Chapter 1

Nico's POV

It was a beautiful morning, the cool wind that passed me waking me up with my right hand as birds chirped which made me use my talent. I started singing with my towel around my body going into the bathroom to do my business remembering what today last day in Florida cause my dad got a promotion and I couldn't say 'no' because this is the first time he is focused on something since my mom passed away three years ago. So I, my older brother Eric and dad are moving to New York city tomorrow. Big environment change I know right.

I came out from the bathroom, my phone rang looking at the screen it was my friend Jack, his handsome, tall, fashionable and all the girls at school would kill for him if they had to but he is gay and like him that way. I picked the call as he immediately shouted with a high pitch girl voice making me move the phone from my ear for him to finish screaming and then brought it back to my ear saying "Sorry Jack, I didn't hear you due to all the shouting" he noticed the sarcasm in my voice and I could imagine him rolling his eyes.

He started again this time calmly "What the heck, you are moving to New York and you didn't even bother to tell your best friend." I groaned slightly as I shut my eyes tightly. I didn't even know what to tell him cause I truly forgot,"Nico Nico still there?" he said with a sigh.

"Yes, I am sorry I forgot... it happened so quickly. Am truly sorry, things has just being a lot stressful than usual" I said sounding tired while looking at the empty boxes in my room.

"OK but I will forgive you on one condition, let's have a goodbye sleepover with Furi and Charlotte before you go and I forgot to ask when are you going?"

"Tomorrow" I said sadly.

"What!?" He screamed again as I cringed at his high pitch voice. Why does she scream sound more girly than mine?

"What's with you and the girly screams this morning" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me right now.

"I do not sound like a girl when I scream, how dare ya" he said in a funny extremely way making me laugh. This is why I love this guy. Am stressed and he is here making me laugh. Friendship goals.

"Jack, I really have to pack so bye and call the girls, see you guys by six" saying this I ended the call.

I just started singing again with my lovely voice looking at the unpacked boxes and clothes around my room before a heavy sigh escaped my lips. I went downstairs, seeing luggages beside Eric when my dad spoke happily "I have good news a friend in New York found a nice house we can stay in, I even have a picture that he sent to me."


Note my sarcasm.

The house is amazingly beautiful but one problem it don't have my friends in it or its not Florida. My hometown.

Snapping me out of my thoughts Eric said "the house is lovely and huge also good for parties" he said wiggling his eyebrow playfully.

"Can we just stay here for few more days" I said looking at dad to see his expression. His smile fades away and a deep frown take over his facial expression.

"We are leaving tomorrow and that's final" he said giving me a stern look which meant no room for arguments before walking to his room ignoring I and Eric's opinion about it. Sometimes I wonder whether this man is really my dad, we have nothing in common like literally. I sat on down on a big cream colored couch as Eric soon joins me.

"I know it is really hard for the both of us to just leave everything behind, all the childhood memories, the ups and downs that have in occured here but lets just hope its worth it" he said as I hugged him.

"Everything will be alright" he said hugging tightly. I wanted to believe him, I truly did but I couldn't help and wonder what if he's wrong. What if things don't turn out alright?

Only time will tell.


It's time for the sleepover and I can't help but be worried if I miss my flight tomorrow cause I was drunk, dad will murdered me that's if he can. I set an alarm just in case on my phone to wake me up. I got all dressed up ready to have the best sleepover of my life with my three friends for the last time. I was wearing black sweatpants with a fitted red halter crop top and black nike air force 1.

Curled my hair into perfection not wanting to apply makeup, taking a last glance at myself. I was satisfied with my look. I heard a horn sound outside, looked through my window and saw Furi banging the horn like a mad woman. I picked my phone, left before my dad came out and thought her how to behave like a normal person.

Well, I like her being mad. Duh...

After twenty minutes of discussing about random shit, we reached Jack's huge white house. I had grown attached to this house through the years cause I basically live here too.

When we were all complete, we started the sleepover, watched movies, ate snacks and of course got drunk.

"Do you even want to leave" Furi asked taking a shot of alcohol as I sighed.

"That doesn't really matter" I shrugged as they looked at me sadly.

"We will miss you so much" Jack said as I see his eyes watery. I knew my dad won't let me come back here so I might as well say goodbye for good.

"I can't believe this is our last night together" Charlotte said as we all laid on my backs looking up at the ceiling. I really was going to miss Florida and all the childhood memories. I knew I was the glue to our friendship group.

"Promise me something, all of you" I said still not looking at them.

"Anything" I heard Jack say in a whisper.

"That you guys won't go separate ways" I said as I turned to look at them.

"We won't" they all said at in sync.

"Thanks for making my childhood memories with me in Florida a memorable one, I really appreciate it" I whispered without looking at any of them so I won't cry.


I woke up on my bed around 5am still sleepy and the realization hit me that am already late, having serious headache, wondering how I got back home. I hurtled into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Oh no! What if we missed the flight because of me I will be happy but also dead. I heard my bedroom door fly open revealing Eric shouting "You forking better not be sleeping!"

"Such words this early morning, I am getting ready be down in ten minutes." I said from the bathroom. I quickly got dressed and rolled my box out of my room. I see Eric looked around the house like he couldn't still believe we were moving as I sighed.

"It is what is best for us, all of us" my dad said as I turned around seeing him behind me all dressed.

"I hope so, I really do dad" I said as he squeezed my hand softly.

"C'mon the car is ready" he said and I nodded. I rolled my box out of the house as I looked up.

Bye Florida and hello New York City.


We were already in NYC and in a taxi going to our new home.

"Eric how did I get home last night" I curiously asked.

"Jack brought your drunk ass home last night" he said as he shook his head.

"I can't believe your growing up" he said as he wiped his fake tears and I snickered.

"We are here!" dad announced in a merry voice as Eric let out a sigh. We get down from the car as I stare at the house taking a deep breath. It was a nice huge house made a glass even from the outside and you could a football pitch from here behind the house.

"Nico I will show you your room, c'mon" my dad said and i nodded. We climbed a long flight of stairs and then entered a huge room with gold sparkles and white walls and tiles. A queen-sized bed is edged to a wall with the air conditioner directly hanging upwards. White bedsheets spread on the huge mattress, with a vanity set opposite the bedstand. A big walk in closet. A white door situated on the left side of the room which am guessing is the toilet. The room is spacious, neatly organized and beautiful.

"Do you like it" he asked as I nodded.

He pecked me on the forehead saying 'goodnight Angel'. I changed into comfortable clothes then jumped on the large soft bed drifting off to sleep with one thought 'the peck he gave me seemed fake, I wonder why.'