Chapter 3: Love triangle?


Well, get to know me I am the oldest 23 years old.

I suffered the most in this problem, while my mom was always crying and taking anxiety medication and being around us without being conscious about what was happening around her, I had to play the role of a mother to my sisters and brother while I actually needed someone to care about me and hear me when I cry aloud just to get this off my chest.

However I managed my life until now since I was twelve.

I got accepted since 2 years in engineering University and after that I got to computer sciences field. I excelled in it and my life was amazing. I never trust people right now so easily but my biggest fear is love because, I know if I love someone, or even more trust him and after that got my heart broken, I'll end up in a total mess that I'm afraid to handle.

But I know I can't help falling for someone ............. But who is he?

There was that odd one- Prouker-, we were neighbours and every time I went out, he would open the door of his apartment and follow me and say hi and ask how do I do, I would just answer him and start walking like I am busy or something.

I always avoided him because, he was the playboy, always walking his dog to get girls' attention and always walking and talking to a different girl and who knows what happens next?

After days from that, I find this girl trying to get his attention, trying to talk to him, even asking him for help just to be around him but all he does is reject her.

I hated this personality how he was hypocrite or as it was said flip-flopper, I saw him behind my window sometimes when I would be waiting for mom to come and he was smiling in front of people's faces and then cursing them and saying really bad things about them in their absence. I never understood him, he rarely works, and his family is rich. They have got a lot of cars, they studied abroad and his mother said that he is an engineer but never responsible.

He was older, l mean he passed the thirty for a while. I wanted to know why he is like that. Well, from what I saw his mother was so evil, she acted like a good person to us but she was never clear, she was that kind of person that looks at you like you are full of flaws; that she wants to threaten you with it. I saw his dad a few times but never knew anything about him only that he cares a lot about the people and how gentleman he should appear in front of them and that my dad dislikes him so much.

Prouker had a brother – Loncent- a younger one that I have seen 2 times behind my window unintentionally while waiting for my mom to come back from work, he was always abroad in America or sometimes Spain , I didn't know him at all but my dad liked him unlike his brother. His account on Web appeared to me once and I was curious to know something about him so, I opened it and realized he was a playboy too.... Taking pictures with girls in bikinis wasn't too good for first impression. His mom said that he worked.... More responsible huh..... Well, until now I didn't get anybody. But I really was willing to know...... But why do l want to know about them? I guess I will know so soon....

Was that me crushing on someone? Well, I don't know yet.

Love to me is struggle, like love is dangerous or something, I feel it never gets serious unless you suffer, unless you face obstacles while you're putting on a brave face. A feeling that you can stand against all this world just for the one you love even if you could never be together , you will always manage it and be United. But is anybody that serious in love? Is that even love?