Too Hot in Here

Long long ago, when this planet was nothing but a giant empty sphere, the Goddess came step foot and created nine elements as the fundamentals of magic and energy.

It was a good start for the Earth, sadly that was everything the Goddess ever gave to her.

As silent and lonely it was, the Goddess decided to humor Herself with a present of a man, and created an entity based on Herself as a reference.

Like how he was intended to be, the man fulfilled his duty to accompany her here on the giant empty planet. But, with how handsome She made him, even She grow distracted, and forgot about the reason why She's here in the first place.

As time went on, the Goddess become too lazy to do anything and just let the man spoil Her every single day. Therefore to help him serve her better, She gave him the power of creation and creativity. With this, he painted all kinds of stuff on this blank earth in order to satisfy the needs of his Goddess.