a quiet day at home

After he finished his bottle, he burped him on his shoulders. " that is my baby, dad this is the best day of my life. Going to the top, got the women of my dreams, and she give me all sons, my five aces, Vincent my ace of diamonds, Vinny my ace of hearts, Vito my ace of clubs, and Vic and Vontae my aces of spads, got my sons at my sides and my wife on my arm. Said, Viktor. " that is a great feeling son, I will be back with your mother, Jeremiah left to go get Savannah, Viktor wipe Vontae's s mouth and lay him back in the crib, he, Vincent, Vinny, Vito, went downstairs to check on dinner. " Vic baby boy, tomorrow you starting the first day of school and camp you excited, asked. Kari, "I don't want to go to school mommy what if they make fun of me? Asked. Victorious, " no one makes fun of you, size if they do tell mommy and daddy and will handle it, you are your father-son all four of you, but you are your mother image. She hugged him and kissed him, they pulled up in the gates and at the house, Viktor let them inside of the house. " happy thanksgiving grandma!!! All three said. " how did we get this lucky Jeremiah? To have a successful son, grandsons, and a gorgeous successful daughter-in-law? How mom boys? Asked. Savannah. " we are blessed and highly favored by god dear said. Jeremiah, " mom is upstairs with Von and Vic, said. Vincent, Savannah walked up the steps into the room, Kari looked at her. " hey mom how are you doing? Asked, Savannah, " good, you want to hold your new grandson? Asked, Kari. "I would love to, what name do you decide on? Asked. Savannah, " his name is Vontae Reno Nevada, she got off the bed and pick him up out the crib and gently hand him to her, downstairs in the kitchen, outside on the drilled, Viktor and Vincent are on the grill grilling a 6-pound steak, " the steak is cooking nicely on the grilled, said. Viktor and Vinny and Vito made the potatoes salads, mac and cheese, stuffing and blueberry bread, " we got the sides and bread cooking. Said, Vinny. Upstairs in the room, Savannah is cherishing holding her new grandson. Vontae, " mom getting hungry. Said, Victorious, " Reno our child is hungry and so is your wife and mother are dinner are ready yet. Asked? Kari, Viktor, walked up the steps and inside of the room. " fifteen more minutes and the streak will be ready, can you hang on a while. Asked, Viktor. " no, I'm hungry daddy please can I have something to eat? Asked. Victorious, Kari puts her robe on and she picks him up. " you shouldn't be lifting or moving Kari, you just had a baby. Said, Viktor. " yes, my husband, but I still lift my children and take care of my family. Said, Kari, he kissed her on the head. "I know my wife, not today, it is our turn to take care of you, Vic, and Vontae. For me could you get back on the bed, I love you, Mrs. Nevada, they kissed each other, she got back in the bed. Viktor covers her up with the comforter and fluffs up the pillows for her. " Vic finds us a movie, and daddy, Vincent, Vinny, and Vito will bring dinner up. Said. Viktor, " okay, but your mother, wife, and son are hungry. He kissed her on the lips, " dinner will be up in a minute, I promise. He walked back down the steps into the kitchen. And out to the grilled, the streak is ready, they put it on the cutting board and cut it half the first piece he cut up in bite-size pieces and Vincent's hand the plate to Vito for the side on. The second piece Viktor, put on the plate, " your mother, Vincent walked in the kitchen, and they fill up with sides, and Vito pours some holiday juice into glasses and they take dinner up the steps, the next piece he put on the plate, and hand it to Vinny, He put side dishes on the plate, pour some juice into the glass, " thank you, my boy I take this up to your grandmother, said. Jeremiah, and heads upstairs, he put their pieces on the plates and cut the grill off, and walked in the house with them, Vinny help their plates and pour juice into glasses, and cut off the lights and Viktor locked the sliding door behind him and closed the curtains, they head upstairs and inside of the room. " boys that look great, said. Savannah. " it sure does, they sat down to enjoy a movie, and eat their dinner, " Vic put your cup down and eat your food first, everything is delicious baby, you boys did a great job. Said, Kari. " we had a great teacher, said. Vincent. The phone ringed, Viktor put his plate down and went to answer the phone. " (Nevada,) said. Viktor, " (you left before your match, i trying to get rates Reno,)-(" i sorry but my wife were having a baby, my sons and wife is more important than you or your arena,) said. Viktor, " ( oh I sorry, that why you left?) said, Leonard. " (all five times some of us has families, they are always going to be put before you, if you can understand that, then maybe you are not the arena for me and my sons, I terminating our contracts and my sons too, we are going to FWW who is a family worldwide wrestling arena, this is goodbye.) " (wait Reno please let's talk about this.) He hang up on him and walked in the room and sat down on the bed, " what the wrong babe? asked. Kari, " what is the name of that woman that you train for? asked. Viktor, " Samantha Bright, she been dying to get this family in her arena. You got high rates any arena want the Nevada contract, said. Kari, " the question is mom is her arena family arena? Asked. Vincent, " son what do you think what Fww states for Family wrestling worldwide entertain, her females are married to her wrestlers, so are married, their husbands walked them down, the same for her wrestlers, she runs a clean-cut wresting arena, there is no drama if it is you are fired. Answered, Kari. " my question how she knows you and you know her, asked. Vinny, " we both start-up together, at the same time, she asked me to help train her team, she send the word out that a training studio is open for business. And my Investors thought that was a great idea, answered, Kari. " that what we need, so how do we get an interview with her? Kari picks up her phone and speeds dial Samantha's number, she answered the phone. " (hey girl when I going to get your family in FWW?) asked. Samantha, " ( they left MCW and want to come to you, talk to her.) said, " (he didn't care that my wife was going into labor, that I need to leave to get her to the ER, do you have a family?) asked. Viktor, " (yes I am married, yes I have kids, yes my girls is married with kids, yes my wrestlers are married with kids. I run the family arena, FWW stands for Family Worldwide wrestling entertainment, what people want, and what they want to see, I tell you what I tell them. Your family comes first, you just had another baby right?) said, Samantha, " (yeah, and my kids and wife need me now,) said. Viktor, " (as I do to those who want to join my arena, you have ten days off, be there for your family and train, by then I will have all four contracts draw upland ready for you to sign,) said. Samantha, " (thank you, we see you then, )-(" you are welcome to take care of my girl and congratulations,) they hang up, " mom we love you, will you please help us train, begged Vinny. " please, you are the only women I listen to, said. Vito, " you are the bomb mom, said. Vincent, "of course boys, you do not have to beg, or kiss up to me. Even I love it, said. Kari, "I know you do babe, you are a Nevada woman, said. Viktor, " you do know new music, new moves, new finisher or remake, and new costumes, this is going to take along of work, with me a work all three cardio, physical, and muscule, she called Adam, " (hey mom, happy Turkey day. Please tell me your food is better, hers is awful, I am starving!) cried. Adam, " (yes, Reno cooked dinner, you want to come, come on, I need you on board with my family tomorrow, let her know before you leave.) Vontae is asleep in his crib, Jeremiah phone rings it was his mother. " ( happy thanksgiving mom,) said. Jeremiah, " you ready for dessert? Asked. Viktor. " me daddy, me, me, you okay mommy? Asked. Victorious. Kari looks at him, " yes baby I am fine, would you give pre-school a chance for mommy and daddy? Viktor takes their plates, " let' s go boys. Babe like the oldest we are going to have girl trouble again, can we skip all that and just home-school him? Asked, Viktor. " (i thought you were coming to the house today Jeremiah?) asked. Huckabee, " ( the baby came today dad, and we want to be here to witiness the birth of Vontae,) said. Jeremiah, " maybe she does right this time Reno, if not he can always pull him out and home-school him. Adam is on his way could you fix him a plate. Asked, Kari. He kissed her on the head, " coming up. That is our plan. Babe, he walked downstairs. " (Viktor has a baby?) asked. Huckabee, " ( they have five kids, I am very blessed to have five healthy grandsons, yes dad he also married to, she is such a wonderful mother and they love their sons so much and they are so much in love,) said. Jeremiah. Adam pulled up to the gate, Viktor opened it for him. Adam, drive inside and the gate closed behind him, he got out of the car and knocked on the door. Viktor open it, " did you tell your girlfriend that you were coming over here son. Asked, Viktor, " no dad, why hear her ask why, and why I don't like her cooking. So what does she has a girl or a boy? Asked, Adam, " boy, and your mother is fine son, here you go, he shut the door behind him, he pick up the tray and they head upstairs into the room and passed out dessert to them, " he didn't tell her babe. Said, Viktor, " why to get into an argument about it, so what's going on? asked. Adam, " the boys are left MCW and now at FWW now, their new manager wants them to train and get in shape, we are going to do a full blow body shot, start with cardio for twenty, what you think. " Cardiology we start with the treadmill climber, this week, next week we start with the physical, and the week after we go to weights. Said, Adam, as he continue to eat, " this means we get to open up the room? " what room? Asked. Viktor, " thank me latter baby, each talk with the investor they let me add a new room to the studio, since we are pharohal by doctors patients that are wrestlers, i decide to add a ring to the studio, it been a lock, when i add it that when smantha ask for you four to be in her arena, I told her I will try to bring it up and convinced them to join her, now we can open it up, and used, tomorrow after we take him to school, we begin to used after we get done of cardiology, while you two in the ring I need you to work on stretching boys, if i not there Adam when the timer dings hit the spa for a rub down and cool down, by then you would have the Nevada theme song written down and ready to record, and I would have your new gear ready. Any questions? Asked. Kari, " you are giving us a complete makeover mom? Asked, Vincent. " you minus will get haircuts and shave up, I have a cousin that runs a barber, " wait who said anything about a haircut? Potested, Vinny. " or shave, said. Vito, " this is the old MCW you rough and gruff underdogs, now you boys are not going to FWW looking like underdogs, whoever said that what you are lying to you. Viktor Reno Nevada, Vincent san James Nevada, Vinny Jeremiah Nevada, Vito Adam Nevada, Victorious Edward Nevada, and Vontae Reno Nevada are not underdogs, not my boys, you five are top dogs, Alpha dogs, and the head dogs, you all getting new looks, new bodies, new styles, new moves, new music, and new gear, I went out on the Liam for you, in return make me proud, as the women on your arms, and get new hairstyle first, and shave, said. Kari, " can I say something? Asked. Viktor, " okay ahead Mr. Nevada, " you are the only woman who is going to touch this body, I want to stay that way. Said, Viktor, " are you asking me to give you a rub down or telling me? Asked. Kari, " please babe I only want you to touch me, begged Viktor. " please mom, they all begged. " okay boys I will give you a full body massage, said. Kari, after they finished setting them up for everything and training, they finished their dessert up, and everyone left. And they went to bed,