Chapter 5

Zayn and Four both looked at each other. They felt like someone threw cold water at them. They both knew if Gigi knew about what they were talking she would definitely loose it for sure and it bloody disastrous when she loose it. Suddenly the phone inside Gigi’s pocket rang. She reluctantly took it out and saw the caller’s id name and immediately answered ‘Hey! Petris what’s up?”

“Hey girl! I am Good. Very Good actually. How you doing?” Petris asked. Gigi sensed something was wrong with Petris. Gigi eyed Four with grin on her face before asking “what did four do this time?” Sweat started dripping down Four’s forehead. Gigi knew this is gonna be fun and put the phone on speaker so that Zayn could enjoy too“ Don’t ask Gigi. He has pissed me beyond limits this time and now he is to where to be seen” Petris complained sounding very angry

Gigi giggled before speaking “ He must have hid somewhere as he very well know you are pissed”

Zayn looked at Four who was red a tomato unable to control his laugh. “ so that is why someone showed up here super early!” Zayn spoke in our mind link embarrassing Four even further.

(Mind link is way through which werewolves of a pack can say connected by speaking in minds. It like telepathy)

“Shut it Zayn or I would….” Four tried to say something in mind link but Zayn cut him off saying “ or what? What can I expect from a wolf who is so afraid of her wife that he comes hiding in his sister’s castle to do?”

“Gigi I am really pissed can I come over? Only you know how to lighten my mood” Petris asked

“Sure Girl! No need to ask. You can eve crash here tonight. We can watch movies and eat junk” Gigi said “You are the best. See you in an hour” with that Petris cut the call and both Zayn and Gigi burst out laughing.

“ Four! You are the werewolf king and the Guardian who owns the most deadly weapon still you are afraid of my sister’s anger” Zayn teased Four

“ Perhaps you should see Petris when she is pissed. I would rather fight angry Gigi than Face Angry Petris” Four replied made Zayn and Gigi laugh even harder.

After what seems like 10 minutes of laughing and making fun of scared Four gigi asked

“so what the hell did you do to make Petris pissed?”

“no I ain’t telling you” Four replied. Gigi smirked “ you know right I can read your mind if I want to!” Four quickly covered his eyes as it’s the only way through which Gigi can read thoughts and spoke

“Damn you Gigi reading others minds are bad manners. Haven’t I taught you well?”

“ for your kind information I don’t give a fuck about what you taught. Now tell me or I am gonna tell Petris your little hiding spot” Gigi threatened.

Four replied “ aren’t you ashamed? bullying your elder brother who took care of you all his life. Zayn help me dude” Zayn was about to say something but his eyes fell on Gigi who was giving him IF YOU HELP HIM THEN BETTER FIND A HIDING SPOT look so he put his hands in the air before saying

“Nah man! I can’t find a spot which would keep me safe and hidden from Gigi”