Letter of Permit

"Cawish? Cawish, are you home?"

Blaz knocked hard on a wooden door of a pearly white house with no lamp or torch to be seen behind its curtains, yet somehow you could see light radiating through the windows. Not to mention, insanely bright.

"A moment!" A faint soothing voice of a male could be heard coming from the inside. Then right after, the sounds of footsteps turned louder and louder.

The door went open.

"Are you… Blaz? Oh Fluttering Light, you look so… youthful."

A sunlight-skinned elf appeared from within the house, his squinty white eyes wandered all over the place while his head got busy assessing the situation. His attire was quite loose and comfortable as if he was getting ready for a bed. It was fully understandable since the time was already pretty late.

"All the humans I knew grow so fast, but you… not even a string of beard on your face." The elf kept looking at him all impressed.