Her First Loyal Subject

"You ain't fixing to strip naked and go streaking through the throne room are you?" Abjul asked with a laugh then told her, "But if you do I promise not to look."

  "No! Not even close!" Maelyn responded with a laugh herself and informed him as she examined the front door before opening it, "I'm going to use my magic to create a fake crystal dragon that lights up like the real one to distract your father at least from me putting the real one in the talisman box."

  "I kinda figured that was what you meant but I couldn't resist the chance to pick on you." Abjul confessed, "Although, to be honest, it would probably require me to learn and use massive amounts of magic to get a beautiful and intelligent woman like you to even THINK about undressing in front of me." Abjul finished with a self depreciating chuckle.