Black Hunters pt. 2

"W-war, Premier?"

The non-humans Hunters shared their looks of concern hearing that word. They didn't apply to be a Hunter for the sake of bloodlust. Some for vengeance, some for justice, some to be free from monsters, some even for peace.

Although the moment they signed themselves to the Black Guild, they all know, that sooner or later they'll be involved in some country conflicts and politics. But not at this scale.

"Ahh… scared are we?" Teased the Premier.

". . ." The audience had a hard time trying to deny him.

"Kept in mind, ladies and gents. Something like this… are bound to happen." Said the old man. "Not only do we have a pretender on the loose, the All-father himself also stated he won't participate in any of the continent's conflict unless everyone is under the same idea of wanting it done."