


“Neil! Nwosu’s here!” Ma’ shouted closing the door as Nwosu entered their apartment after a long time of his absence “Thanks Ma’, I’ll go on to his room” Nwosu said noticing how the old woman’s eyes looked dull and lifeless, he sighed forcing himself to walk to where Neil’s room was.

Nwosu gently knocked on the door and opened it without waiting for a response, he closed the door behind him just as Neil stopped doing his push ups “Hey man” Neil said facing Nwosu who looked like the proper gentleman with a brown trench coat, white dress shirt, black slacks and shiny dress shoes.

“Hey” Nwosu greeted sitting down on Neil’s messy bed, Neil seeing Nwosu’s serious expression grabbed a hand towel and sat by his desk chair facing him “Come on spill” Neil simply said causing Nwosu to sigh “It’s about Joy- “”Her name is Rose” Neil spat already hating where this conversation was going.