The Obsidian Water Tower

For the rest of the hole they took turns lifting out each layer. The magical hose to collect the water seeping through the rocks from the aquifer surprised and pleased Maelyn when it didn't impede her being able to lift the layers of rock she was removing from the wide hole. When they neared the lava and the rocks got to be hotter and hotter, Kathy suggested Maelyn to do the last layer so that they didn't go too deep and expose the lava. 

  Concentrating on the layer she wanted to grab Maelyn reached down to the lava to see how close she was then shortened the layer she was removing to leave a full foot of basalt covering the lava. After lifting that last layer she told Kathy, "That's the last of what we need out of the hole. You feel up to more? Cause I'm still feeling energetic after being able to do all that!"