

I blinked and shook my head, sighing that I got back to the cruel part of reality “I don’t know how long” I said but I knew I was lying; I was not planning on coming back. Hurt flashed by his face and he’s eyebrows met forming a ‘V’ as he frowned at me, I felt guilty but I pushed it aside reminding myself of the path I had already set in stone. But in that moment, I let a little of those feelings get to me and manipulate me.

“But, I’ll come back when it’s over…that is if you’ll wait for me” at those words I made a breakable promise that could shatter to the ground in a million pieces at any minute “You promise?’ he asked grasping my hands into his large warm ones, hope like no other shined in his golden orbs, he was not like others, the ones I wanted to shatter that hope. I wanted to be the person who brings out that spark in his eyes and I would destroy anyone who planned to ruin that spark.

“I promise” I said and that was the first mistake I made, the one I will forever be in debt to. With a heavy heart I managed to walk to my tutor lesson rethinking everything through; should I continue with this path? Should I make a new one? Or should I be who I made myself to be?

“Hello, you must be Joy. It’s a pleasure to meet you” At the sound of her voice, every thought from before was banished and locked behind the gates of hell, when I looked up and saw her standing there with her smile that put other’s to shame. Hunger filled me whole and anger consumed the light that had shone before covering it with darkness. ‘Lizzie’ I prayed.

I smiled at her, an actual smile “Likewise, must I say you are truly beautiful and kind Lizzie” I said closing the door and making sure to lock it which did not go unnoticed by her, I faked been shy and said “I’m new to this, I don’t want any interruptions” I lied to which she smiled, she was always so gullible but I did not let that put my guard down “let’s start” she said gesturing to the table in the far corner with books on it.

I must say learning to read was fascinating but also boring at the same time, for forty minutes straight she taught me the alphabet and the sounds each letter made, we were currently on later Q and when we reached R, I decided to toy with her and find out how she truly felt “So, R makes the sound similar to ruh or rih” she said pointing to the book.

“Oh so the word rose starts with R as well, so that means R also makes the sound Ro” I said looking at the book, but from my peripheral view I saw her clench her hands and look at me like I told her I am her ‘wait till I hold her in my grasp and tell her’ I thought “yeah” she whispered breathlessly and I had to bit my lip to withhold the smirk that wanted to grace her with its presence.

“Are you okay, you look a little pale?” I asked facing her and when our eyes met she became as white as a sheet of paper “you look just like her” she whispered and I picked up her heart beating like some up-beat rap song “Like who?” I fake frowned wanting her to spill the tea already.

She moved away from me, forgetting that she just caged herself between the wall and me, I completely lost it as I laughed causing her to tense “Why are you so afraid? I’m supposed to be died aren’t I?” I asked her, if she was as white as a paper before she just magically went snow white on me.

Her eyes widened like a rat seeing a cat for the first time, without a second thought she jumped over me and made a run for the door like an escape would save her, but I was in front of her within second holding her by the shoulder, she thrashed in my hold and that I accidently dislocated her shoulder but purposely kicked her calf brutally thereby shattering it into a thousand pieces.

Her scream echoed throughout the entire school and I knew I only has a few minutes before someone came “oh well, it’s not like I was going for a slow kill, all that matters is that at the end of this you die” I said and grabbed by the neck, I could feel her using her power to heal herself put I wasn’t having it, I wanted her to feel pain.

In a blink of an eye without an eyelash out of place, my hand pierced through her brown blazer and armpit skin causing an involuntary to gasp from her just as snapping from her body made her eyes go wide in pain and fear. I never thought it would work but it seemed yet again fate was on my side, it rhythmically thumped in my hand and I held it in amazement “Plea…please” she pleaded, and I looked at her face.

Sweat glistened her skin causing her hair to stick to it like paint on paper, and her blue eyes that once held happiness and joy now held; tears, pain and fear. I took pride in that, I was the source of her fear and pain like she was mine and that was enough to cause me to squeeze her heart that I held in the palm of my hands like a god.

She screamed and thrashed in my hold, but I stood still and with a blank face, her dark blue blood coated my arm and dripped to the floor like a drizzle on a sunny day, it was truly beautiful. Lizzie slowly began to accept that her life was in my hands and that I was there to end it “Why?” she weakly asked as she leaned on me “You killed me, remember?” I asked looking into her eyes.

I thought I knew it all that was until I was the one to decide who died and lived; the person standing on the bridge leading to death spoke words of regret and guilt. They said words that they thought were right for to justify their actions even though they knew deep down that whatever they did had no good reason for it to be done. In that moment, I learnt not to let a dead person speak a word.

“I…I sho- should ha-have killed, killed you-you myself” she whispered angrily and I clenched her heart so hard that I heard it burst inside of her and she went limp, I pulled out letting her fall to the ground. I stood there feeling like I could breathe again, I smiled as I sighed “May you rot in hell for your sins” I whispered and that is when the door behind me opened and I tensed in fear.

“Oh my God!”