the first holo match

the first match-up since the alert, Viktor Reno Nevada vs Raze in a no-holes bars match, since they can allow any fans into the arena, they are showing it live across the world. Raze and his girlfriend Luna walked into the arena, into the office. " thank you for coming Raze, your match is with Viktor and it's a no holes match, said. Leonard, " like I need the money, when do I get a title match? the Nevada family pulled up at the ring and they got out of the car in walked inside, he take his shades off, they walked inside of the office. " I want a title match with Dread psycho, my sons want a tag team title match as well. Said, Viktor. " why should you get a title match him, I want it, I deserved it, Leonard. said, Raze, " yeah, let the match decide it, make the best one win, said. Leonard, " you never be the man I am, so butt out my business, today you going to taste Nevada unclear powerbomb slam, he kissed his wife and his muscles and said. I going to teach you a very valuable lesson " do not f*CK with Reno!* they walked into the locker room, " who was that and why was he eying me? he throw his shirt down. " was he then I do have a reason to kick his *ss tonight, she rubs his chest, she's shivering a little bit, " hey you okay babe? " I think that holiday at home might be the magic hour, I scared Reno. " mom you are pregnant? Asked. Vincent, " maybe I do not know, he held her in his arms. " baby number five in it wasn't even in the laundry room, that was a wonderful day of rest. Do you want to have it, said? Viktor. " what I want you to do is focus on your match and not on the baby or me, you need to beat him so you can get that match Reno, said. Kari, " so that his wife, and sons now. Said, Luna, " you don't still want him to do you, asked. Raze, " how can I now, my wife is pregnant with my baby again, Kari I know you don't want another baby. he put his sweats on, " no, but we are keeping Vontay Reno Nevada, dad you need to get your mind on the match, for our five V's, for our empire, you want that throne you have to get the focus that goes for all four you. Said, Kari. Raze put his shirt on him, " no, I got the prize, he wants the same thing too. and Dread is not going to give it up so easily. said, Luna. " I know, we have nothing to worry about. he kissed her, " Vontae Reno, he got on his knees and kissed her stomach. " Vontae we can not wait to meet you, these are your brothers Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and Victorious. let my middle suit you. the lights went off and his music played, they walked out of the locker room, and down the ramps, " they focus on the matching baby, don't get your title. focus okay, " you do want to keep right, I know you didn't want a fifth, she strokes his face and said, " I won't name our son if I didn't Reno, yes I want to keep him, they kissed each other, he hugged his family and got in the ring, they helped their mother in the seat, Raze music and him and Luna walked down the ramp, he got in the ring. " your family going to see you lose today, said. Raze, they circled each other, " keep your diva way from my wife and there's only one king of the ring, that is me, they lock up. " come on dad get out of that, said. Vincent, " baby come on, said. Kari, Viktor put him in an armlock, " that's it doesn't let up. Raze elbow him so he can let him go. he fewer around and flipped on the ground, " take him down Raze, your man is nothing but a loser, she sneered at her, " you want to run that hole in your face you run it at us, " Victorious stay seat please, my sons and husband are not losers or underdogs, you are looking at the kings of the ring, this family is going to the top and you will always be a woman under my our feet, you both will always be the second grade the underdogs, baby on your feet, come on. Viktor flip up on his feet, and clothesline Raze, he hit the ground. he is getting sake to do his finisher called the Nevada unclear powerbomb slam, Raze got up to his feet and ran at him, he put him and his finisher, he is out on the floor, he pins him when the Psychos pulled up. {1, 2,3] the bell ring. he got up in flex his chest muscles at her, and rolled out the ring, and walked up to them, " really you going to flex at another woman when your pregnant wife is right here. " I wasn't doing that at her I was doing that to you, you the only women I flex to, they kissed each other, he pick up Victorious walked down the ramp, when Leonard came on the screen. " [good job Reno, as promised you get a title match with Dread Psycho this coming event this Saturday at Holloween Havoc,] said. Leonard, they walked out of the arena, and head to the hospital. The next match is a diva title match, Aura vs Diamond. " he is coming for the title, said. Payne, they played Aura music and she walked out of the locker room, they pulled up at the hospital and walked inside of the hospital, s Dr. Lung walked up to them. " I was about to call you, it is family physical time, we need a time, said. Dr. Lung, " tomorrow is good, and in the morning, we think she is with baby number five, we want to be sure, said. Viktor, " baby number five, come on back Mrs. Nevada, and Mr. Nevada, they walked into the ultrasound room, " Is that what I think it is? asked. Viktor, "yes, that is your son Mr. Nevada, now Mrs. Nevada I do not want you to move too much, any sudden movements can cause both ways, stealth death or you to lose your life, he is like Vincent, Vinny, Vito, Victorious a big boy, Mr. Nevada she can't be around drama and stress and I recommend she be put on pregnancy plan-based diet, said. Dr. Lung, " five-time in around, said. Kari, " and it always works. I have another son, " yes. what is my newest patient name? asked, Dr. Lung, " Vontae Reno Nevada, son number five thank you, Doctor Lung, after she got dressed they walked up to them, Aura body slam her on the ground. they left the hospital and head home, " when we get home you are going to be on bed rest, and you know the drill when you are pregnant right?" right you know that I am not going to the studio, Said. Kari, " we take care of everything babe, said. Viktor, " we got you, mom, I will clean the house. said, Vincent, " this I cut the grass and the hedges. said, Vinny. " and I wash our clothes, said. Vito, " and You Vic can keep mom company, said, Viktor. they pulled into the gates and up to the house, Diamond got up to her feet. she ran at her, Aura throw her over the top ropes. they got out of the car, Viktor pick her up and they walked inside of the house. Vincent closed the door, Viktor carrying up the stairs into the bedroom. " I have lunch ready for you in a minute babe, he sat here on the bed and help her out of her clothes, and help her into her night gallon. Diamond got up and swing at her, she blocked her and put her into a headlock. she got into bed and he cover her up, " we need to get the wrestling weekly guy over in taking a picture of the family, said. Kari, " on it after lunch, and me your laptop and the phone, no studio, no work, the women of the house is off duty, he cut the tv on for her, and victorious walked in and got on the bed with her, as they start to doing the house chores, Diamond is getting sleeping and trying to fight the headlock, Viktor walked back downstairs and into the kitchen to put lunch on the oven. when the phone ring, " (Nevada talk to me,) said. Viktor, " (Viktor is Kari there?) asked. Suzanna, " (unfortunately my wife is on bed rest, what you want?) said. Viktor, " ( is she okay?)-(" yeah just pregnant with baby number five, doctor orders and husbands orders to get off her feet, and rest. ) said, Viktor. Vincent got done cutting the yard and hedges, " the yard is done dad, said. Vincent, " thank you son, keep an eye on the food for me. " dad you know that she going to want the hot dog dad, said. Vinny, " yeah I know Vinny, I don t think I can fight it a fifth time, said. Viktor, " (she sick, my poor baby.) he hang up on his mother-in-law and walk up the stairs into the room, She looked at him, " that is your mother, and what do you want to about this, a nice cup of herbal tea, and the food be ready soon. said, Viktor. " what does she want and how did she get the number? she drinks some of the tea. "my mother, if you want to invite her babe she can just be there for one she has to get to all four sons, and show that she wants to be in our lives and a mother. said, Viktor, " call her back and put her on speakers. as she begins to unbutton his pants, " babe, babe, no, no, said. Viktor, " why are you fighting it I the hot dog. Said, Kari. " babe, please, this is not a good idea to do this. Said, Viktor. " please, it won't hurt the baby, I Need the hot dog. Said, Kari. He pulled back, " I going to check on dinner and get the phone, I love you, babe, you know that I would love to give you the hot dog, I trying to pull back for the baby. said, Viktor, " you did that with son number one, two, three, and four, you just need to give in to the desire, do you want me? " what kind of question is that, you know to desire you, I don't want to hurt our son Kari, I going to get the phone and your lunch okay. " you said that when I was carrying Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and Victorious, you not going to hurt him, give me the hot dog as I give you the bun. said, Kari. " no, stop it now, behave you are too much, he ran down the steps, they look at their father breaking into a cold sweat. " dad you okay? asked. Vincent, " d*mn why does she have to be so freaking attractive when she pregnant take the phone to your mother and tell her to call her mother. " you not running from mom are you, " son if I go back up there I might not come back down, that scares me more then anything. Vincent pet his father on his shoulders and take the phone to his mother, " how are you doing mom? asked. Vincent, as he sat down on the bed. " good son you finish the yawn already? asked, Kari. he hand her the phone, and she takes it, " yeah, dad is afraid to come up here, how is the tea. " why, then he just needs to stop fighting me and give it up, Viktor stop sending ours up here and come yourself. she dial her mother and put her on speaker, he kissed his mother on the forehead, walk downstairs, into the kitchen. "