
A few nanoseconds pass

“Samantha?” he calls her name again.

“No. Get out!!” Her shock had abated, her voice is filled with anger

Shock vibrates through his body

“if you need validation just because you did a good deed and you expect me to reward you, you are sadly mistaken. If you wait for someone to tell you how to treat people, then you are really pitiful. You should know the difference between right and wrong,You hurt someone’s feelings,you should apologize, you don’t like someone,you tell them, not to use them just because. it doesn’t matter if you are rich, your heart is what should matter. I don’t know how messed up your childhood was but I believe you should have done better for yourself. You don’t come here to tell me you apologize to someone you hurt and expect me to clap for you..No Mr Bass, you should be ashamed of yourself. Were you doing it for me?