Revealing Images

"Might I suggest," Abjul hesitantly inserted, "That he might learn more about how much more a person that stays open can accomplish by having him accompany Allison as she goes through the kingdom using her magic to replace the old metal ones that are rusting and prone to leaking with the new ones she is using her magic to make. Also, by seeing how easily she is able to do it and how she is able to use her magic so effortlessly, it might even motivate Mister Anani to learn from a woman -at least by watching if not actively participating and learning how or even WHY she is changing it to the material she is using."

  "WHAT?!" Anani shouted angrily, "If that little girl has been messing with MY pipes she'd better reimburse me for all the money I have spent on buying or manufacturing those pipes! And she'd better not even THINK about messing with a SINGLE ONE! Because those are MY pipes and I don't want her to TOUCH a single one!"