Out Shopping

"Are you sure we can buy this?" Nico held up a brown shirt and cargo shorts with a grin. "Isn't this, like, very expensive?"

"It's fine." Jason said, staring hard at the black boxers in his hand. "I've considered the expenses and we just have enough to buy clothes for everyone. As long as nobody's buying Gucci, it's all good."

"Finally." Kai said. "I don't think my underwear would've lasted another day."

They were in the Selsine marketplace with the sunlight peeking through the leaves. The group had decided to take a rest for the day, deciding to go out shopping with the money they earned selling the monster loot. Nico, Kai, and Jason were in front of a stand checking out clothes with a human manning the counter.

"How high up were you able to go?" Jason said, making idle chatter with the merchant.

"My contract was only up until the third floor." The human said. "The guild that sponsored me would be the Gold Recluse- they sent a Gold ranker my way that helped me and the rest climb up to the third floor."

"Gold Recluse?"

"It's one of the leading economic guilds in the tower. They might not have the same power or influence as the Crusaders or Blood Knights- the strongest of adventurer guilds, but they do have a firm grasp on the economy that runs the place."

Nico and Kai then arrived with a handful of clothes, their faces grinning like a pair of children.

"Thanks for the info, Jared." Jason shook the merchant's hand as he dropped a handful of silver coins on the counter. "Good luck with the trade."

"No problem Jason." Jared waved a hand as the three left. "I wish you guys the best on climbing the tower."

. . .

"Nice." Nico stared down at the clothes he had on. A brown shirt clung to his body as the cargo shorts completed the attire, finishing the look with a pair of sandals. "I look less of a bum now."

The bright sunlight seeped through the open window- bright and warm. Nico and Kai were now back in the inn trying out the new clothes they just bought.

"Lucky you." Kai said, adjusting his shorts. He had a red sleeveless shirt coupled with shorts that seemed to cling tightly onto his thighs. Too tightly. 

Nico let out a laugh with Kai giving him a flat look. "My legs are dying here."

"That's why I told you to buy cargo shorts." Jason said, busting through the wooden door as he entered the room with the same outfit as Nico's. "Who gave you the idea to buy those cycling shorts?"

"I want to be unique, okay?" Kai said, still twiddling with his shorts while Nico and Jason shared a confused look. "Plus those shorts are heavy as hell with all the pockets and buttons and whatnot."

Saira burst through the door, showing off a loose brown shirt and shorts that were too short to be called shorts. She then dragged Nico by the collar, pulling him outside.

"You're destroying my shirt!" Nico resisted like his life depended on it as he was dragged out into the hallway.

"Well?" Saira said, running a hand through her flowing hazel hair.

"Well, what?"

"What do you think?" Saira said, gesturing to her clothes.

Nico stared up and down at Saira, carefully thinking over the words behind his mouth. The loose-fit shirt accentuated her chest with the short shorts completing the attire, framing her body as if she was readying for a photoshoot session.

"What's with the shorts?"

"What about it?"

"Why is it, you know- short?"

"Well, they're obviously called shorts for a reason."

Hena and Kristine came out a door in the hallway, waving to Nico as the two girls headed his way.

"See?" Nico pointed to the other two. "Look at their shorts. It's twice, no- thrice the length as yours."

"You don't like it then?"

"I didn't say that."

A playful grin crept on Saira's face, friskily nudging her shoulder against Nico. "Just be honest, come on."

"Look at you both, all clingy and all that gross stuff." Kristine said, rolling her eyes. "God I wish someone would confess their love to me already."

Jason came out another door, catching the four in the hallway. "Hey Nico."


"Catch." Jason tossed Nico a metal piece high up in the air, with Nico promptly catching it in between his hands. "What's this?"

"It's a helmet." Jason said, tapping on his own head. "Every time we go fighting with monsters you always wind up with an injury. That skill of yours may regenerate the wounds on your body, but not the head- so I bought that for you."

"Seriously?" Nico held up the helmet against the red orb on the ceiling. It was a simple design, made of steel with a spartan design. "How much was this?"

"It doesn't matter." Jason gave him a smile. "I've had enough of you groaning in pain complaining for heals every time we go out fighting, so take it as something of a gift."

"Thanks." Nico walked towards Jason and gave him a fist bump.

"That's cute and all, but what about the rest of us?" Kristine said, crossing her arms.

"You already have two great front liners to soak up the damage for you, what's more reliable than that?" Jason said, patting Nico on the back. "Nevermind that though, I just remembered something else to give all of you."

Jason stepped back into the boy's room. After a short while, he came out again along with Kai who was carrying a wooden box- the top embossed with intricate carvings and symbols.

"What's inside?" Kristine said, a slight curiosity on her face.

"It's pretty awesome." Kai opened the box to reveal pendants laid on a soft cloth.

"Pretty." Saira said, taking out one of the pendants. It was a cloudy black gem that was held up by a leather string. The gem glowed a dull gray as soon as Saira touched it- illuminating with a faint gray light. 

"What was that?" 

"These were sent to us by the Adventurer's Organization." Jason took another necklace from the box, glowing a light gray as he wore it around his neck. "They're called Identification Stones- used as IDs and such by the Adventurer's Organization. The color of the stones also reflects the rank of the wearer, glowing in accordance."

Nico and the rest took the necklaces, glowing a light gray as they fixed them around their necks except for Hena's, which shimmered a deep brown luster instead.

"Cool." Nico muttered, looking down at the pendant.

"I guess this really makes us adventurers now." Saira said, letting the pendant swing on her hand as she stared at its beauty.

"Not yet." Jason said, closing the box. "There's one last thing for us left to do."

"What's that?"

"Joining a guild."