The sun was high up in the sky,brightening up even the most darkest sides,and today, it was hot as it was shining...
At Kelvin's apartment...
Kelvin remained in bed,he had a lot to drink the night before,but was woken up in an unexpected manner...
John: (by Kelvin) men ,he looks peaceful when he sleeps
Kazara: yah, too bad you've to wake him
John: yah I almost feel sorry to,almost (smiles deviously,then went over to the window, raised the cottons, causing the Sun's ray to shine all over the room,also on Kelvin's face)
Kelvin: orh Mandy,you feel hot
John: orhh,he's dreaming of Mandy, now that's just wild (walks closer to the bed) uhnnn (slaps him) wake up dude
Kelvin: yah,hit.. me harder....
John: okay now this just went officially from wild to weird...(starring at Kelvin molesting the bed)
Kazara: okay that's it (took over) Wake Up Idiot
Kelvin: ugh..stop.. (yarns then turned over)
Kazara: okay.. ,he's an heavy sleeper,he's out cold