Ep4 : Discovered Attack

14th February, 2020, 8am, "Madhyam" Head Office, Agartala.

The raid was being conducted.

Chandra Shekhar heard that localite saying-"Who and what are they searching for?"

Chandra- "We have an arrest warrant against Chaitanya Rastogi."

Other localites among themselves-

"This is all done by the ruling party. Shame on them.", "This is against the right of freedom of press.", "But, who will explain these officers and police? It's definitely a strict order from the up." etc.

Chandra said- "Please move everyone. We cannot have such crowds here."

Meanwhile, reporters of all big and small media companies had arrived. Chaos of "Breaking News! Arrest warrant issued against Chaitanya Rastogi after he exposed the Mafia collab of Gautam Dhar!", "People are calling it- an act against the human right of speech.", "The leader of the opposition party has said that they will conduct a huge protest procession throughout the state." etc. had started in full swing by then.

Fortunately for Chait, he and his closest friends hadn't reported to work that day. They had sensed such a happening already and had hidden somewhere else.

After successfully taking out the raid, Chandra Shekhar, with the help of his technological assistant Saurabh, opened one of the computers. It was of Chaitanya. He started searching for all the information that Chait could have in store but hadn't revealed in public. After several efforts, he came across a small comment box in a PowerPoint presentation called "Hola". He opened it and got to know what Chaitanya was having in his mind. 

To be continued....