Act five,Scene one(The fight)

Previously on teenage fight(kazara)


Kazara: ....,how about you try the tracking device today,maybe then you'll see, both Melisa and Rex would be running,.....


John: are you sure I should do this.....


newt: something is wrong...


Trina: I guess finally am gonna drink blood (smiling deviously)...


Melisa: you're not gonna touch him.....



Rex: you're on he's side,you do know he's on kazara side,right?,by the way, am not surprised if you stay on their side and you get killed,you can be Jude's meal,he's sure hungry,or should I say ghoul's meal,you should know, they don't leave remains (then they laughed)

Kazara: she's not alone fools,three against five,fair (jokingly)

Mandy: not five , remember me (smiling deviously)

Kazara: orh,turn around john