[Bonus chapter]Kathy Shares Her History

With Maelyn then pointing to her Kathy reached down and touched the crystal dragon and, as it lit up the same for her as it did for Maelyn and as the throne lit up as well, she looked around the throne room and began her speech to them saying, "Greetings to our esteemed Congressmen. As many of you know, I am Kathy Tamm of the Tamm Bakery and, years ago, I married into the Tamm family. Now, what many of you may NOT know is that I was originally born in Eltanyn Five hundred and twenty three years ago. YES I am THAT OLD! And I will tell you that I have earned every single one of these grey hairs over all them years! 

  Now, with me being born right before Queen Ielania was murdered and, having been informed of what has happened up to this point, I would like to tell Speaker nasir that your descendant that was hired by the Queen but was unable to serve her was named Alhal. I know this because of TWO reasons.