Chapter 9

Chapter 9: They look like small toys I can pick up and control,

It has been a week of junior high school and all I can say is that it’s still bearable. A few things have happened already and I have been gaining more and more confidence as time passes by. But one thing is for sure, I have been learning a lot more about the school and the people behind it. Alora High School, a school you’ll see in any students’ top tier list. A school that is praised and highly appreciated not only by students but also by the people who work and have grown there. They say it's a school of growing over the world to see more possibilities, to believe and see a different universe.

The school has been acknowledged a lot because of its system and mostly the tale it possesses. A tale about a young man who fell into a dip trance of love, agony, and pity towards his best friend who found love in the most impossible way this universe holds. Founder, Anthony Spears’ words for his best friend are carved in stone that has been standing in the middle of our school grounds. It doesn’t actually refer to anything academically educational but they say that it is a phrase that only the reader could give meaning to. Simple words he has written in his letter for his best friend that never reached even her location.

My Pa sighs as he continues telling me the story of the man he only met in a bar trying to drown himself in alcohol. “We kept in contact after that but I never saw him again. He calls but he only tires himself talking and crying over her.”

"The man loves her that all the tiniest detail about her, he knows it. But, life just doesn't go the way we want it to. Despite having control, he couldn't make someone's heart beat for him especially when it's already being held on by somebody else."

He turns the stirring wheel, maneuvering the car in the last turn before we reach our destination. We’re almost close to Alora High School but he continues till the last minute. “He loved her and she loved him, but not the same level of love he gives her.”

Right on cue, he finishes his sentence with a step on the breaks. “We’re here, Princess.”

I grab my backpack from the back seat and am about to hop out of the car when I turn to look at him and flashes him a quick smile, “Thank you Pa, for a story I hope I have witnessed first-hand.”

He gives a gentle smile, "I know you'd love it if ever."

I shut the car door close and walk my way to the other side where the school gate is. As I make my way inside the school my phone pings – an indication of a text message.

Pa- Why not check out the stone when you have time and tell me about your thoughts later at dinner. Good luck with your classes, Princcess, Ily.

His simple text message tugs the end of my lips into an appreciative smile. A smile that doesn’t reach my ears but reaches the strings of my heart. Pa’s text only shows that he is a father who perfectly understands his child he have raised and is raising. He knows how this mind of mine works and how to ignite my motors to act on it. He’s my support system and the first man who showed me what love is as a father, husband and a friend.

I type down a reply saying that I love him too. As I put my phone back into my pocket a body slams itself behind my back and grabs my free arm. Even joyfully calls my name, “Hillary!”

My smile grows wider as I know who the person clinging to me is. I look over to my side and pick out an overjoyed Joy like a baby panda on its mother’s arms. I ask her, “Let’s go?”

“Mhm!” She pushes me forward while she still clings on my arm. I stumble and she pushes, making us both laugh as we walk to our building together.

We make it in front of our classroom. Joy lets go of my arm and wait behind me as I slide the door open. But it’s not budging. I try again and it’s not working. I walk to the other door tries to slide it and nothing happens. The last thing I resort to is looking through the windows to see if our classmates are inside trying to prank us.

I turn around and announce to Joy that the doors are locked, “Locked.”

She snaps her head at me, “What?”

I nod at her and joins her at the balcony. I lean at the pavement and peak through as well. “Well then, we’re staying here?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I check my watch to see that it is only 6:15 am. “We’re too early today. Why did we agree to wake up at 4:30 today again?”

She laughs at me while having her attention below us. “Well, you wanted help in making breakfast for your Pa.”

“Right,” I find myself gaining interest in the people walking below us. They look like small toys I can pick up and control, placing them from one place to another, making them do anything, and just making them follow. Deciding on their own actions and they just follow. What if that’s us? Someone puts us in a situation wherein we just need to act through it. We cannot decide if we do want to be there or not.

As I get tired of standing, thinking, and leaning on the balcony, I slide down and sit on the floor. Joy continues to stand while I settle myself on the floor. I check my watch again, “6:30. Why is no one here yet?”

I remain seated on the floor, Indian style. Some of our classmate starts to join us waiting in front of our room, filling the hallway. While the other section, the one on our right, if you’re looking in front of the rooms; they have their room open and they just go inside. Later on, I see a familiar face getting closer from the right side of the corridor where the stairs are located.

He waves his hand at me and smiles. I can also see a white chord snaked around his neck and I follow his hand as he takes off one earphone, “What you doing out here?”

“Ward!” I greet him. “The door’s locked.”

He gives me a teasing laugh, “That’s a bummer. See ya, then.” He plasters a smile and walks in their room. He goes in and I divert my eyes back to the right hallway. As I act on—I come eye to eye with someone who has his hand on his pocket, his left arm leaning on the pavement a few feet away from me, staring down at me with his eyes that is full of wonders.

He tilts his head to the side as he keeps eye contact. I suddenly get confused and slightly furrow my eyebrows and blink a few times. That is when he stands properly, fixes his bag on his back still keeping eye contact. This boy can keep up this contact when I am confused on why am I still keeping it as well. I follow his movement and he then cuts the contact and goes into the same door Ward went through.

My eyes bug out and I lower my head after realizing what just happened and on cue, the bell rings and we’re still stuck outside the hallway. But, that doesn’t bother me too much, what bothers me is the fact that I can still feel his gaze on me coming from that room.

I look up just to see that the guy is sitting at the most perfect spot, like he is the subject of a picture on a picture frame which are the door frames; since I can fully see him and I bet he can fully see me from that spot.

Her eyes are bug out, making the side of my lips twitch and making her furrow her brows. Looks like she caught that one…