day with the family

as Victorious is riding his car down the park, Viktor sat next to her, " I am babe you never stray from us, we need to help you more and be more grateful, which we are, I will put some money on the card you and mom go out and have fun, I know the wife will come back to be the same way, said. Viktor, " Is that what you worry about? Viktor nothing is going to change me from being your wife and their mother, is my duty as the woman of the house to take care of my family, which my husband and sons, you hear me, they hugged each other and kissed each other, " I still want to go out tonight, " you will, we go to dinner and dancing, as the man of the house is to find us a hotel, so how about we get the boys and go hotel hunting after we eat, said. Viktor, " sounds good to me, Vic brings it in son time for lunch. said, Kari. they walk up and Victorious drives up, they sat at the picnic table, and she hands them their plates, " is everything good again between you two? asked, Vincent. " yes, why you ask son? answered. Kari, " when you see for the first time in history that your parent who loves stuck argue over something, said, Vinny. " you attend to wonder if things are okay with your mother and father. said, Vito. She gives Viktor Vontae a bottle, " we don't argue, I just little overprotected over your mother boys, he begins to feed him, they start to eat their lunch, " you know mom and dad never actually had quality time alone guys. said. Vincent, " you know mom and dad if you two want to go out tonight, go ahead we got Vic and Von for you. Said, Vinny. " have a great time just being with each other, said. Vito, " wow, thank you boys, said. Kari, " I guess we get to have fun tonight, and you three have past experiences babysitting, said. Viktor, after they finished eating their lunch and got in the van and left went to find a hotel that is not booked, in the back seat fast asleep is Victorious and Vontae, back at his parent's house, " we know John is married with kids, said. Stacie, " so is Viktor Stacie, he finally got the women of his dreams, these are your second cousins that' s vincent, Vinny, vito, Victorious, and Vontae, your cousin-in-law Kari, said. Savannah, " lease we are not the only couple in the family, they pulled up a hotel, " babe, Kari wakes up and yawn. " you want me to go in check us in? boys wake up. Asked, Kari. they kissed each other, " no, I got this, boys protect your mother. Viktor got out of the van and walked into the door, " I tell you three something you, Viktor, and John got great taste in women, must run in the family, Stacie didn't make you chase after her as Kari and Dana did, said, Jeremiah, " I told John sweet her off your feet John, if she is it to you, let her know that you are madly in love with her. Said, Jerry. " I told Viktor she is the one go after, let her know that she is everything you not, do not let her get away from, said. Jeremiah, " so they still here, I like to be our second cousin-in-law, asked, Stacie, " John and Dana lie here, no, Kari and Viktor lies in Winscouson, they only here for a few days, she probably doesn't have her camera on, she called her, Kari answered the phone, " mommy I gotta go pee. Victorious told her, " really bad, or you think you can hold it son? (Nevada talk to me,) said, Kari. Jeremiah put the phone on speaker, " (you a star here Kari, tell your husband he has no choice to come to the cookout,) said. Jeremiah, iktor walked up, " let' s unpack we got a room, said. Viktor, " he needs to go patte I get Vontea, (dad what you are talking about, and that is highly and mildy unlikely to happen, I know that and you know that plus we got a nine-year that lose to run, you know it very tiring chasing after him.) " who are you talking to babe? Vic come on let's go patty, he unfasten him, they got everything out of the an and walked into the room, Why Viktor took Victorious to the bathroom. " (please Kari come, please. ) she lay Vontea on the bed, " your cousin-in-law saying she doesn' t feel like chasing after her son, Stacie, (he is a kid Kari, the size maybe he be a track star, for a certain son of ours who cry and to get her in his life, she said she doesn't have power over him?) she raised her eye at that, "(your child would give up, I only told him, yes to shut him up, are you asinuwaiting that I have power over him,) said. Kari. they walked in the room, " your mother, she told him, " (my daughter-in-law saying she doesn't?) said, Savannah, " (if I did I wouldn' t hae to tell him twenty times to get up and cut the grass, mom, and importment facts is who are you and how do you know my name.) asked, Kari. " (Viktor gets it from a Jeremiah, I could talk blue in the face, Jeremiah you said an hour ago that you was going to trim the hedges, we have the power, yard work is a different thing. Stacie your cousin-in-law,) said, Savannah, " (when you figure that power out let me know, I not saying I don't want chase after him, mom, you know he not going to come to it, we be over to go get the picture taken and watch the tape, which we probably retape it for you,) she runs her hands through her hair. " (son!?)-("I can't help it, your daughter-in-law was flashing me,) -(" I was not, I told him not on me on our son, somehow he image to lose focus again,) said. Kari, " ( it be fine dear, you said you don't have it,) said. Savannah," (what did he say to you today?) "(nothing just promise to take me out tonight mom, your son is highly overprotective of his family, and he didn't want to lose his wife to the world, which my property is my family nothing else, I have to go and get ready for tonight,) talk to your mother Mr. Nevada, she got up and tap her, " (well son you finally to treat her out, but won't let me spend the day with my daughter-in-law, it just the spa Viktor,) said. Savannah. " (you get to do all the prime girl stuff with her mom, ) said. Viktor, " (then you are coming to the cookout than Viktor?) Asked. Stacie, " (no, later on, we will be by, I showing the family my home town.) said, Viktor. " (i want to meet her, please Viktor,)-("we got a lot of selfish and dogs in this family, I do not want my sons and wife around that. Need to go, need to pick something up for the women of the house, if you want to meet her come to p town tonight with us and John and Dana, ) He hang up. " babe i' ll be back, he got the keys and went to the store. " can we go out tonight Steve please, asked. Stacie, " all the way to uptown!? we can go to one of the local clubs here. said, Steve. " but John, Dana, Viktor, and Kari are going uptown and I have never been up that way, said. Stacie, " those clubs cost money and hard to get into, how they expected to get in, asked. Steve, Kari got out of the shower and Vontae is woke, she hand them their dinner, and got the bag to get his bottle out, Viktor pull up and walked inside of the room, " where you been, He handed her the long box in open it, " Viktor, you should have, " hey if I had to do overall again, I will ask you out all six times preying to god that you say yes to the seven-time, thank you for marrying me, giving me our sons, you know I can't live without you, they kissed each other. " now go get dressed I head into the shower, the phone ring. Vincent put the speaker on. " ( Kari,) said. Savannah. " (yeah, can I call you back?) asked. Kari, " (hey I am Stacie boyfriend Steve, uptown cost money and you need a past to get in, we don t have either, there is so really good clubs in town we can go to.)-(" hey what' s I am her son Vinny one local is not my parents this is the first time in ages, my dad worship the ground she walks on, the first thing he wants her to enjoy the night out, uptown is my parents,) said. Vinny. " look up how much is the club and tickets cost Vito. " (money we have, if you need a pass we get what you want, you two probably go out all the time,) said, Kari. " ( do you guys go out to,) -(" with a business, and kids pretty hard for us to go out.) mom uptown nightclub calls the Arrow, is $320 to get in and a nightclub key pass cost a total of $322, said. Vito, kari, put on her underwear and skirt. " ( business? you got money?)-(" yes I own my own business, yes my husband and sons wrestle, I am a woman that works 28/ 7, and provide for my family, so that money is for food, clothes, and bills if we do go out be more at home, so what we put on our cash card be just to go out, so uptown nightclub will not be a big deal.) said, Kari. " (you are not going to when this if she wants to go uptown dad is taking her uptown, size she saying they will get you in and a pass take it and say thank you,) said. Vincent, "( thanks but we are not your charity case, size tonight we meeting up with friends,) said. Steve, " you meet up with them, I going with them, please and thank you, Kari, I pay you back,) said. Stacie, " (mom is dad queen and if the king wants to take her to dinner uptown and dancing uptown it is going to happen,) said. Vinny, " (you do not have to do that if you want to go with us to eat and dance,) Viktor walked out of the shower. " ( maybe a movie what the night plays for us, we got to get dressed now, and my wife has to nurse our baby . ) said. Viktor, they hang upon him, " dinner, dancing and a movie that is not my idea going out, " no but John and Dana, and Viktor and Kari are married with kids, you do not look at Stacie has the way they look at Kari and Dana, how can I put so you can understand Viktor sees her as his everything that he not when he saw her he saw himself with her, he saw all five of his sons, she was the one that he didn't want for a girlfriend but wife, the mother of his sons, even now they are still madly in love with each other, and John saw Dana the same way you are going to witness the power of love with the right one, said. Savannah, " and they do not out and drink, especially Dana and Kari are both nursing mothers, they will tell you they do not need club-hopping, drinking, and fighting, when you still go out in have a great time out, seems, Steve you a great guy, you all about hanging out with your friends, drinking, going to club after club, you not ready to be married or start a family, you are more like Henry, Henry is not a good one to be around when you are committed in a relationship with someone, Viktor and John and Kari and Dana who you should be around, here take this go to dinner with them, the movie, and to a club with them, just have fun, they left to get ready to go out,