
Chapter 6

Third person

The apartment was dead silence which meant Luke still hadn't came back from wherever he disappeared to last night. And quite frankly Mike couldn't be bothered to ask or care anymore. In all the years he'd been friends with Lucas he knew to never worry about his escapades. He would show up eventually. He always did. Be it now or in the next following weeks. That boy could party all year round and still be unsatisfied.

“Luke is still not be back I see" Lila clicked her tongue she was bored out of her mind with Michael Millar but had to pretend she was enjoy it. She could have been doing more important things with her time than babysitting an overgrown boy. The fact that Luke was out there having the time of his life irritated her even more. Here she was entertaining his friend while he was out probably sharing spit or banging with some bimbo. She could feel her hatred for him growing even more, he had blackmailed her and now wasn't even taking her calls. Asshole.

Mike only nodded as acknowledgment to her observations as he went on to the kitchen perhaps to get something to eat Lila thought. Quickly before Mike could return she fished out her phone from her bag and sent a message to Luke

‘where are you, you insufferable menace. I have places to be. Get her NOW!’

She then returned her phone back only for it to ping a few seconds later indicating that she has received a text.


‘ so much anger Lils, calm down. I’ll be there in 15’

Instead of calming her the text aggravated Lila even more. How dare he tell her to calm down. She has to spend two hours, two whole hours of her precious time with his boring friend. She was also starting varsity soon and had a lot of things to sort out first. Yet here she was. I’m a Harold for crying out loud I can not be seen roaming the streets eating ice-cream. God even the thought of ice-cream nauseated her. She could already picture the extra hours she’d have to spend at the gym just for one scoop. And the boy had the gall to ask her to sit out back of the truck. The sooner she got all those pictures from Luke the better. She just couldn't even imagine how she was going to swallow spending another date with Michael. And where was he. He just left her here without even a glass of water after she had to suffer under the sun for him, ungrateful bastards.

Finally after what felt like a lifetime Luke entered. Grinning as always, the fool. He still had on his clothes from yesterday which yet again proved Lila right, that he was having sex with some girl from last night. She was so angry at him she threw the first thing she saw at his face which happened to be the remote control. Luckily for his reflexes Luke dodged before it hit him. “I thought you would have calmed down by now Marilyn. And quit frowning you'll give yourself wrinkles”

Lila abruptly stood up having had reached her limits with Luke. “Lucas Theodore Stone I swear to God, do not start with me. Just give me the damn picture so I can leave. I’m already late as it is for my appointment “ she fumed in anger.

“Bloody hell Lila Did you have to use my whole name, I’ve got your damn picture.”

Snatching the picture from his out stretched hands Lila didn't even bother looking at it. She stomped out of the apartment banging the door on her way out.

She is so moody, maybe it’s that time of the month Luke thought. She didn't have to be so rude also but who was he kidding Lila Harold didn't take bullying from no one. He was just running on his lucky streak these days. Well lucky streak with only Lila. Ariana had been waiting for him at the parking lot when he came back and he had to drive around the block for almost an hour before he lost her. This was not what he bargained for. She just had to ruin his fun mood especially after the perfect sleep with Pam or was it Tammy.

He smirked at that they hadn't done any sleep whatsoever. Pam was an animal. He still could feel her scratches on his back giving him sweet sensations. They had went on for another two rounds before he decided to head back. He just hoped this Pam girl or Tammy wasn't as clingy as Ariana.

The smell of sex still clung to him but he still decided to check on Mike first. Lila had been waiting for him alone when he arrived. He peeked into Mike's room and immediately saw him laying on this back on the floor.

“You okay there buddy?”


“Was it that bad"

“It was worse"

“hmmm, let me hit the shower then we'll talk yeah? Do you need anything “

“No, go shower Luke you stink of sex"

“That I do…”

After soaking himself till his fingers started to prune Luke finally got out of the shower and got dressed, since he wasn't going anywhere he settled for a black t-shirts and sweat pants. He went back to check on Mike and was glad he wasn't on the floor anymore but was rather seated on the couch. “I met Mrs. Mitch today. Why did you never mention her.”

Luke knew what Mike was trying to do but he let him have it just this once. “Such a sweetheart, my dad got her for me" that was a lie he couldn't exactly remember if it was his mom or dad but one them had after witness what a mess he could create just on his own. He didn't even remember if he had ever conversed with the lady always to busy.

“She told me you went for a run this morning”

“Yeah I texted her and told her to make you breakfast”

They were quite for a while until Luke decided to rip and Band-Aid off and ask about Lila. He stole a glance at Mike who seemed to be lost in his thoughts before asking “ So did it go with Lila “

Mike sat up straight, it was hard to drag his mind back to Lila. Luke's aftershave swirled around him,causing his thoughts to drift back to last night and how his stumble seemed to be too overgrown. He knew he was stalling, avoiding to answer. It took a lot of effort to erase his embarrassment from last night.

Taking a breath, he looked at his friend once more and had to remind himself that Luke was only just trying to help. “ I know you had something to do with her coming to my room last night”

Briefly he wondered if nerves had prompted Luke to ask how things went with Lila or if he was just collecting his evidence either way he was not impressed.

“ I just wanted you to come out”

“And this morning”

“ Come on mate, you know this is not healthy. You have to interact with other people besides me"

“ I know, sorry for sounding ungrateful. I know you're just trying to help me”

Luke nodded, telling himself it was better to stop talking about Lila for now. They still had a lot of time before school started and he didn't want to aggravate Mike more than he already had.

He thought back last night, after Mike had stormed out to his room, and a smile graced his lips. He might have ran off bit Luke could see remnants of excitement in his friend. He just had to continue seeing Lila and maybe finally lose his virginity. He groaned at that and Mike turned to look at him with a puzzled face. He flashed him a smile “Last night was awesome, right? What do you say we hit the club tonight”

Luke rolled his eyes at that but wasn't against the idea besides it being an inconvenience at least he could get drunk and maybe get some shut eye. He supposed it couldn't hurt, as long as Luke was there. He liked to think of him as his anchor. It was a given from since they were little, Luke had his saving grace. And if Luke was good at one thing it was partying.

A full minute of silence lapsed before Mike finally responded. “ Sure, I’ll go freshen up"

Using his time productively while Mike showered, Luke took his phone and logged on to Instagram. He was just browsing when he came across Lila’s story deciding to do a little stalking. He went on her page and discovered that she was at Levine's, a famous hangout club. He just couldn't believe his luck. This was exactly what he needed.

Having decided he too went on to change to the appropriate attire for clubbing. He was so immersed in his thoughts, he didn't hear the knock on his door until it came again, a little louder this time.

“Come in, buddy I’m just finishing getting dressed” he called out still fiddling with his dress shirt buttons. Not wanting to lose his concentration he paid no mind to Luke. Damn it why are these things so much work, better my golf t-shirts. “ I'll be with you in a minute, I just need to fasten this stubborn shirt then we'll be on our way" He heard the door open and close but was still facing the opposite. “ Ahhh finally" he hollered in triumph.

Turning around he saw Mike looking around the room having never been in it before. He was also dressed in jeans and a shirt. Luke smiled that was the one thing he had in common with his best friend, their dress style.

“Okay I’m all done, let’s go"

When Mike didn't say anything still looking around the room, Luke went to pat him on his back bringing him back from wherever he was. “Let's get going”