preparing for the baby

they decided to go out in the city to paint shop and baby shop today, both parents are there, Viktor called James on the phone, " (what up bro,) said, James. " (prefect timing man I need you man is you and your crew busy this week?) asked. Viktor, "(we are booked up this week. what you need to be done?) -(" the house renovated, please man we need you to come today. can you come, ) said. Viktor, " (tell me this is number five.) said, James, " (it is, come meet your fifth god-nephew and see your four god-nephews,)said. Viktor, " (I will be there in a few minutes.) said, James. "(thank you, bro see you soon. ) they hang up the phones, as they walked in *Baby' R' us, they are looking at the baby beds, " no many selections here said. Viktor, " we need a bed for him Reno, said. Kari, " what about John he made all four-bedroom stuff. said, Viktor, " okay let's give him a call, but like the other four I need a nursing setting. said, Kari. ". you going to breastfeed Mrs. Nevada? asked. Viktor, " do I always breastfeed our kids, Mr. Nevada? answered. Kari, " yeah, she does. he is over in a few minutes, let's make this easy for picking the colors, and buy the paint so he so not have to. said, Viktor, "(hey bro, how is my god-nephews?) asked. John, " that is a good idea baby. Said, Kari. they walked inside of the paint store, " (they are good and you are about to have another one soon, we need you to do his nursery set again,) said. Viktor, " you okay Kari you want to set for a while? Asked. Savannah, " I am good mom, said. Kari, after they got their paint and wallpaper and head back to the house, just In a time when James pulled up. " hey you're right on time bro. they walked in the door of the house," so talk to me tell me what you want to be done? asked, James. " an renovation of the whole house, with a nursery, they probably want their rooms bigger, how much do you want. asked, Kari. " it is a baby gift, from me and to you, do you have the paint? asked. James, " yes here you go bro, I have to finish this call, he hands him the paint colors samples. " (let's talk wood bro, Aok wood, Maple wood, Dogwood, and redwood.) said, John. " boys Hot rod red, Lambergini green, and BMW Yellow? asked, James. " are you their uncle, " Reno's friend which their god-uncles, stop, I know what you heading at. Said, Kari, " come on uncle James please, said. Vincent, " relax James we got the paint in the truck for you, so when do you want us to move everything out of the house. asked, Kari. " I have a renovated moving team they can do that for you, just writedown instructions and give them to me, said. James, " babe, Aok, Dogwood, Mape, or redwood? they been there since they were born like my parents were, said. Viktor, " let it go, mom, you here, you want to help, and you want to have a relationship with me, you got to have one with my husband to, let it go, the same as we have for all four, could you paint them to James? asked. Kari. " (redwood, bro.) said, Viktor. " (high cribs or rocketing cribs?) he looked at her, Kari runs her hands through her hairs. " rocketing crib, " they have an uncle Kari, you got a younger brother, said. Suzanne, "I am with a child, and we are not doing this now, or you can get out my house and take your butt back to Detriot! James, John, and Toni are their uncles they know and have, do I make myself clear mom! when she got upset, Vontae got upset, and he did a body slam in the womb, " mmm, " okay I got you to want, let's go upstairs. he picked her up and walked up the steps, " no offense but I think you should go home, said. Vinny, "I agree with him, he sees her upset, he does not want you around, you blow it, Suzanne said. Savannah, " (full set, or one set?) Asked. John, "( the same like for all four, nursing chest, nursing chair, high chair, ) looked she is with my son, you upset her you upset him. My friends and parents have been there at our wedding, we come down to tell you all and ask for her hand in marriage, I don't get welcomed into the family, or a yes, you don't say anything, I do not care why they were there when she was pregnant with all four times, even there during the delivery, so yes we made Toni who made their clothes, bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and formulas, John who made their nursery furniture, and James who built our house and renovated it, and my parents who came to help out. You and your husband didn't bother to come to see them or get to know your grandkids, which I think now is lame and too late that you are here trying now, but you are here. So mad the best of it, by upsetting them you upset us, it is time for to go back home, have a safe trip back, Vinny tell your uncle what kind of bed you want to be made, he hands him the phone and head upstairs into their room. " ( hey uncle John, could I have my bed made out of dogwood?) Asked. Vincent, "(not a problem nephew, full size, king, queen, or single?) Answered. John walked into the room, Kari look at him. " you are going today I told you so are you? asked, Kari. " no, not at all. just came to see if you are okay? Asked, Viktor. she run her hands down her hair, he sat on their bed. " will it be time for you to rest, James got the house, I and the boys got the house we back up everything, just give me written notes what you want everything pack, and I'll bring speed, up her to keep the women of the house company, I tell mines and yours thanks but the man of the house got this, I am an old pro taken care of my pregnant wife and newborn baby, size with me booking us into the Waldulf for few days, packing us breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, long with our smoothies too, and the packing there is nothing really for them to do here, they just are in the way. said, Viktor. " you tell them that my husband, said. Kari kissed her on the head. He walked down the steps, " is she okay Viktor. I didn't mean to upset, said. Suzanne, " look, I got this, you there can go back home when its time mom and dad like always right, and we will call you to Mrs. Christmas. We are getting ready to pack up so he can renovate the house. Said, Viktor. " we can help Viktor, she is my daughter, said. Suzanne, " you be getting in my way of taking care of my wife and son, which you kicked her out of your life because you didn't want to cross path with your husband, said. Viktor, " we work as partners, a team, if I don't like something I tell her and we talk about and work it out if I p*used her off I apologizes for being an *ss to her, we talk, work it out and come to a conclusion on what we should do to make our marriage better, how to take care of our sons together, fact from the day of conceived she knows why they are in her womb they are born wrestlers, she is okay with that, we all help her with the studio you are looking at the enforcers of security, she may be your daughter she is my wife that you upset, go home. Bdaycomes I will call you all right now you being here is getting in my way of getting my family straight, and center, you getting in his way designing our new home, loading everything up to move out. you can't help me, there is nothing for you to do, go home in wait until I give you a call. They got up and left. And went back home, "(i got Vincent down, what do the others want?) Asked. James, " (oak, and single uncle James.) Said, Vinny. "(Redwood and queen,) said. Vito, " ( and four us Dogwood and king-size, and for Victorious Cedar and Kid bed.) Said, Viktor. "(Thanks to James,) " (no problem.) They hang up their phones and they got in." We have everything finished by the time Bday gets here, bye boys, see you tomorrow V, bye Kari. John said, " bye John thank you. He walked out and left, Viktor pick up Victorious and take him up the stairs. inside of the room, the phone ring. " keep mom company, she needs you to take care of her, he answered the phone. " (Nevada,) said, Viktor. " (we got a paper view in it is a hug, if you want to be the king of the ring beating Dread Pcyho for the title, if Vicent and Vinny want a title match with the Williams brothers, they have to face off against Drake and Raze in a tag team no holes bar to match and if Vito wants to have a shot at the heavyweight champion title he have to face Ceasar and money in the bank match, Thanksgiving Bash, ) he looked at his wife. " what is it now? asked. Kari, " boys come up here for a minute will you, they walked inside of the room. " family meeting is in order, Leonard just made it clear that we got a match in a paper view tomorrow before Thanksgiving day, and your mother die day, the question is what do we do? asked. Viktor, " calm down Reno, we manage like always, we do the event, and still have Thanksgiving and make it to, he looked at her, " find what time is it, said. Kari, " (what time is the event, Leonard, because Thanksgiving and my wife is giving birth on that day.) asked, Viktor. " ( on Thanksgiving, you four begged for a title shot and I said you get or have to beat certain wrestlers to get it, Thanksgiving will come around again, she will have another child again, but this is a one-time deal, )-("you need to step in my shoes as a father, and a husband who crazy about his wife, and expecting father, this is my fifth I am not going o miss his birth for you, and this is a family event that the Lord has made, your events come on a blue moon, you get over it, we be there. But you need to get a life and wife,) he hangs upon him, he signed. " we can do this dad, pack up the house, fix thanksgiving dinner, and get mom to the hospital. Said, Vincent, " it is not that bad if you look at it, but he needs to do better as a GM. Said, Vinny, " we got this, we are the Nevadas, said, Vito, so they packed up their house into boxes, Viktor put their foods into bags, and they head down to the hotel to stay a few weeks. the next morning James and his team came and load up the boxes into the trucks and head down to the storage hauls, while they tore down their house and start to rebuild it again, they are making a chart so they can be on time for everything, Suzanne called them, " (Nevada, talk to me.) said, Kari. " (hey how are you this morning sweetie?) asked, Suzanne. " (hi mom, not bad this morning, how are you doing.) said? Kari, Viktor hand his family their breakfast. " thanks dad, okay Thanksgiving Bash arrival at the ring 8-9:59 am, mom, do you feel okay being there? asked. Vincent, " yes, can I walk you boys down the ramp, " no, but you can walk me down my soon-to-be queen of the ring, 10:00 am back here to prepare the feast and head to the hospital on time, we get you to the hospital baby. said, Viktor, " I know you would, and thanksgiving will be wonderful with a miracle baby boy who will be born on thanksgiving, said Kari,