Chapter 39: Life going crazy!

“ What? Are you crazy? Didn’t I just tell you... I can’t get married to anyone...

Do you understand what I had been telling you these past few minutes?

It’s like I had been talking to myself!

I guess I need to refresh your memory..... I.can’t.marry.anyone! ”

“ No, I didn’t mean it in that way... we can get married just so you could get out of that trouble... I won’t try any funny businesses! I know the mess you are in and I won’t push you further... I just want to help!”

“ So, your idea of helping is getting married?

As if marriage is that easy... what will it be? A marriage with a deal and a fixed date for divorce? Tell me...

I am in a bad situation and I am totally aware of it but... since I was a kid, when I thought of being married to someone...

I always wanted him to be my first and last one... I always wanted something real not fake or a deal...