Chapter 34: Fight or Flight?!


Sometimes when we face struggles, we choose the flight response or more like the withdrawal response. We choose to flee from our life and not fight against it...

Our feelings...

Our dilemma...

Our fears...

Our mistakes...

And of course, love.

Sometimes we search our whole life for something and we try over and over again to reach it, but we don't realize what we lost during our journey...

We feel it is so important, more like indispensable while in fact, we had what was more essential...

But as humans, we don't appreciate anything we have! We look forward to something others have... until we lose it all!

We - Men - do that a lot!

The better the competition, the higher the value of a woman...

We don't treat women well! It's more like a merchandise...

Sometimes when I think to myself, I say why did I ever speak to any girl I dated...