
Oh wow!! What is she now, his savior, his Calvary?

Oh wait, she was Voltron, defender of the universe or rather, Mr Bass’s enterprises !!


Let the man speak for himself, he knows how to put people down, he should fight his battles.

Well, she won’t be apologizing, she didn’t say anything wrong, she just stated what she wasn’t.

She mentally crossed her hands, puts her legs on her invisible desks, and waits.

That was no crime unless it was in his books. she stares at him straight in the eye

“There is no need, no harm done” Mr Bass says ‘’I am sure Miss Samantha would mend her ways soon enough and realize that here, we do not suffer fools. For today, I let it pass” then he turns to the interns

“Ladies, welcome, now that you all have been fully apprised of your duties and fixed in your departments, I do hope you enjoy it here, it’s a stiff market out there and here, the competition is sticker, we may not be able to take all of you after your internships but have no fear, we would give you good referrals, recommendations, and a worthy thank you package for being part of us because here at Bass, we take care of our own, and the interns who do exceedingly well, you would be made staffs, until then, work hard, be beautiful and may the forces be with you” He smiles, they gush again,

Samantha felt like puking.

Was it just her or it felt as though she just walked into a class of girls not minding an orgy with Mr Bass himself, only that they weren’t naked and all over themselves, they were doing that with their eyes and mouth if only their eyes could do the magic. She rolls her eyes again.

She literally felt like gagging or start screaming “You all should go get a room and beg him to join you, be less obvious ” Lord !!!

He leaves the lady, the one they call Betty walks up to her “Follow me and I would show you to your corner. I expect that you follow through instructions, know his schedules and meetings, timing, and even every tiny detail even to what he eats and the color of tie, what he likes and what floss he uses for his teeth, his meals and lunch, his different suits for different days…, dinner dates, kind of girl, loose cash for what and what, his shirts..he loves white..”

Oh really, do I have to know the color of his boxers too and if he likes to pee sitting like a girl or standing like a man. She rolls her eyes

What am I, his babysitter??

Jamie didn’t tell me there was a big baby running his daddy’s company

They are walking as Betty continuous to talk “ I expect that you do know and have all this information at your fingertips and because I would be out of town for a few days and I would not want this place to be in chaos before I get back. Mr Bass likes things to be done accordingly, he hates last minutes changes and anything unorganized and uncoordinated so you would do well to listen, be sharp, be quick and attentive, you only have a couple of days to learn all these before I leave understand your duties and I also expect that you keep your attitude in check, that thing you did in there would only reward you with a kick to the door and trust me, no one would miss you, they would forget you in a minute, and Mr Bass’s patience is thin, so don’t be smart.”

she takes her to her desk, right after hers “This is where you would be working..and try not to be lazy, He doesn’t like that, he likes us to be smart, punctual and know what we are doing and being paid for. Your first call of duty Is already in that file, get to it” Betty leaves her to herself

A girl smiles at her across the hall, Samantha smiles back.


For the next couple of days, Samantha does her job, and before long she was having the hang of things, even sometimes helping Sophie with some issues she is having and attending to projects Betty is too lazy about.

Then Betty goes on her leave, she would be out for two weeks, which meant that she was Mr Bass’s PA for that duration of time

And she wonders if she could switch with the secretary.

“Hi Sophie, good morning” Samantha walks to her

Sophie looks up and smiles “Oh hi Sam, how are you, how has this place being treating you, I know we don’t talk much even despite being in the same hall and stuff, Mr Bass keeps us on our toes…huh?”

“Oh yes he does.. and I would rather you call me Samantha or Brooke, Sam makes me feel as though I shouldn’t be having these full things on my chest” she answers, Sophie laughs “Ok Samantha”

Samantha nods, “So Betty is going to be on leave for two weeks and…”

“Oh yeah and boy am I glad, she just keeps blocking my chances with the Boss, dude did you see how hot and fine he was looking, “ she fans herself “ I!!”

Samantha frowns “Okay…stop. Seriously you all need to get all those vibes away from me. What I mean is that, why don’t you PA for him while I take your spot for the rest of the week, cool?””

Her eyes sparkle “For real??;’’

“Yep, realer than Santa clause at the moment ” Samantha nods

“Oh wow!!” she claps in an excited glee

The Elevator door opens and then Sophie jumps “Oh my duty starts now, thanks babes, you don’t know how much this means to me” she carries the iPad, picks up the file Samantha drops on her desk as she came and rushes to meet him, Samantha walks around her table and sits

“Oh Good morning sir” she hears Sophie greet him

“Good morning Sophie, please coffee and where is Betty, she didn’t meet me downstairs,” he says, not seeing Samantha as he walks to his door, opening it and entering, Sophie dances behind him, Samantha shakes her head, bends and begins to type what Sophia was typing halfway, she hears Sophie reminding him about Betty’s leave before the door shuts behind her.

The door opens up barely ten minutes later and then someone walks towards her, “Oh Sophie, this Tsuki ventures, isn’t it supposed to be on the construction file for Tuesday” Samantha says without looking up

“Stand up Miss Samantha and step into my office” he orders