Left Naiad’s Eye

As Echidna went farewell, the Hunters await the arrival of a new boss-type monster, preferably of a higher level. Rhosyn also got a lot more active at killing the unending waves of low-ranked monsters, since their death will attract stronger monsters to attack.

Yet no matter how long they sail, no one was strong enough to get the Admiral to worry about the safety of the ship or him himself.

And no, it's not because of how competent Adrian was, it's just… those who came were unthreateningly weak. The suspense of waiting for the right moment to come was so unbearable, even for someone as collected as Dov. His target this time was a Master rank after all.

"Looks like we'll be spending the night, Celene."

Dov' was leaning on the rail, glaring at the Left Naiad's Eye. His mask didn't radiate as much blue as it usually was. It's easy to tell that his mood isn't on the bright side.