Opening the cover I read...
You've been lacking strength and control in your past life. Now you are presented with a choice, be daring enough to enter a world where your, entire existence will be questioned or choose to remain in your world and carry on living in a constant cycle of regret. The choice is yours so choose wisely. If you choose to enter our world you will be given a better version of yourself and will be given various opportunities throughout the book to learn from past mistakes and learn how to become stronger, braver, and bolder than you've ever been. Have no fear, for you will not enter this world without gifts, but bear in mind magic comes at a price and if you are found lacking the price will be your life. This book was not given to you by chance, you were chosen. The woman who gave you the book goes by the name Minerva. She has watched over you since your birth. Not only have you found favor amongst the gods but you have been given the chance to take complete control over your life. Make no mistake, even though you have been found worthy by the Gods, they expect nothing less than excellence.
Before entering our world, here is a message from Minerva, "Dear child, you have suffered long enough. I have given you one of my stars, this will help you during your journey, do not waste it. You have much to learn-, but be warned I have put in a good word for you with the other Gods I will not be disappointed. "
The choices you make throughout your journey will not affect your life before you entered our world. Once you have completed the book you will return to the same place where you began reading.
To say I was shocked was an understatement. I have so many questions, I flipped the page only to find it blank, confused I looked through the rest of the book, page after page I found nothing. I closed the book and turned it upside down and opened it on the last page. In bold green letters, it read... To enter say these words, "ego te accipere donum" which was written in Latin.
Taking a deep breath I closed the book once again. I sat back and thought to myself, was my life really in such a horrific state? Yes, over the years I've gone through a lot, I've struggled with depression, I had no confidence in myself ( I still don't) and I got bullied for the majority of my life but I still managed to pick myself back up and glue the broken pieces back together. I've lived through tough family feuds. I mean you'll be surprised to see how many go through the same situations and also manage to get themselves up again, although, nobody should have to deal with so many complications. With a huff, I got up and placed the book on the couch. I grabbed the TV remote and put the music off, not wanting to get upset over things that had happened over 10 years ago I thought to rather channel all my remaining energy into getting the apartment clean. By the time I was done all the thoughts of the past had left and I was left feeling miserable. Walking into the bathroom, I got into the shower skipping dinner and heading straight to bed. The thought that wouldn't leave my mind was of that book. Flipping onto my back, once again let my mind drift back on everything that has happened. Looking at my curtains I realized that I've left them open, sighing I got up and walked to shut the curtains. Closing myself with the covers once again I curled myself into a ball and closed my eyes. My final thought before drifting off to sleep was, I know most if not all the choices I've made was to try and keep my parents proud of me but deep down no one ever asked me what I want to do with my life, it was always about my parent's success and how beautiful my sister was and never about me. I was always in the background, being the weird fat sister. I'm just tired.
"Ughh, piss off!" trying to find the alarm half asleep was no task for the faint of heart. Still feeling a bit miserable from the night before, of course, I'd forget to switch the alarm off. Refusing to open my eyes I sat up continued to search for my phone, accepting defeat I opened my eyes and saw my phone on the floor next to a book. Opening the covers I picked up my phone and the book only to find that it layed next to the book I'd read the day before but how did it get here? Deciding it would be better not to ask questions or to even try to understand I placed the book on my nightstand and walked to open the curtains and make my bed.
Not bothering to even check the time, knowing that it would be 5 in the morning. I knew better than to try and get more sleep. I decided to go to the park for the day. Since I had showered the night before I just freshened up and made coffee. When I checked the time it was 5:30 am. Making sure I had everything I needed I made my way to the bedroom and grabbing my handbag, a blanket, my coat, and car keys. Without hesitation, I picked up my phone, and just before I walked out of the room I looked back at the book sighing I turned and took the book. Locking my door I turned and made my way to the elevator. I hastily made my way to my car and placed the key into the ignition and put the radio on.
Half an hour later I arrived at the park the weather seemed to have cleared up a little and it became warmer. Parking my car I grabbed all my belongings and made my way towards the pond area of the park. Looking around I picked an area close to the pond and where I still had a clear view of my car. I laid the blanket down and sat, looking towards the water, and began thinking about the book. Surely I couldn't let this opportunity slip away from me. Placing my head in my hands I closed my eyes and listened to the ducks quack, the screeching tires, and honking horns of impatient drivers pass by.
I said, "ego te accipere donum."
[Chapter quote: " all the clouds in me are raining"- r.h. Sin]