Chapter 2

Every rainy night, I stand under the raindrops thinking how yor existence would make me feel warm, and pray the heavens to have you by my side to feel that warmth.


Trance and looking out of the window was all I have in mind while I was in the car. I felt that my life was the same as well, as I look at it from a window. I just looked at others while simply controlling my life. My eyes went into a deep trace along the way.

My hand stopped drawing. My mind kept narrating old stories and wounds that refused to heal. It narrated stories about him and me, about us coming together mestiriously, and about what is going to happen. But I was dumb as usual.

Quiet music sneaked into my mind from my earphones but I only paid attention to it now for falling into deep trance.

I remembered an old memory burned into my mind and can't be erased. It is the first time I met him. The scenario was flashing before my eyes as if I'm watching a movie. On that day, I rushed outside.


" I'll be off now, mom", I said before running to my work while my bag hanging off my shoulder and trying to keep all my papers in my hand.

I ran in our little garden trying to hold my stuff in my hand, but I hit something warm and less severe than a lamppost. It was a body. I raised my face so shyly and carefully to apologize, but I met his eyes. It felt like I used to look at his eyes daily though it was the first time we met. His eyes that captured me and refused to set me free didn’t belong to a passer by who I would never see or look at again. It seemed that they would never set me free.

What I felt at that moment was neither love nor attraction, but a moment when you feel that something wrong had been installed in the puzzle of your life, forcing you to disassemble it.

It felt scary as the moment that would change your life forever, and nothing would never be the same was when I saw him smiling in my face for the first time_ his smile to greet strangers.

Without realizing, he held my pack back's straps to adjust the first one on my shoulder, then he took the second onefrom my back, making him close to me and caressing me in a way caused my face to turn red.

I've never been a girl who gets close to men, except for Hyung Min. Not even a date. I've never dated anyone in my life because, simply, I've never fell in love.

It was the first time a man is so close to me that much. I had a feeling of awe and fear of committing a forbidden deed, and another sweet feeling of a teenager girl exploring a world called the opposite sex.

Oh God, how white his hands are. His veins are pupping out. I never know that one's veins can be sexy. He gave me the bag and I unconsciously thanked him. So, he bowed lightly and went to our house. It seemed he would meet my father.

I remained absent-minded staring at his back and I forgot that I was in a hurry a couple of minuites age as I was late. It was as if he took time, logic and thw world with him while leaving.

That's how it all started; I had no idea that the fire would rage and won't stop before getting one of us killed.

My memory stopped there and closed its door in my head for another door to open. It was the worst day's door.

One day, sitting in the dark enjoying the light of the silver moon sneaking into my room to enlighten it with a lovely non-annoying light. Suddenly, a scream broke the silence. It was not a mayday but screaming with protestations penetrating my ears. If that voice belonged to our household, I wouldn't bother descending. However, there were strange voices!

I quickly got up trying to make my sleepy look a little moderate then I went out looking downstairs as I found my parents, my brothers and the stranger.

The stranger!

He was shouting!!!

And there was a man and a woman whom I assume they were his parents.

I tried to get any word they were saying.

He shouted: " you won't force me. I don’t want her. I love another one." So his father yelled at him firmly. But the stranger refused to refused to stop give up defending his right.

I realized that the one he doesn’t want was absolutely me. Since when does anyone even want me?

I heard what the parents said to persuade him of our marriage! In what age are we to be forced?! That's it, I will go down and yell at them. I don’t want to get marriedm especially that way. But I found the stranger running outside furiously slamming the door behind him; the sound still aching my ears.

Then, I asked them to clear it up. All I understood that the two families are friendsand it was a great lineage instead of that girl whom he loved. They also claimed that she was after his money.

But, I'm the only one who sees them together. I'm the only one who knows how much she loves him and he loves her back even more.

How much I suffer when I say that. I wish that girl would be bad; then, I can take a little part in his heart, but unfortunately, she is not. Love is clear in her eyes bightly even to the blind. However, I'm sure she would never love him as much as I do, even if she gave him the love of the world. Even if I accepted that he loves her gracefully, I sould be the sacrificer.

But you, Stranger, Sir Jeon Soo, no one will love you as much as I do.


" Ma'am, ma'am"

I heard that voice coming from afar bringing my mind from my memory gate back to my harsh reality. It was the taxi driver informing me that I arrived.

I stepped out of the car to the company to find Hyung Min receiving me himself with a face like a bomb to go off. He yelled at the rest to take the designs from me as the work depends on them. I raised my hands straight to protect myself from him.

" Hyung Min, stop, steam is coming off of your head, man." I said as the funny Yeon Hee started to take over. This character is close to my heart with Hyung Min only.

He narrowed his eyes at me. My boss is very strict; he would kill me, no doubt. He looked left and rightas everyone was busy, so he took my hand firmly and pulled me into his office.

Hyung Min and I are known as the cat and mouse here.

He bears my insanity because my work is great, according to him. I think he is exaggerating as he is my dear childhood and adolesence friend.

Now, he looks like as if he is about to fire me or kill me. But when he let me in the office and pushed me to dall on the couch, I found a royal breakfast in front of me. The couch shook as he threw himself onto it.

" Come on, eat". That's my awesome Hyung Min.

I smiled wide at him and he looked at me angrily.

" I didn’t hold accountable on you for that heart attack you were about to give me today. But I know that you don’t eat anything in that ghost house, so eat everything here, come on." He said in an angry tone that seemed to indifferent. He looked like a cute angry kid but he really influenced me.

He knows what I'm going through, even my love for Jeon Soo.

I looked at him with humorous grateful expression, so he looked at me sideways, saying: "I know you're deeply touched but hurry uo, we have a lot of work. I don’t want you to faint as usual".

Here, he revealed to all one of my secrets.

The company is very cute and familial. The colors are striking and wild but at the same time, they refresh mind and heart harmoniously. They also give life to it as if the place is vibrant and participating in our work.

This company was a family place more than a workplace. It included couches and open-ended rooms. All rooms correspond each other_ not closed-off_ for the team work.

No one has his own private office. There is no offices here. On the other hand, Hyung Min's room can be called verbally an office as he is the CEO. There is a television and a refrigator full of delicious food.

The company doesn’t have a large number of employees. We are regarded as friends since college, except for who joined us recently and they quickly became our friends.

This place is completely full of great positive energy.

One of the most important and beautiful figures here is Taeyang for sure, Hyung Min's girlfriend. Of course she was jealous of me at first because I'm his close friend. But I indirectly taught her not to be.

She is pretty, kind and loving with the ability to listen to all. I wish I could talk but deficit inside me is heavy for my heart and tongue. However, she is incredibly terrifyingly strict at work, so we're all afraid of her. "All of us" includes Hyung Min of course. Therefore, she is a great supporter for me in my tough times. She eeven let me sleep at her house and kick Hyung Min out but he never gets angry. I love him so much.

We've finished breakfast and started our work which was initiated firmly by Taeyang. I've finished my part so I was helping the trainers in their designs.

Taeyang and I were moving freely and smoothly on a spirited song igniting our energy; we ended up dancing. Hyung Min supports this idea as it helps in the support and flow of ideas.

I untied my hair. It felt like I was free of everything around me. My feet led me to the garden of the company headquarters. I needed to fly high.

I didn’t know how or from where this person came to hold me in his arms when I was about to fall while spinning around unconsciously.

I opened my eyes looking at him. Then, a nice breeze blew and set my hair free. So my hair became close to him caressing his face.

Wait a minuite..

I know who he is. I saw him with Jeon Soo at the company before.

" Oh Hyung Ree? "