chapter xxviii

So Elloitt finds the witiness and talks to him about to happen that night, " thank you, has he head home he called Dhaka who is in the kitchen, " ( we got it baby, and complete identification of the perk, where you at?) asked. Elloitt. "( great, you on your way back?) asked, Dhaka. " (yes my wife, how are the boys?) asked. Elloitt, " (napping, why I get there lunch ready, see you when you get here,) they cut their earphones off, he got in the car head back to the house, Elloitt pulled into the gates and in the garage, he got out and walked into the house, " Dhaka, called. Elloitt, " in the kitchen, so what the witness said? asked, Dhaka. " he saw him go in, then a moment later he heard gunshots. We are looking for a white male, brown hair, brown eyes mid 30 to 35, and has limped, said, Elloitt, Elloitt walked into the nursey, " that could be every man here baby, lucky we got an identified system, Kava search the entire city of Sunshine bay for a white male, brown hair, brown eyes, the age range of 30 to 35, birth defect or accidents limped, said. Dhaka, " Drake takes the kids out for their walk, the oldest, They kissed each other. " yes master Dhaka, they both said. her earphone rings she cut it on. " (yes, dad.) asked, Dhaka. " (tell me that we are getting closed,) said. Howard, " (better the wittiness and the report is accurate, we got a complete identification,) said. Dhaka, he jumped with joy in his office. " (the great job you two, you scanning the city with a fine pick comb, I want this killer caught now, ) said. Howard, " (Kava is already scanning the city, we have him within 24 hours,) Elloitt walked out of nursey and help by setting the table for lunch, " ( call me immediately once you got a match Dhaka.) said, Howard. " (will do-dad,) they hang up, Drake walked back inside the house, take them into their rooms, " thank you, Drake, you can go rest now, said. Dhaka, " you are welcome master Dhaka, and thank you. He disappeared and shut down, " there are three matches master Dhaka, said. Kava, " great, who is the first one and where he lives at? asked. Elloitt, " (Tony Baxter south side of Sunshine bay, age 30, brown hair, and brown eyes,) said. Kava, " is there a limp in his walk?" no, no accidents or birth defects. she said, " what is the next one Kava, asked. Elloitt, " ( Richard horn age 35, brown hair brown eyes limp from a bike accident. ) said, Kava, they looked at each other, I know saying it is him I am not saying it is baby, we got to bring him in for questioning, said. Elloitt, " what is the other one Kava, half in half I catch him and you bring him, you know if he is guilty he is going to run Elloitt, said. Dhaka, " (Mike Stevens age 30 brown hair, brown eyes limp car accident,) said. Kava, " Kave release gold one and program the address into it, and watch the twins for us, Morocco and Luca< they ran in the room and stand guard until they got back, they got in the car and went to speak to Mike as Gold one went after Richard, They both got their person and bring them down to the station, She put the twins in their basket nets and left the house, as they got them out she pulled up, Morocco and Luca start to bark at them, " hi mommy and kids. said, Elloitt, they walked inside and put them in interview room 1# and interview room 2#. " go get them, mom and dad I got my grandsons and granddaughter, said. Howard, " get me a conviction, said, Howard. " we will try dad, said. Dhaka, they walked into the rooms, " I haven't done anything you showing up at my place arresting me, for now, reason! said, Mike. " where were you that night of the homicide of the Winston family? asked, Elloitt. Dhaka sat down in the chair and crossed her legs, " why am I here, who was that thing? Richard asked, " you tell me why you think you're here and I don t know, said. Dhaka, he lean back in his chair and looked at her, in the first interview room, " I was out of down that day, can I go? asked. Mike, " really you saw at that house that night you killed those people for no reason, I have you dead to right Stevens! Said, Elloitt. " I don't know gorgeous, what did I do wrong?" where were you the weel last during the murder of the Winstons? asked. Dhaka, in the first interview room, " I didn't do this, I tell you that I am wasn't there I was out of town. Said, Richard. " right you was out of town, sit and think again, I will be back in a few minutes, he got up and walked out the room, Howard walked up. " how visit going? asked, Howard. " he not cracking sir, he claimed that he was out of town, said. Elloitt, in the second interview room, " here's what you did and how it happens, you got p*ssed that he fired you, killing him wouldn' t be enough, so you that night waiting for them to go to bed and you snuck into their house first you kill their sons, then you killedhim andhis wive, you not going to tell me that you don' t work for him, when your body languages tell you to do, you not going to tell me you wasn' t that night when I came to get you ran as a guilty person does, you are not going to tell me you didn't kill anyone that you sweating like a dog, it not hot in here, she crossed her arms, hebegin to tell her why, his why was he was only that once and automatically fired him without pay, that his mother is in the hospital, she needs a major transplant put it cost an arm to pay for, that he almost had enough to paid or, his last check would cover everything, by the time he brings what he had, it was too late she passed. He never had the chance to get the transplant that she needs or say goodbye, he screamed how he hate him that he got what he deserve, "