still wavering from the escalating pain. "So, what happened to the others?"


"That's reassuring."