Chapter 3

The place was now filled with grunts and groans followed by screams and pleads of the guards.

Poor little things!

i almost felt bad for them. Almost!

as i finished killing the last guard i noticed that my bright red dress was now covered in crimson red liquid. not that i mind i actually feel better now.

You see being the daughter of a mafia and being trained your whole life till you bones cracked and skin cut open till flesh is visible blood becomes your best friend and comforts you actually.

but being pushed beyond limits didn't mean i wasn't loved.

my father loved me to his bones. he spoiled me a lot. the reason he trained me so brutally is because he knows the world out there is even more brutal.

he doesn't want his daughter to suffer and not being able to fight back. he gave a tough love

i was soo lost in my own thoughts that i didn't even realize the doash bag was looking at me shocked.

I snapped back to reality when i heard clicks of two metals bumping into each other.

one dozen guards again stood in front of me looking horrified.

Ughhhh this is going to be a long fucking day!

i cursed gripping on the sword in my hands i cut the long freaking gown which was slowing me down exposing my now perfectly tanned legs.

A loud growl escaped from the doash bags mouths

"Everyone leave !" he roared making everyone flinch, off course excluding me.

now it was just him and me

"You dare show what belongs to me to other men?" He roared making me scoff

" i don't belong to anyone!"

i said adding fuel to the fire of his anger.

His took a deep breath trying to control his anger the prove of which was the vein popping up on the left side of his forehead

" like playing with games huhhh!" he said taking the long and heavy veil off his shoulders.

"Let's see if you can play with fire!" he said in his deep dangerous voice.

His voice turned on the hungry beast hidden inside me.

not the beast your dirty little mind is thinking off ( yes don't pretend i know what you were thinking) the beast who is hungry for blood. His blood

"Oh hell yes! bring it on"

with that said he barged towards me completely unarmed.

since he was unarmed i also dropped my swords.

i only like a fair game.

(Now i don't know anything about any martial arts. everything is just my imagination)

He seemed like he was about to punch me which i easily dodged but to my surprise that fucker took me off guard used his leg and hit mine making me fall on the floor.

"Fuck!" i cursed and groaned in pain but quickly recovered and dodged the punch he threw at me by rolling away. i saw a metal helmet near my leg and kicked it which hit him hard on his forehead earning me time to quickly stand up.

Well this fucker is better than i thought. in that case I won't go easy on him now

Once again we were facing each other this time i took the lead ran towards him i pretended I was kicking his side but instead i forwarded a fist his body quickly reacted and tried to defend my move felling into my trick. in reality neither i was kicking him nor punching him

I took step back and jumped in the air high and wrapped my legs around his neck made a swing and pinned him to the floor with my fist just 25 centimetre above his perfectly straight nose.

Oh how delightful would it be to witness blood dripping down that nose.

"You are really good my wild cat! seems like your father kept you well hidden" The fucker said with a smile on his captivating face making me not only want to break his nose but he himself too.

Suddenly my sharp instincts kicked in as i looked around and saw 2 dozen women with arrows aimed towards me.

"You might wanna get off" The fucker making my blood boil in anger

"They are not afraid to shoot dear"

Much to my dismay i got off him as a woman quickly came towards me with a cloth in her hand trembling

"Now put it on and cover those legs" he said

I looked around and concluded that the situation wasn't in my favor and took the blanket and wrapped it around myself

I was bathed and given a new suit those women with arrows following me around to make sure i don't make nay fuss again.

then i was taken to the same chamber i ran from.

i entered only to see that sucker laying on the bed with his eyes closed.

I looked around trying to find something to slit his throat open only stop as he spoke

"Don't you even think about it wild cat the women are still here surrounding this room. they won't hesitate to kill you"

i just stood there fuming in anger

He opened his eyes and looked at me

"don't just stand there come and sleep"he said

"There is no way in this world i am sleeping next to you" i said bitterness dripping down my voice

"Why? you think i would do something to you? come on i have a better taste"

i was dumb foded. not knowing what to do i just went and lay down beside him my back facing him. i closed my eyes and tried sleeping only to be woken by his sudden question

"Where did you learn combat fighting?"

i remained quiet not wanting to talk to him

"What do you love the most?" he again asked pissing me off

"at the moment i would the voice of you shutting the fuck up!"

the moment those words left my mouth i was spun around and he was on top of me. his eyes blood shot

"Why do you hate me so much and love him? what does he has that i don't?"

his question startled me

Looks like the owner of his body liked someone else

poor him!

i took a deep breath and said

"Look i don't know who is HE and i don't know what you are talking about but i am really tired and want to sleep"

"Do you love him or me?" his question pissed me off

"Listen here you lovesick idiot and listen well i don't love anyone!" i roared and to my surprise his eyes softened and he smiled

What the fuck?

what a weirdo

"You don't love him" he said with a smile and kissed my forehead and got off me.