Bringing Life Back To The Palace

With it now being time for dinner, Maelyn invited all of them to dine with her and her crew in the feeding tent. When they all agreed, she used her system to connect to Kathy's mind and envisioned a note to her saying, 'Sorry for the contact this way but Fahim, Ria, Anani, Carita, and Maj will be eating with the crew tonight."

  Surprised at the new note appearing in her mind, Kathy took a second to read it through and then used her mind to envision a response on the paper saying, "Will deliver. And next time give a girl some warning!"

  Maelyn then asked the other candidates, "Would any of you be interested in helping clear some of this extraneous basalt from the site? That way we can return the palace and it's grounds to a usable state sooner."