Chapter 51: I kind of like you!

Wist’s P.O.V.

What? Are you kidding me? You are Hunter?!”

“Yeah and you?”

“Wist. This is truly one of the most embarrassing moments I’ve ever lived in my life!”

“Guess we’ll be best friends after that!”

“Nah, thanks because I don’t want more complications in my life and I don’t want boy friends… You know the one with a space in between the two SEPARATE words.”

“So, you don’t like the one with space what about the one without?”

I looked daggers at him across the office table and he added:

“Sorry about what I said at last but I wanted to tell you that even if you disagree and try to avoid me, I’ll always be by your side; I kind of like you… and maybe you could use me as your newspapers to inform you with last-minute news!”

“It seems that where ever I go, trouble always find me! Now I’ll be dealing with 4 ticking bombs… Good for me, YAY!” I said mocking myself.