The Dwarves of Bronze pt. 2

The dwarven guard towers planted on these mountains are a series of 2 sets of towers with each set consisting of 4 towers attached next to one another.

Every tower has a wide platform for soldiers to run around and at least 3 emplacement slots for cannons. There's a storage house at the back side of the tower, attached to the mountains filled with all kinds of supplies to help the guard.

However, with the situation they were in, a lot of these supplies were scattered all over the platform in the form of barrels and boxes, which made good protection for people to hide during a crossfire. Something that was happening at this exact moment.

"Go! Go! Go! Find cover and shoot back!" 

After Rhosyn dispelled her magma wall, every soldier except for hammerers, immediately run to whatever they could use to protect themselves from bullets. Wall, boxes, barrels, even cannons.